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I got shat on for saying it's ridiculous to claim DJ >= G3 when Sanji struggled against mid tiers back then. It was apparently also ridiculous to say G4 ain't Yonko level. OJ was basically the Sanji and Luffy forum. WG is the Zoro forum.

But man, Kaido one shotting Luffy humbled them all real quick lmao. You still remember how much they were coping and seething? Especially with excuses like "Weeeeell, I'm sure Kaido's club is made of seastone" and other nonsense lmao.
the copes about Kaido's club lmaooo
only matched by king and queen invisible seastone shackles
I got shat on for saying it's ridiculous to claim DJ >= G3 when Sanji struggled against mid tiers back then. It was apparently also ridiculous to say G4 ain't Yonko level. OJ was basically the Sanji and Luffy forum. WG is the Zoro forum.

But man, Kaido one shotting Luffy humbled them all real quick lmao. You still remember how much they were coping and seething? Especially with excuses like "Weeeeell, I'm sure Kaido's club is made of seastone" and other nonsense lmao.
Tbh we still had users claiming OKG would’ve finished Kaido if Guernica didn’t interfere.
Hottest take

There’s a decent chance even current Luffy loses to BM 1v1. At the very least egghead Luffy would.

BM can easily exhaust the G5 time limit. The only move Luffy has that can take out BM is Bajrang Gun, but that only worked because Kaido was suicidal and took it head on instead of dodging.

BG has a set up and doesn’t look effective at close at close range. If BM just closes in on Luffy before he can get it off there’s a decent chance Luffy wouldn’t even be able to land it.
Hottest take

There’s a decent chance even current Luffy loses to BM 1v1. At the very least egghead Luffy would.

BM can easily exhaust the G5 time limit. The only move Luffy has that can take out BM is Bajrang Gun, but that only worked because Kaido was suicidal and took it head on instead of dodging.

BG has a set up and doesn’t look effective at close at close range. If BM just closes in on Luffy before he can get it off there’s a decent chance Luffy wouldn’t even be able to land it.
That’s literally not a hot take. Post-Wano Goofy isn’t stronger than any OG Yonko, G4 gets mid-diffed and G5 gets outlasted

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Prime Pringles was another breed. Dude was Putting the most effort into the Saturn vs Luffy theory
Once you pop (powerscale) you cant stop.


