WG Support Thread

I have low-level autism too, don't let it get you down though. Despite what some people may say you're just as human as the rest of us and you can still do amazing things.
πŸ˜‡ 🀝 πŸ•ŠοΈ Thank you very much. It's always good to meet people you have things in common with.
Sorry for the times i irritated you with my posts. It's not good to get angry over petty things,both in real life and online. We should always do our best to treat everyone nicely and be friends with everyone. I want to be friends with everyone,including you.
You may have noticed that i have been less active here. I'm focusing on taking good care of my life. As i'm saying here,there are many things i want to do in life. So i can't waste time being an internet addict.
I'll be using the forum less,but i'll be using it for the good stuff: Wishing everyone a happy birthday in profile posts,using the general chat section and the entertainment section,and using the waiting room thread for stuff that doesn't revolve around anime and manga.
If anyone here has LGBT+ or from art sphere things (not mainly art itself but doubts, lack of happiness about it etc) and they need a support with or such you can always tag me, I sit in it long enough and myself had suffered so I know how to help at some point.

There is space for everyone, and respect as well πŸ’– and I won't let anyone to suffer because some bigotry, homophobia, transphobia and just xenophobia go on their heads or such, because I already lost people because of this.
Thank you very much ! =], πŸ’™πŸ’™
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As many other members of WG have suggested, there needs to be a dedicated thread to supporting, uplifting, providing positive feedback and advice, and offering general guidance to forum members who may not know where else to turn. You can talk about what is going on in your life with people who understand what it's like to face mental health difficulties and everything that goes alongside them. We have people on this forum, such as @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Kerkovian @Tejas and @Psychiatrist, who are willing to help discuss serious issues such as thoughts of suicide and other forms of self-harm with individuals needing an outlet. Having an open dialogue may prove effective and therapeutic to people who may not have any other options. I'm also a mental health advocate and have known many people who have taken their lives during my time in the military; I can also offer assistance.

This thread is meant to be a safe place and a judgment-free zone. Keep all politics, shit posts, trolling, and other negative posts far from here.

Common Woker W,
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Faith moves the world.
Amen πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™,
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I felt like I wanted to die, I went in the garden and started to cry, a cat I see but don't really feed came to comfort me and it started to rain, like a sign from God, I'm sitting here and it just happened a few seconds ago
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Thank you very much ! =], πŸ’™πŸ’™
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Common Woker W,
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Amen πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™,
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I felt like I wanted to die, I went in the garden and started to cry, a cat I see but don't really feed came to comfort me and it started to rain, like a sign from God, I'm sitting here and it just happened a few seconds ago
Courage mate, life can get better.