Again, nobody's endorsing toxic relationships.
"Never". Even if your partner just got into a serious accident and is now in the hospital? nahh, just go home and cook dinner. You need your time after all(irony). My guy, that is not how a healthy relationship works. This isn't like work where you put in X amount of hours and then your obligations are done. Common sense, plz.
Forgetting yourself is a REAL behavior that consist in literally forgetting yourself in a relationship thus creating a relationship of domination.
Start understanding please. I won't repeat it ten times.
People here need healthy advices, not people telling them that they should be the slave of the other person or that they must forget themselves if needed. Those are dangerous advices, especially to young women or young men who are a bit lost on relationships.
This sounds a whole lot like: My way is the only right way.
You're judging things you have little to no experience with.
SHE IS MY EQUAL. Don't look down on women as unequal just because they're not in the workforce.
I actually never judged your relationship or the choice of your partner. What I judged is your reasonning behind the fact that someone choosing something willingly means it's a good choice for that. Now, you better start reading carefully because I do not take lies like this lightly.
Also. Just a note for some
The trad wife lifestyle couple is NOT an equal relationship.
Because what you guyz need to understand is that the financial security of women in this context depends on THE MAN. If he has a problem or decide to leave her for X reasons, she will be left alone with NOTHING, no career and thus no way to support either kids or herself.
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