Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

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@Owl Ki

What did you think of the Turn Back the Pendulum flashback?
I did not have any immediate problems with the events or how they played out. It was enjoyable for the most part but I did find the timing of it a bit off. Having a flashback that is over a volume long just as the Arrancar invade the world of the living was a bit jarring.

I also find it strange that Urahara, Yoruichi and Shinji for all of their wits, could not warn the 13 Court Guard Companies about Aizen for over a century or that Gin did not turn any of this to his advantage in regards to betraying Aizen.
I did not have any immediate problems with the events or how they played out. It was enjoyable for the most part but I did find the timing of it a bit off. Having a flashback that is over a volume long just as the Arrancar invade the world of the living was a bit jarring.

I also find it strange that Urahara, Yoruichi and Shinji for all of their wits, could not warn the 13 Court Guard Companies about Aizen for over a century or that Gin did not turn any of this to his advantage in regards to betraying Aizen.
Looking forward to your thoughts on the Quincy arc, it’s where I dropped Bleach.