Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Also like I've stated before I don't have lots of games in me, the Marvel cinematic universe is likely my final game and I will be making sure the game set up is similar to my Bleach and Pokémon games I have hosted, as I believe that was peak aries games but I'm considering a interquel game, something much smaller, probably 25ish players using the hunter x hunter game set up i did before.

The boys or Horror themed game are the 2 I've pretty much have narrowed it down too. Lately I've been leaning towards horror movies and thought of a funny idea after rewatching Cabin in the woods. Cinematic Mafia II: Scooby doo across the Horror Verse. A scooby doo game where they as Mafia have to face off against the countless horror themed icons.
A pokemon game would be nice.

I remember that one game in NF that I was Zinnia and it was pretty cool.
Win Con: You win the game once all other Hostile Indies have been killed or lynched in the game

Base abilities: Indie Serial Killer: Target any player and if they are a Hostile Indie or Culted kill them

(Indomitable Will) Protect yourself from all actions for a cycle

(Space Hog) Redirect back any action that targets you for the cycle

(Super Tracking) Target any player and find out their role bypassing any protection

(Chained Hook) Target a Hostile Indie with the least amount of posts and face them in r/p/s if you win omega kill them

(Frag Grenades) Players can activate their assist abilities during the dayphase without waiting a phase but assist abilities have no effect on you for the dayphase

(Rorscharch: Paranoid Investigation) This can be activated after a phase. Pick any player and use a random investigation on them (Tracker, Watcher or Cop investigation)

(Silk Spectre: Hero Succesor) This can be activated if a Town player has been killed or lynched gain one of their Supers as a one shot

(The Comedian: Crowd Control) This can be activated at the start of the phase. Prevent Indie roles from activating or setting Assist abilities for the cycle

(Ozymandias: Giant Squid) This can be activated if you are killed or lynched. The nightphase will be skipped

(Night owl: Night Vigilante) This can be activated if your base ability fails. You can reuse it again in the night phase
How'd I get killed by an ability that kills hostile indies when I was a non-hostile indie
Yeah that was unfortunate I had envisioned darksied to have been a bigger threat. Kinda like how in my one piece game even though kaido and big mom were Godfathers blackbeard was the looming threat through out. But shit happens sometimes, you did off flash and i think that spun the wheel for Towns demise later on as Flash was probably the 4th most important role for town right behind Superman, Batman and Wonder woman
I enjoyed the game, also this game role hinting did not destroy the game for scum, not sure if it was more thanks to players behaviour or design.

I would appreciate access to scum chats and seeing all the roles

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
Can you post your Team roles?

Base Ability: Godfather: You are the Godfather of the Injustice League. You control the Faction Kill and are immune to investigations

(Crowbar) Target any player and skip their drawphase, give it to one of the Injustice League for a extra abilities

(Joker Venom) Target any player and effect them with Joker venom. If you are killed or lynched it will activate turning them into "Joker"

(Acid Flower) Target 3 players and randomly banish 3 abilities from their deck list

(Pencil Magic Trick) Redirect the lynch onto any player

(Joker Immunity) Become immune to status ailments abilities and become lynchproof for the cycle

(Arthur: You get what you fucken deserve) Target any player and lie detect then, if they are telling the truth omega kill them

(The Riddler: Gotham Bombing) This can be activated after votes have been locked. Host makes a trivia question. First 5 players that answer it will be immune while the rest will be burned from activating or setting assist abilities for the rest of the cycle excluding the Injustice League

(Two-Face: Coin Flip) This can be activated when votes have been locked, flip a coin if you call it right stop the lynch

(Scarecrow: Fear Toxins) This can be activated after a phase make the next 2 Super abilities actions be randomized

(Mad Hatter: Mad as a hatter) This can be activated after a action is process Target 2 players and bus drive their base form abilities onto one another

Base ability: Cop: Every cycle you can investigate a player and find out their alignment

(Swords) Target 2 players and vote block them for the dayphase

(Sniper Rifle) Janitor the Lynch

(Grenades) Pick any 3 numbers. Players who land on it will be burned for the cycle

(Heavy Sniper) See 3 set abilities on the field. One from town, Hostile Indie and mafia. Destroy 2 and let one on the field

(Combat Knife) Protect Injustice League Set abilities from being targeted for the cycle

(Rose Wilson: Judas Contract) This can be activated after a phase. Target any player and make them appear as Mafia under investigations and lie detects.