Title: Powerscalers Anonymous: The One Piece Edition
: A dimly lit community center. Chairs are arranged in a circle, and a sign on the wall reads: "Powerscalers Anonymous: One Piece Chapter Discussion Recovery." A group of One Piece fans, all wearing various levels of fandom paraphernalia, sit awkwardly in the circle.
Moderator: [Clapping hands] Welcome, everyone. Thank you for coming to our weekly Powerscalers Anonymous meeting. Remember, this is a safe space. No judgments here.
The group mumbles awkward greetings.
Moderator: Let’s go around and introduce ourselves. Say your name and how powerscaling has affected your life.
ZoroFanatic99: [Clears throat] Uh, hi, my name is ZoroFanatic99, and I’m a powerscaling addict.
Group: Hi, ZoroFanatic99.
ZoroFanatic99: [Fidgets nervously] I-I... I can’t stop arguing about Zoro’s AP feats. Last week, I spent four hours explaining how Ashura could definitely one-shot Kaido if given the chance. I even printed spreadsheets for my coworkers to prove my point.
Moderator: That’s okay, ZoroFanatic99. We’ve all been there. Progress, not perfection. Who’s next?
SanjiBestCook: [Rolls eyes] My name is SanjiBestCook, and I’m only here because my friends said I needed help. But let’s be real—Sanji’s speed feats are undeniable. I mean, Blue Walk? Diable Jambe? Name one time Zoro’s even remotely shown that kind of versatility—
Moderator: [Interrupting] SanjiBestCook, remember the rules. No direct scaling comparisons during sharing.
SanjiBestCook: [Mumbling] Fine. But for the record, Zoro’s slow.
ZoroFanatic99: [Leaping to his feet] TAKE THAT BACK, YOU BIASED LUNARIAN APOLOGIST!
Moderator: [Holds up a hand] ZoroFanatic99, sit down. Remember, we’re here to recover. Who’d like to share next?
Yonko4Life: [Adjusts Kaido-themed hoodie] Yeah, uh, hi, my name’s Yonko4Life. I—I spent my kid’s parent-teacher conference arguing online that Kaido only lost to Luffy because of “plot armor.” My wife doesn’t speak to me anymore because I called her an Admiral stan when she said Kizaru could have beaten Kaido in Marineford.
AkainuSupremacy: [Leaning forward smugly] She’s not wrong, though. Akainu would’ve melted Kaido. Dude doesn’t even have future sight.
Yonko4Life: [Visibly shaking] Oh, you wanna start this right now, magma boy? I swear to Oda, I will END you—
Moderator: [Desperately ringing a tiny bell] Gentlemen! This is a safe space! Let’s bring it back.
JoyBoyDreamer: [Whispering] Uh, my name’s JoyBoyDreamer. I’ve, uh, been banned from five Discord servers for insisting Gear 5 makes Luffy a toon force reality-warper who solos every verse.
ZoroFanatic99: [Scoffing] Bro, stop wanking Luffy. He couldn’t even handle Kaido without backup.
JoyBoyDreamer: [Defensive] Luffy’s a literal god now. He’s untouchable. Name one character who beats him. I’ll wait.
SanjiBestCook: [Raises hand eagerly] Sanji—
Everyone: SHUT UP, SANJI.
Moderator: Okay, okay, let’s move on to the group activity. We’re going to practice healthy fandom behavior. [Holding up a card] This is a picture of Shanks. Let’s discuss his role in the story without debating his strength.
Yonko4Life: [Squinting] But, uh, how can we not talk about his strength? He’s literally the strongest Yonko.
AkainuSupremacy: [Laughing] Nah, he’s mid-tier. Fujitora can clap him.
Moderator: [Pinching bridge of nose] Okay, let’s move on to affirmations. Repeat after me: “It’s okay not to know how strong a character is.”
Group: [Reluctantly mumbling] It’s okay not to know how strong a character is.
Moderator: “I will not argue on Reddit for hours.”
Group: [Mumbling less convincingly] I will not argue on Reddit for hours.
Moderator: “The story is about friendship, not power levels.”
ZoroFanatic99: [Snapping] Now, that’s just a lie.
Group: [Breaks into chaos]
Moderator: [Sighs and pulls out a bottle of sake] Maybe Oda’s pacing isn’t the real issue. It’s us.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Divvens? I had no idea about that. I thought he just got bored of it
If I remember well then OJ had some legal issues going on (Sucks finalbeta didn't take unclevan to court lmao) and Div passed away shortly after shutting oj down. Don't remember what really happened but it was an unfortunate incident.

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Greenbull should merge with Yggdrasil and enslave the giants.

They have no rights.

God help everyone if Akainu merges with the supervolcanoes from Film Z or even a regular volcano at minimum.
Well all the magma under the earth's surface even too.
Post automatically merged:

If I remember well then OJ had some legal issues going on (Sucks finalbeta didn't take unclevan to court lmao) and Div passed away shortly after shutting oj down. Don't remember what really happened but it was an unfortunate incident.
Godamn I forgot he died too...

I knew Kiri from there due to our fellow Tashigi, Zoro and thus ZoTash shipping. We bonded a lot over that at the time, it was nice.

The best people die too young and soon.

I recognised Buu, Roberto and I think Bogard from there on here too.
I was gonna say PW4 did such an amazing job with her haha. I wish Brulee was playable too, a summoner/mage type fighter.

Kiku, Nami, Tashigi, Yamato, Smoothie, Perona all got amazing treatment in the PW games.
Yeah PW games give them far better justice that the manga does. It's such a shame because these female characters had so much potential. I am still so disgusted at how Oda treated BM, Smoothie, Brulée, Compote, Tashigi, Rebecca, etc...

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
Yeah PW games give them far better justice that the manga does. It's such a shame because these female characters had so much potential. I am still so disgusted at how Oda treated BM, Smoothie, Brulée, Compote, Tashigi, Rebecca, etc...
It's outright deliberately malicious. Definitely not accidental or unintentional. It's sad really. Oda is extremely sexist and petty.
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