CoC: Color of Clowns

Minks Gone Wild, Unrated Furry Garchu Action
The more powerful a nation, the more psychopaths in power it seems.
There are two schools of thought when it comes to power: to gain power, or give power.

Power itself is not evil. People who choose to use it for evil ruin it for everyone.

Ancient civilizations had technology much more advanced than ours. The difference is they shared that energy, like Luffy would, while modern rulers act like the Celestial Dragons, and use power/knowledge to control and abuse people.

Alabasta said it best: a nation is its people. Power is not evil. We all come from the same Light/Atomic Matter. What matters is how we use our power.

You are totally right. The more power you have in a country, the more evil you'll have fighting over it. Power is not evil. Desire to use power for evil is wrong.

The USA has so many resources and land, and... my people use it for evil. The land, the oil, the gold, are not evil. The Vearth is not evil.

We have let the world be abused, and the world around us is suffering because of it. The earth, air, water, and fire are all God. God is the life before us, not the words liars told us.

A good nation gives power to other nations, and too many modern nations just want to steal and kill. Oda's not perfect, but I respect his overall message: people with power should help others.
Just go and die for freedom and Ukraine then, they do need more soldiers.
I would be lucky to pass by the backery of my street, but thanks anyway.

Ancient civilizations had technology much more advanced than ours
Ancient civilization are a concept created by colonizers (mainly europeeans) to diminish the technical prowess of early civilizations like Egyptians or Native american ones.

For ex: When you hear someone say "pyramids are alien spaceships", it's a form of neocolonialism that implies (not necessarily conciously) that Egyptians were not capable of creating pyramids, even when we know how they did it.
It isn't good for the US to finance Europe security forces. It isn't good for Europe to be negligent about its security. US meddling in European politics is a problem. Its a toxic partnership. The US certainly does not need Europe to fend off Russia or China. The other way is also true, i believe.
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I'd rather believe in your intellect and ability to understand reality.
Mockery signals that you don't have a proper argument.
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I would be lucky to pass by the backery of my street, but thanks anyway.

Ancient civilization are a concept created by colonizers (mainly europeeans) to diminish the technical prowess of early civilizations like Egyptians or Native american ones.

For ex: When you hear someone say "pyramids are alien spaceships", it's a form of neocolonialism that implies (not necessarily conciously) that Egyptians were not capable of creating pyramids, even when we know how they did it.
Bro, not everything is a conspiracy.
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I would be lucky to pass by the backery of my street, but thanks anyway.

Ancient civilization are a concept created by colonizers (mainly europeeans) to diminish the technical prowess of early civilizations like Egyptians or Native american ones.

For ex: When you hear someone say "pyramids are alien spaceships", it's a form of neocolonialism that implies (not necessarily conciously) that Egyptians were not capable of creating pyramids, even when we know how they did it.
I probably don't know about it as much as you do but I think it's true that it implies the egyptians weren't capable of creating pyramids, but I haven't ever considered it being a racist reason, but because they would be technologically inpossible, not saying that it was, just what I thought of when I heard that,


Hustlerversity Graduate
It isn't good for the US to finance Europe security forces. It isn't good for Europe to be negligent about its security. US meddling in European politics is a problem. Its a toxic partnership. The US certainly does not need Europe to fend off Russia or China. The other way is also true, i believe.
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Mockery signals that you don't have a proper argument.
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Bro, not everything is a conspiracy.

I don't get why people are bitching about US financing EU security

That's what US NEEDS to do if US want BASES on THEIR land.

If you want access to Someone else land you need to pay for it.
I probably don't know about it as much as you do but I think it's true that it implies the egyptians weren't capable of creating pyramids, but I haven't ever considered it being a racist reason, but because they would be technologically inpossible, not saying that it was, just what I thought of when I heard that,
This is the principle of the assertion.

Saying "it must be alien that constructed pyramids" implies that egyptians didn't have the capacities to do them. This implication is the result of the invisibilization of all the technological prowess of non europeean societies. Colonialism is not only a system of domination of a culture over another but it's also the deshumanization of the dominated culture.

Colonialized people were (and still are in one specific country of the world) "barbarized". In such a way that their technologies were appropriated and their cultures erased. The vision of the culture you usually know from the west, let's say from games like Assassin's creed for example, are usually westernized vision of the countries. Visions that are fantazised ones and mainly devoided of agency.

A simple testimony of that can be seen in a video that was shared a few weeks ago:

In this video, you start to understand that "oriental music" has pretty much nothing to do with actual middle eastern music and is really just a fantasized and post colonialistic vision of the art and music that westerner have of those country.

It's the same for technology and scientific advancement, but in those case, our fantasized vision is that non-europeean civilizations were mostly archaic and devoided of relevant technology (relative to our own in the west)... So combined to pseudo scientifism..

People started to believe that Pyramids were created by aliens and that ancient Astronauts visited us in the past.


I fell in that trap my self when I was young. I was fascinated by the legends of the crystal skulls and the ancient astronauts theory this is what led me to complotism and toward very weird ideas. Once I started to research (for myself) the technological levels that could reach certain ancient civilizations... I started to understand that the west wasn't as technologically advanced as I was educated to believe.

Just an example:

Do you know the Qhapaq Ñan ? It's a network of paved road created by the Inca on the basis of an already preexisting system before them. It is said to be around 40 000 Km long.

"The road system allowed for the transfer of information, goods, soldiers and persons, without the use of wheels, within the Tawantinsuyu or Inca Empire throughout a territory covering almost 2,000,000 km2 (770,000 sq mi) and inhabited by about 12 million people" - Wiki.

This might be nothing to us now, but this is huge for precolonial civilizations.

Our world is filled with amazing discoveries all over.. But we need the knowledge we know through a anti-colonialist lenses to understand that the west was actually just amazingly imperialist, not amazingly advanced.


Hustlerversity Graduate
I'm not bitching. I said the US doesn't have much to gain from this. Its stupid and all this military spending does not improve the life of the average joe in US.
US get hegemony and influence

No superpower care about it's random citizens

It's all about how much they can sacrifice the random for their standing
So you just want other people to die for your ideals while you play hikikomori in your room.
Bro, do you really have to ask such a redundant question? Of course he does. He's no different from every socialist/communist. He'd prefer to build his utopia on the back of others and then cut their throats for not being progressive enough (once again, getting someone else to do the dirty work).

Nothing is more cowardly than a communist.
Bro, do you really have to ask such a redundant question? Of course he does. He's no different from every socialist/communist. He'd prefer to build his utopia on the back of others and then cut their throats for not being progressive enough for his liking (once again, getting someone else to do the dirty work).

Nothing is more cowardly than a communist.
Say that to the guys who died fighting off Germany back in the day.
Guess I overestimated you, sometimes I forget that you like to lick Murican boots.
Study the Russian revolution and then come back to me.

Communist regimes are built upon oppression and control. The soldiers were just ants to their leaders. The RUSSIAN PEOPLE were brave; not the communist regime.
Hey, may I ask, have you heard of and if you have then what do you think of the conflict between the bolsheviks and the soviets, and the conflict between the anarchists and the bolsheviks?,
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And, I think it's important to mention, yes, party leaders were not brave, the people were brave,

In the same way, capitalists do not produce, the workers produce,
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That so called communist regime also was a state capitalist regime by their own plan so I think at least some of those issues you may have with the USSR are issues you have with state capitalism, and maybe some of those apply to a more free market capitalism too,
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Same with China and other countries,