Doesnt being emotional also make you weaker..since it makes you think less logically. Isnt Kurapika's anger one of his weaknesses. That would mean Kurapika was nerfed ? See you could easily twist it into anything you want when you use vague scaling such as emotion.
According to the manga so far, he becomes stronger when enraged (Emperor Time / scarlet eyes). There wasn't a single instance showing otherwise. He might get less logical-analytical when infuriated, but he definitely gets more powerful.
Doesnt matter. Morel wankers stated he defeated 2 Squadron Leaders even though one drowned to death and the other was technically not defeated. Why not give Ikalgo his Ws when Morel is allowed to have his.
And fuck what Welfin said...cause Melereon said the same thing. You think Peggy and the Turtle are also fighters ? Cheetu the dude who runs away all the time and has a ability based on it.
Bar Zazan, the rest of the Squadron leaders are hot trash. Shes also hot trash in comparison to Feitan's hatsu.
According to the manga so far, he becomes stronger when enraged (Emperor Time / scarlet eyes). There wasn't a single instance showing otherwise. He might get less logical-analytical when infuriated, but he definitely gets more powerful.
Kurapika is extremely analytical, even when facing the troupe. He managed to fool them not only in the Uvo fight, but also at the Beitacle Hotel. However, Chrollo is a hard target even for Kurapika and his hard counter against the troupe... even captured, he managed to tip him off his balance. If he ever ends up facing Kurapika again, it will be an interesting duel of wits (now that he knows him, he'll certainly make the necessary precautions).
@Chrono Interesting how Bonolenov addresses the group of Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga (the three strongest current Troupe members minus Chrollo and Illumi) as “Phinks’s group”
@Chrono Interesting how Bonolenov addresses the group of Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga (the three strongest current Troupe members minus Chrollo and Illumi) as “Phinks’s group”
@Chrono Interesting how Bonolenov addresses the group of Phinks, Feitan, and Nobunaga (the three strongest current Troupe members minus Chrollo and Illumi) as “Phinks’s group”
Bruh uvo's hatsu doesn't need to charge unlike phinks. And shadow beast group that was fighting uvo > gorilla alone yes. Uvo was also paralyzed and beat their assess.
Bruh uvo's hatsu doesn't need to charge unlike phinks. And shadow beast group that was fighting uvo > gorilla alone yes. Uvo was also paralyzed and beat their assess.
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