(Blackfire: Star Bolt) This can be activated after a phase. Target one Mafia Role that is not Godfather or Culted role and challenge them to r/p/s. If you win role block them for the cycle

(Dr Light: Light Flash) This can be activated when a incoming action is activated, host rolls a dice of 3 and depending on whats rolled determines how many actions will be redirected at random

(Jericho: Soul possession) This can activated after a phase pick a set ability and take full control of the assist ability to target any player

(Talia la Ghul: League of Shadows) This can be activated during the nightphase. Amp your Cop role to not fail during the nightphase, gain the full role
Black Adam-Mafia

Base ability: Role Blocker: Target any player and role block them for the cycle

(Power of Anton) Amp your base form ability to a one shot Role crush

(Lightning Cage) Pick either the Cult Leader or The Necromancer. Paralyze then for the cycle

(Lightning Storm) Prevent town from activating their Set Assist abilities for the phase

(Black Clouds) Pick any number, the player that lands on it is role blocked for the cycle

(Lightning Strike) Target 3 players. 1 that is a Hostile indie and block them from activating their base form ability, 1 that Legion of Doom role excluding Godfather block them from activating a super ability and 2 that has been culted and block them from setting or activating any Assist abilities

(Dr Sirvana: Eye of Sin) This can be activated when a Assist ability has been banished. Activate this to gain access to the ability

(Mr. Mind: Mind Control) This can be activated when a Suicide Squad Assists have been gained. Pick one and steal it

(Sabaac: Souls of the Damned) This can be activated if one of the Injustice League players has been killed or lynched. Use one of their Super abilities

(Hestia: Power of Elements) You can activate this after you have made 2 posts in the game. Target any player and attach a random status ailment onto them for the cycle

(Kalypso: Power of Chaos) This can be activated after waiting a phase. Confuse 1 Town, Indie and other Mafia Role for the cycle. This has no effect on Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Darksied, Lex Luthor, Brainiac
Reverse Flash-Mafia

Base ability: Nexus: Base abilities that target you will target another player at random. Amped abilities can target you and omega kills

(Intangibility Kill) Turn the Faction Kill into a Super Kill

(Accerlated Perception) See 3 incoming actions and who was targeted. 1 base, 1 Super and 1 Assist ability. You can Negate them or let them pass

(Speed Mirage) Hide the Injustice League Members votes excluding your own in the Mafia pm for the dayphase

(Negative Speed Force) Target any write up and negate it. This has no effect on omega kills

(Speed Vibrations) Hide your real vote inside the Injustice League pms

(Mirror Master: Sealed in a Mirror) This can be activated after a player has quoted a player. Pick any player and Role Block/ Drawphase Block them for the dayphase

(Top: Vertigo Inducement) This can be activated after the final vote count is made. Pick any player and switch their vote to another player

(Zoom: Decay Inducement) This can be activated after the final vote count. Janitor the lynch

(Savitar: Energy Absorbtion) This can be activated if you have been targeted by a super ability. Absorb it as a one shot

(Thinker: DNA Manipulation) This can be activated if one of the Injustice League roles has been inflicted with a status ailment. Activate this to switch their base form ability for a phase and heal them from the status ailment
The Brain-Mafia

Base Ability: Doctor: Each cycle you can protect a player from actions

(Brain Control) Target 2 players and busdrive their base form abilities onto one another

(Telekinetic) Redirect back the first ability that targets one of the Injustice League Set Assist abilities

(Coercion) Activate one of the Injustice League Set abilities without having to wait a phase to activate it

(Robotic Body) Protect 2 players from the Injustice League from actions for the cycle

(Loud Speaker) Reveal a Mafia or Indie Role your team have investigated

(Mallah Monseur: Gorilla Bodyguard ) You can activate this after a phase, Protect an Injustice League Member during the nightphase

(Madam Rogue: Shapeshift Spy) You can activate this after you have posted 3 times in the phase, Make one of the Injustice League Members appear as a Town role under investigations

