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No way he says this @Topi Jerami after the bottom incident :kobeha:
You must be some lonely, miserable low life cuck if you constantly bother to stalk my posts and then talk shit about me whenever I'm posting something OR EVEN NOT - that's the pathetic part, even on my profile! - when you can just do something valuable in your life like... I dunno, going back to school, finding a job or trying to touch grass for a change? Maybe, JUST MAYBE, you would find joy other than trying to be an annoying little shit to other users like that. But I know, I'm asking for the impossible here like trying to prove if Big Foot exists or not.

There's a reason people are pissed at the toxicity of this forum and brainlet assholes like you are playing a crucial part into it.

Now kindly go fuck yourself, okay?
Taking Imu out of this...
Mihawk is the top 1 right now, and no one has the courage to say who their top 1 is because they know it's Mihawk...
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