Spoiler One Piece Chapter 986 Spoilers Discussion

Katakuri Strongest FM

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but she literally says oden was a man wasnt he shes literally saying because hes a man im a man its not like she decided one day she just wanted to be a different sex the reasoning behind is different than trans people she was yamato before oden and yamato was a chick still is but hey if you want me to call him a he then ok
Thank you, I'm glad there's at least some open minded people like you here in worstgen, cheers mate.
Then marco should be joining shp as well because he is related to Ace or izo these are not dnough reasons.
I'm sorry, I don't mean this as an insult, but can you read or did you even try to read that post you quoted?
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But she aint human tho that doesn't count It rabbits Years :suresure:
I laughed but:whitepress:

Fallen Prince

Did any of them specifically ask to join? Once again, thats the point I'm making. And Vivi openly denied the invitation. Apples to Oranges guys.
Once again you are pushing your headcanon . You refuse to admit you are on hype train its ok bro .

Vivi didnt reject it btw she choose to serve albasta , infact she is like allie/honorary member to shp.
Potential members don't necessarily need a "role" in the crew, that's more of a formality, specially if they're strong.
If the character becomes good friends with the crew, want to go on the journey, and are accepted by Luffy then it's all done. Vivi wouldn't really have had a role if she joined at first but everyone was ready to accept her, and at this point i'm sure they would accept Carrot if she asked to formally join them.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Luffy will never accept Yamato into his crew if she doesn't accept herself for who she is. Now of course that could happen, but until it does, the chances of her joining at this very moment is zero.
Not that I disagree with this, but are you sure? Luffy accepted both Robin and Brooke knowing almost nothing about them.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Yamato’s role is as an Ally to Luffy in the final war(s) leading Wano, but I don’t think Luffy would reject her if she were happy with herself lol.
I respect your take
but I also think she develops that this arc.
She'll definitely develop this arc. Especially now that she has learned the Scabbards and Momonosuke are still alive. But it also begs the question as to who she would rather end up serving once everything is said and done. Will she stick by Momo's side and try to rebuild the Country as it is what Oden would have done. Or will she come into her own and decide to follow her own path, and leave Wano behind? For that to be the case, she's going to have to be given a new goal in life.
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