(Mr. Nobody: Fourth Wall Breaking) You cam activate this after a phase you can troll the players for 2 cycles by sending them dayphase messages

(Garguax the Destroyer: The Mission) You can activate this if an Injus
tice League member was killed or lynched. Gain an additional draw phase for one of the Injustice League members

(Heinreich Von Fuchs: Nazi Science) You can activate this after an Injustice League player has voted. Pick one Injustice League Player and amp a super ability for a one shot


King of Knights

Lex Luthor-Mafia

Base ability: Godfather: You are the Godfather of the Legion of Doom. You will appear as town under investigations and lie detects. You choose who does the Faction kill

(Kryptonite) Turn the Faction Kill into a Omega Kill

(Kryptonian Imprisonment) Target any player and remove them from the game for a cycle. They will be silenced for the cycle

(Book of Destiny) Rearrange the order of you drawphase abilities. Gain access to one suicide squad assist when they become available

(Explosion Inducement) Turn one of your Legion of Doom members into a bomb, if they are lynched pick up to 3 players and inflict them with different status ailments the next dayphase

(Lex suit) Become immune to killshots for 3 phases. Only a Omega Kill or Lynch can get rid of you

(Doomsday: Death of Superman) This can be activated if 2 or more Legion of Doom players have been killed or lynched. Gain a Omega Kill one shot

(Parasite: Aborbtion) This can be activated after if it's been destroyed, banished or returned back to the hand. Role Crush the player and copy their base form ability and vote power

(Livewire: Electricity Mimcry) This can be activated if you have found Mafia or a Hostile indie player via Cop. Reveal the result

(Bizarro: Bizzare Adventure) This can be activated after a phase. Make a fake lie detect on a player

(Toyman: Yo Yo) This can be activated after a phase. Reuse a Legion of Doom base form ability


Base Ability-Redirector: Target any player and redirect their base action onto another player

(Fear Blasts) Target any player and redirect their Super ability onto another player

(Arachnid Sting) Target any player and confuse them for 3 phases

(Final Shackles) Target any player and delay their actions for the cycle

(Impact Event) Confuse everyone for the nightphase

(Sinestros Might) Make a fake write up

(Hector Hammond: Illusion Casting) This can be activated during the night phase to hide behind any player. All actions that target you will target them instead

( Parrallax: Fear Entity) This can be activated during the dayphase. Target any player and Silence them for the dayphase

(Maxima: Worthy Husband) This can be activated during the nightphase. Face any player in r/p/s if you win they cannot Target the Legion of Doom with any abilities for the rest of the game also gain an additional vote power aslong as they are alive.

(Infernian: Pyro Control) This can be activated during the dayphase. Target any player and burn them. prevent them from activating or setting any Assist abilities for the cycle

(K'hunds: Metalic Eye) This can be activated after 3 posts have been made. If Gorilla grodd is alive amp their Cop ability investigation, if he is dead gain a one shot investigation ability

Black Manta-Mafia

Base Ability: Role Blocker: Target any player and role block them for the cycle

(Red Beam) Host rolls a dice of 3, depending on whats rolled determines how many set abilities you can destroy

(Retractable Blade) When this is activated if a Legion of Doom Super fails you can burn the player from activating any Super abilities the following dayphase

(Wrist Mount Harpoon Gun) Pick any number and player who lands on it has their drawphase skipped for the phase and paralyzed for the cycle

(Manta Knife) Target any player and steal their vote for the dayphase

(Black Trident) Activate a Assist ability that has been destroyed in the game or failed

(Jesse Kane: Handheld Explosive) This can be activated if you are about to be lynched. Become a bomb and randomly take a player with you

(Kordax: Black Trident Possession) This will activate if you are killed or lynched even if this wasn't set. Amp a Legion of Doom players base form ability as a one shot

(Nereus: Hydro Pulse Rifle) This can be activated when a incoming super ability is activated. Burn the player from setting or activating any Assist abilities for the cycle

(Ocean Master: Orvax Trident) This can be activated after a phase. Target 2 players and burn them. 1 from activating any Super abilities and the other from setting or activating any Assist set abilities

(China White: Stealthy Mercenary) This can be activated during the night, target any player and see who they targeted during the nightphase. You can stop them or let the action pass

