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Tbh we still had users claiming OKG would’ve finished Kaido if Guernica didn’t interfere.
Finished as in "TKO" or finished as we don't see him again?

Oda didn't want to end the battle like that, so he pulled an Oden. Kaido clearly had much more up his sleeve, and that result would have been underwhelming.

That battle had to end in the death of Kaido and Luffy in G4 couldn't pull that off.
Finished as in "TKO" or finished as we don't see him again?

Oda didn't want to end the battle like that, so he pulled an Oden. Kaido clearly had much more up his sleeve, and that result would have been underwhelming.

That battle had to end in the death of Kaido and Luffy in G4 couldn't pull that off.
If Luffy hit OKG nothing would’ve changed
Hottest take

There’s a decent chance even current Luffy loses to BM 1v1. At the very least egghead Luffy would.

BM can easily exhaust the G5 time limit. The only move Luffy has that can take out BM is Bajrang Gun, but that only worked because Kaido was suicidal and took it head on instead of dodging.

BG has a set up and doesn’t look effective at close at close range. If BM just closes in on Luffy before he can get it off there’s a decent chance Luffy wouldn’t even be able to land it.
Luffy doesn't need G5 to fight BM ffs.
Anyone here watched Veep? Never heard about it before today and I'm looking for a good comedy show to watch after rewatching Arrested Development (peak btw).

Tried Ted Lasso but the comedy ain't my cup of tea. And Jason Sudeikis' awful southern accent makes it unbearable at times, which is a shame because I like the guy generally
Because it was a callback? This is like putting Lucci on par with G5 because of that callback as well.
Kaido tanked many G5 attacks afterwards, including some gatling techniques and then clashed with BG before he ultimately lost.

Kaido would still take 3 - 5 more OKG and he'd still continue afterwards. G4 wasn't enough.
In first look this seems be amazing, but the sales rapidly falling down the past years with make me worry about the endphase of the manga if more breaks coming up and the sales keep going down like this...
As compare, here the sales of One Piece past years:

Since 2008 we always got insane large of volume sales each year, the past years it fall more and more below, last year One Piece sold 7.197.000 with is still amazing.
But this year only 5.1M is pretty mild if we count it for One piece standarts...

Usually One Piece sales are around 6-10mio each year..
It is very depressing and shows One Piece's attitude. Shouldn't live action bring in more fans? At least as far as sales are concerned, you hardly see any of that. And the fear I had is confirmed that more One Piece readers are distancing themselves from the manga. And I think that's a shame. I mean, the anime is doing well, isn't it? We didn't actually have a bad arc with Egghead. The sales make you think and the numbers are going down more and more, which is not good.

I hope next year things will calm down, but these numbers are really not a good sign.
Since the sales from this year are below of these from 2008, means since 16 years One Piece sales became lower than these of 2008...

Hope Oda will recover and find his strength to end this manga without rushing things.
My guy, it’s still the second best selling manga of the year. 5 million is not a bad number to hit at all, those are still massive numbers.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Yeah I have never seen such an awful waste as he did with Big Mom in WCI and Wano.
Plus how much he ruined Boa too, the only female warlord. No female strong marines, no female Admirals and we only got one as a fan design made canon. Gion was designed as an admiral but Oda couldn't let her be one. Tsuru being strong is sketchy and we know Oda will never let her fight and show off. Doll was really promising but alas. Kujaku and Hibari had promise too, maybe Bluuegrass too sigh.

Other authors get slandered but they treat their female characters far better still. I feel I was too hard on them compared to oda. Oda treated female characters better pre ts too, much better.

Now he has a severe underage girl sexualisation, watsuki worshipping, crying constantly, damsel on distress, daddy issues fetishism.

