Current Events Akainu’s Portrayal Never Ends

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Hoh baby.

So now that the dust is settled, it’s time to discuss the utterly insane levels of portrayal Akainu has received in recent weeks.

It was Akainu haters who were ultimately the most wrong people in this entire fandom. It turns out all the years of Oda saying he cherishes Akainu, Akainu being strong enough to claim the One Piece,

Oda saying he will draw Akainu with great respect:

Oda saying Bunta Sugawara’s Battles Without Honor and Humanity (basically Akainu the Movie) is his “Bible Movie”

It turns out all of that shit wasn’t so that Oda could draw Akainu jobbing to weak ass Sabo.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let us go over the completely bonkers portrayal Akainu has received in the last few weeks.

1. 3rd highest Bounty in the history of the Manga

And this is a deflated Cross Guild bounty:

2. Vivre Card states that old Garp = Prime Garp

Flavoured text: Triggered by the Summit War, the legendary Marine, who was supposed to retire from the front lines, has, instead, become more active than ever, freely executing 'justice.' He energetically engages in the training of young soldiers who will bear the future of the Navy and is adored by the younger members of the SWOR D, including Coby and Helmeppo. Of course, his strength that cornered Roger remains intact. Until now, he has continuously honed his skills, causing pirates to tremble even now with just his own power."

Source: (same as rest of the VC -

And before people try to cope, Oda himself approved the canonicity of this batch of VCs.

Garp is much closer to his prime level of power than previously thought.
Debunking a lot of monkey shit idiots online were howling about old Garp being massively weaker than prime Garp, while old Garp went 50/50 with a fruitless emotionally nerfed terf restrained Admiral

3. Akainu’s number 1 subordinate trolls Nika horribly and saves his reputation by feeding him

4. Akainu’s number 2 subordinate wields a supreme blade

Putting Akainu’s number 2 subordinate on the same level as the likes of:

5. Akainu’s number 3 subordinate achieved the black blade

And while I would never attempt to guess at what Akainu’s actual role in the EOS is,

It is clear that Akainu’s portrayal utterly shits on every other character ever introduced in this manga. Only Imu herself can claim to have the same level of portrayal as Akainu at this point.

Say it with me now.

The Chadmiral Agenda. Always. Wins.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7
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Like what? Lol

Nothing I’ve said can be changed in the future. Lol
You re acting like admirals are henchmen and that's the core issue, it doesn't work like that ie akainu and aokiji fighting for the fleet admiral position. What I am getting at is they are no testament to akainu's strength. I don't see anyone claiming it's impressive that Sengoku got garp working for him.


The only one who can beat me is me
This thread is a good reminder, Akainu has 3 subordinates who can go either way with Yonkou, we already saw one such case on Egghead. He's the only character in the history of this manga to defeat another top tier clean as well.

Others characters can have their case, but the above is the reason I will always give Akainu the edge over any character alive atm. No other character has such clear confirmation over multiple top tiers, the way Akainu does.
Why do you keep claiming that Kuzan wasn't using his DF?
Because if you unleash Kuzan the entire landscape is frozen, basically turns the island into his own territory, I do not know what top tiers who lack powers that counter such ability can do in such scenario, they definitely won't enjoy it
Hardening your fist with a layer of ice to make your punch stronger isn't really the type of logia power display we mean, it is the natural disaster type that can permanently change the weather of an island

Let's not mention he inflicted frostbite on Akainu
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Because if you unleash Kuzan the entire landscape is frozen, basically turns the island into his own territory, I do not know what top tiers who lack powers that counter such ability can do in such scenario, they definitely won't enjoy it
Hardening your fist with a layer of ice to make your punch stronger isn't really the type of logia power display we mean, it is the natural disaster type that can permanently change the weather of an island

Let's not mention he inflicted frostbite on Akainu
Smoker pulled more DF spam on Vergo than Kuzan on Garp. That's how Kuzan was restricted on using his full power (like in PH).

We know that logia environment influence is temporary, examples being Ace and Greenbull. Yet, Kuzan's ice is permanent in Punk Hazard. With the basic logia abilities, this isn't simply possible.

Also, great thread @Elder Lee Hung.
Akainu is built different. I can't wait to see him go all out.


Lead them to paradise.
This thread is a good reminder, Akainu has 3 subordinates who can go either way with Yonkou, we already saw one such case on Egghead. He's the only character in the history of this manga to defeat another top tier clean as well.

Others characters can have their case, but the above is the reason I will always give Akainu the edge over any character alive atm. No other character has such clear confirmation over multiple top tiers, the way Akainu does.
Sengoku had 3 henchmen who could go extreme diff with the Yonko I guess I have him over any other character by the time of Marineford.
Hoh baby.

So now that the dust is settled, it’s time to discuss the utterly insane levels of portrayal Akainu has received in recent weeks.