Gorilla Grodd-Mafia

Base ability: Cop: Target any player and find out their role

(Mental Detection) If you or one the Injustice League Members have been targeted by a cop, Tracker or Watcher ability reveal their identity to your group

(Mental Shield) Prevent the Watcher and Tracker from targeting the Legion of Doom for the cycle

(Psychic Illusion) Make a Legion of Doom player appear as a Town role if they are lynched. Their real role is revealed if you are killed or lynched

(Speed Force Connection) When this is activated Legion of Doom can bypass Doctor, Bodyguard, Healer and Nexus abilities with their abilities for the cycle

(Telepathic Crown) Amp your Cop role for the rest of the game to gain the full role/abilities of players you investigate

(Anthony Ivo: Mirakuru) This can be activated when a Legion of Doom player activates a Super ability. Amp it to not fail

(Cicada: Power Negation) This can be activated if you are lynched. Role Crush a player that helped lynched you

(Godspeed: Temporal Facturing) This can be activated after a vote count is made. Host rolls a dice of 5 and it will determine your vote power for the phase

(Music Meister: Musical Episode) You can activate this at the start of the dayphase. Make everyone post in colored font for the entire dayphase. The player with the most votes and least will face off in r/p to determine the lynch

(Rainbow Raider: Pathokenis) This can be activated when a player has either been successfully culted by cult leader or revived by the Necromancer . Negate it


Base ability: Doctor: Target any Legion of Doom players and protect them for the cycle

(Claw Retraction) Negate 2 incoming Town abilities

(Superhuman Durability) Become Bulletproof for a cycle. Kill shots have no effect and Super kills have a 50% of failing. Only omega kills can kill you

(Regenerative Healing Factor) When this has been activated for 3 phase status ailment abilities have no effect on you

(Beastly Speed) When this has been activated when the Suicide Squad Assists become available you gain access to one of them first

(Beastly Endurance) Activate your base form ability a second time

(Max Lord: Dream Stone Wish) This can be activated during the nightphase. Allow one Legion of Doom player to rearrange their deck list in the order they want to draw them out

(Doctor Poison: Gas Pellet) This can be activated if the Legion of Doom Faction Kill fails, Target the player and remove destroy their next assist ability

(Abra Kadabra: Vibe Immunity) This can be activated after a phase make a Legion of Doom player immune to lie detection

(Weather Wizard: Weather Manipulation) This can be activated when a status ailment Super ability has been activated, redirect it to another player

(Werner Ztyle: Vertigo) This can be activated after you have posted two or more times. Target any player and confuse them for the cycle
You were Catwomen? May be considered hostil, seems you were missing with everyone.
I was not Catwoman. I was Hawkman, and used an ability I won to turn myself indie with the wincon

"You exit the game once the following roles have been killed or lynched

Win Con 1: Starro, One Hostile Indie, One God Father Role and 2 Legion of Doom Roles have been killed or lynched

Win Con 2: Brother Blood, One Hostile Indie, One Godfather Role and 2 Injustice League roles have been killed or lynched"

Black Canary DCEU was activated

Cassandra Cain assist was activated on ?? From letting them use or set Assist abilities

Vigilante was activated to kill Daniel/Brain

Hyppotyla was activated to reuse Vigilante to kill Luka/Reverse Flash

Lobo tried to kill ??? But they were protected

Brother Blood/Soulkiller and Ratchet/Red Hood/Super Girl have gained majority vote and have achieved their win con of taking over
oh, game's over

thanks for the game again :o

congratulations @SoulKiller & @Ratchet

altho, ngl i have no idea why Ratchet wasn't vigged after it was made clear he cannot be turned back xd


The End and the Beginning
altho, ngl i have no idea why Ratchet wasn't vigged after it was made clear he cannot be turned back xd
We were counting on me being Vigged actually. I was immortal and would survive even the lynch and Omega kills, because my role was tied to Brother Blood. I kind of said as much to the thread expecting people to not believe me and shoot me anyway.
I'd like to say that this was the first time in a aries game where their was no such thing as a "non Hostile indie", even roles like catwoman and Lobo who's roles had nothing to do with town for the most part were Hostile Indies. So when York turned himself indie he became a target for lobos win con, i just wasn't expecting York to have outed himself