The only female samurai and thus strong swordswoman in wano, Kiku ofc was born male. Yamato was back and forth on whether she was meant to identify as male despite being female. So Oda was saying she had to not only imitate her father who she hated and repeatedly beat and tried to kill her since childhood to be strong but also glorify a hypocritical POS like Oden and claim she is male and Oden himself to be strong too. Ushimaru and the other guys literally saved her life and freedom her, but she didn't care, they died as heroes too but she only cared to skin walk and wank off Oden instead.
Ushimaru was the OG 2 sword style user too, idk why Oden had to be one if Ushimaru was one. He looks exactly like zoro but isn't even closely related to him I think. Yamato doesn't even notice the resemblance in Zoro to him and zoro using multiple swords too.
Why doesn't she idolise zoro too? Why Oden? Because he was so "free"?
Yamato had 2 sword style users, one saved her life, the other inspired her entire future BUT she uses her abusive, evil fsthers fighting style and not their instead despite calling herself Oden too?

Don't get me started on Robin,Nami post TS especially In Wano, black Maria, hiyori especially, Shinobu etc.

Oda has the same kind of immature arrested development syndrome as Elon Musk for example. They both desperately need to grow up. Manchildren.

*prepares to get flamed by the Musk worshippers unironically lmao*

Unfortunately I'm seeing other people and sandman dig up shit about Oda even pre ts and find oda mentioning only caring about drawing characters over writing a story amd loving the use of silhouettes, that he wants to use them much more. He enjoys designing characters from them or something.

I hate how much I got obsessed with this series and looked at it with rose coloured glasses. I guess I was like kizaru in a way. That unclear perspective/beliefs/agenda whatever grind. Maintaining the status quo whilst living in denial.

I just want one piece to end sooner rather than later so I can truly let go and move on. But with all the BS Oda is doing and being exposed about him, the weaker my Stockholm syndrome is getting and the easier I can let go finally regardless.

I really wish one piece was a much shorter, simpler, lesser known, more humbler series like it used to be. It changed for the much worse like many people do when they taste fame/success/power/wealth.

I only see a hollow shell now of what used to make one piece one of a kind and amazing.

Sometimes oda will still hit some high notes post ts but they are ultimately shallow and fleeting.

Fuck man Oda has caused me irreversible severe brain, soul and emotional damage. Mental, emotional, spiritual whatever.
I'm tired and grumpy right now lmao.
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My guy, it’s still the second best selling manga of the year. 5 million is not a bad number to hit at all, those are still massive numbers.
Of course they are bro, getting huge numbers like this after 25years, only One Piece can do it.
But still it is interesting that we has 2mio less sales as last year even thought both got 3 volumes.
Losing 2Mio readers in one year is crazy.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
We meet Loki's kid, Woki, who's a transexual Giant/Tontatta child the size of a normal human.

Woki wants to poison Loki because she admires the man Loki killed, Gozuki Odin, but can't go down to the lowest level of Elbaph, because an exploding collar has been attached to her neck.

Woki was saved by Sabo two years ago, when Sabo promised to come back to Elbaph someday, and kill Loki for killing Woki's grandfather.

Luffy tries to feed Woki, but then gets attacked by another Giant Prince who turns into a Dragon, and eats Luffy.

6 month arc of Luffy trying to escape out a Dragon's ass, while Sanji makes the worst cake in the world to make the Dragon vomit out Luffy.

In this time, Woki is turned into an adult thanks to Bonney's Awakening, and stops Akainu from burning down Ygdrassil by lifting up the entirety of Elbaph.

At the end of the arc, Fujitora shows up to invade Elbaph, and gets low-diffed by Buggy's long-distance Clown Haki causing Fujitora to become incredibly ticklish, immobilizing him.

Shiki and Tama plot to lift Elbaph up into the air, and crash it into Wano, so Kurozumi Tama can finally get her revenge against the Kozuki clan.

Luffy uses a new Gear 5 form to get shat out the Giant Dragon: Gomu Gomu no Crapman. This form allows Luffy to turn the entire manga into shit.

One Piece is now on a one month break as Shiryu cleans all the dragon poop up.

Nah, Wano destroyed my sanity, and there wasn't much left.
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