
She was one of the hosts of Diddy Party . Her Name will come up eventually so she basically took retirement for good .
She may be the first of many to leave before those 2 lists are released.
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Lol I thought you said Elon, who is Ellen?,
A once popular tv host, who was outcasted after it came out she was an asshole to her employees and some guests.
Lol I thought you said Elon, who is Ellen?,
Talk show host
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She may be the first of many to leave before those 2 lists are released.
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A once popular tv host, who was outcasted after it came out she was an asshole to her employees and some guests.
I wonder what happens to LeBron James , he’ll probably retire and move to Bel Air matter of time .


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There are two schools of thought when it comes to power: to gain power, or give power.

Power itself is not evil. People who choose to use it for evil ruin it for everyone.

Ancient civilizations had technology much more advanced than ours. The difference is they shared that energy, like Luffy would, while modern rulers act like the Celestial Dragons, and use power/knowledge to control and abuse people.

Alabasta said it best: a nation is its people. Power is not evil. We all come from the same Light/Atomic Matter. What matters is how we use our power.

You are totally right. The more power you have in a country, the more evil you'll have fighting over it. Power is not evil. Desire to use power for evil is wrong.

The USA has so many resources and land, and... my people use it for evil. The land, the oil, the gold, are not evil. The Vearth is not evil.

We have let the world be abused, and the world around us is suffering because of it. The earth, air, water, and fire are all God. God is the life before us, not the words liars told us.

A good nation gives power to other nations, and too many modern nations just want to steal and kill. Oda's not perfect, but I respect his overall message: people with power should help others.
Ancient civilizations were not more advanced than us or modern technology we have right now

They were more advanced than what we imagined.

Most people don't give credit to Aliens for what they build but to ancient humans but thing is we simply don't know how exactly they did it.

Pyramids of Giza were built if I am not wrong then 4000-5000 years ago.

But we have Gobekli Teppe build 11000 years ago. We only excavated just 3-4% of the surface (blame Turkey and war zone in that region) and evidence suggests it was World's first Temple with many 20 tons of megalithic rock pillars arranged in form of rings and as usual we aren't doubting Ancient civilization - we just don't know how they were able to do it with the tools they had at that time.

Or take pyramids or antikythera - we speculated how they were made but we simply don't know how they did it with tools in hand
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So you just want other people to die for your ideals while you play hikikomori in your room.
Hm ? Nah. I want a diplomatic solution : Cease fire first.

Also, I give you my place anytime you want mate. But I doubt you will manage to survive 3 month without going nuts.

Don't talk about what you don't know.

He'd prefer to build his utopia on the back of others and then cut their throats for not being progressive enough (once again, getting someone else to do the dirty work).

Nothing is more cowardly than a communist.
Wow.. You are the one who is defending a cryptofascist and you are talking about me cutting throats ?
Do you realize what you are saying ?
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CoC: Color of Clowns

Call me Barqbeard, the Shaggy
Just heard Ellen left for UK I wonder why ??? :milaugh:
Ellen fleeing a country that just elected one of Epstein's clients to go to the country that founded the USA off of two genocides and making it legal to trade and rape black children is peak America/Europe.

Craziest shit?

I literally know someone that was on her show (who's actually a really, really good dude).

Children should have mentors, not heroes.
Ellen fleeing a country that just elected one of Epstein's clients to go to the country that founded the USA off of two genocides and making it legal to trade and rape black children is peak America/Europe.

Craziest shit?

I literally know someone that was on her show (who's actually a really, really good dude).

Children should have mentors, not heroes.
r u talkin to me?????..
While her comparison is dumb, simply because she does not struggle like other working class people (and it shows how liberals especially rich ones are disconnected), what she says next is true. It must not be a reason to put everyone else in danger too.

If Trump dance goes viral in Russia then that would be super crazy lol
I bet that if Social medias were a thing 120 years ago', the Nazi salute would be also trending worldwide between 1925 and at least 1940.. People would literally be saluting their loved ones like that.

It's funny how some kind of funny music/the reappropriation of popular cultural references can make a cryptofascist symbol so appealing to the masses.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
While her comparison is dumb, simply because she does not struggle like other working class people (and it shows how liberals especially rich ones are disconnected), what she says next is true. It must not be a reason to put everyone else in danger too.

I bet that if Social medias were a thing 120 years ago', the Nazi salute would be also trending worldwide between 1925 and at least 1940.. People would literally be saluting their loved ones like that.

It's funny how some kind of funny music/the reappropriation of popular cultural references can make a cryptofascist symbol so appealing to the masses.
Since when a dance move became cryptofascist symbol?

You need to chill bruh
Or you just too much filled with hate that you can't see beyond that lens anymore
Mate.. I have absolutely no hate. I literally do not even hate Netanyahou. I have the priviledge of being able not to hate. Angry ? Yes a lot. Hate ? Never.

My description of Trump is factual. It's related to his vision and the way he proceeds and based on what we know of fascism and the far right. It's a cold and educated assertion, not something that comes from some kind of anger of hate. Trump, Musk and many others are crypto-fascists with a tendancy with libertarianism, it's factual. But I guess you will have to see that for yourself.

Now.. Do you think that the population making the Nazi Salute in Nazi germany under Hitler was aware she was making they were saluting fascism and the ideology behind the extermination of 17 Million people ? Nah... Just like people at the moment making the Trump dance do not understand what kind of potentially harmfull ideology they are promoting by making this little dance.

But hey.. I hope that I'm wrong and no people will die because of Trump's mandate..