It was Akainu haters who were ultimately the most wrong people in this entire fandom. It turns out all the years of Oda saying he cherishes Akainu, Akainu being strong enough to claim the One Piece,

Oda saying he will draw Akainu with great respect:

Oda saying Bunta Sugawara’s Battles Without Honor and Humanity (basically Akainu the Movie) is his “Bible Movie” (someone find me a screenshot of this quote, I can’t find it atm)

It turns out all of that shit wasn’t so that Oda could draw Akainu jobbing to weak ass Sabo.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let us go over the completely bonkers portrayal Akainu has received in the last few weeks.

1. 3rd highest Bounty in the history of the Manga

And this is a deflated Cross Guild bounty:

2. Vivre Card states that old Garp = Prime Garp

Debunking a lot of monkey shit idiots online were claiming about old Garp being massively weaker than prime Garp, while old Garp went 50/50 with a fruitless emotionally nerfed terf restrained Admiral

3. Akainu’s number 1 subordinate trolls Nika horribly and saves his reputation by feeding him

4. Akainu’s number 2 subordinate wields a supreme blade

Putting Akainu’s number 2 subordinate on the same level as the likes of:

5. Akainu’s number 3 subordinate achieved the black blade

And while I would never attempt to guess at what Akainu’s actual role in the EOS is,

It is clear that Akainu’s portrayal utterly shits on every other character ever introduced in this manga. Only Imu herself can claim to have the same level of portrayal as Akainu at this point.

Say it with me now.

The Chadmiral Agenda. Always. Wins.

@SakazOuki @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Tyki_Mikk @Veku @Mr. Tuna Sandwich @GoldDiamond @Dragon777 @Weeman @Cadis Etrama Di Urek @Djordje @BaboonMihawk @Negan @The Buddha @Djordje @Germinator @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @[No Name] @King7
How long does it have to take to people realize that Sakazuki is meant to be the strongest marine of all time?


The only one who can beat me is me
Sengoku had 3 henchmen who could go extreme diff with the Yonko I guess I have him over any other character by the time of Marineford.
No because that wasn't Sengoku in his prime, he was weaker than the C3. If it was a Prime Sengoku who had the C3 as underlings and literally had to beat one to get the position, for sure I would have to give him the benefit of the doubt over any top tier alive, because that portrayal is hard to top.


Lead them to paradise.
No because that wasn't Sengoku in his prime, he was weaker than the C3. If it was a Prime Sengoku who had the C3 as underlings, for sure I would have to give him the benefit of the doubt over any top tier alive, because that portrayal is hard to top.
Oh now he needs to be in his Prime lol. Its not portrayal its his job lol, the admirals job is to listen to the FA its not a powerlevel position.


The only one who can beat me is me
Oh now he needs to be in his Prime lol. Its not portrayal its his job lol, the admirals job is to listen to the FA its not a powerlevel position.
No Akainu literally had to defeat a fellow Admiral for his position. It is only then was he allowed to be Fleet Admiral in his unique case, you don't read posts carefully. This is what I meant by clear cut superiority. No top tier has ever defeated another top tier cleanly, to give himself reign over other Yonkou lvl characters. Akainu is one of one.

This doesn't mean he's a level above, virtually no top tier is a lvl above another top tier. But that I will always give him the benefit of the doubt over current top tiers until proven otherwise, when his underlings can go either way with them.


Lead them to paradise.
No Akainu literally had to defeat a fellow Admiral for his position. It is only then was he allowed to be Fleet Admiral in his unique case, you don't read posts carefully. This is what I meant by clear cut superiority. No top tier has ever defeated another top tier cleanly, to give himself reign over other Yonkou lvl characters. Akainu is one of one.
They fought equally for 10 days if anything this denotes that hes not much stronger then kuzan. Like by a hair.

Its almost like the Yonko cant go fighting each other because they were in a deadlock and if one attacks the other then they open themselves up to being attacked by either another Yonko or the marines.

Thankfully Akainu and Aokiji didnt have to deal with that.

I mean you rank some Yonko as stronger then others so not sure why the argument of “he beat another top tier” gives him superiority over everyone else.

Can Fuji, GB or Kizaru go either way with Shanks lol? No he beats them.


The only one who can beat me is me
They fought equally for 10 days if anything this denotes that hes not much stronger then kuzan. Like by a hair.

Its almost like the Yonko cant go fighting each other because they were in a deadlock and if one attacks the other then they open themselves up to being attacked by either another Yonko or the marines.

Thankfully Akainu and Aokiji didnt have to deal with that.

I mean you rank some Yonko as stronger then others so not sure why the argument of “he beat another top tier” gives him superiority over everyone else.
None of this matters, top tiers are always splitting hairs. You're riding the fence, we can all make boring obvious posts like this.

I'm gonna give the dude who has proven superiority over other Yonkou caliber fighters. Who stands above them if even by a hair. Oda does not like putting top tiers over other top tiers, but he was basically forced to do so with Akainu.

Gun to my head yes, I'm picking the dude with 3 Yonkou/Admiral lvl subordinates against anyone alive.

Like to me Kizaru should be able to defeat Akainu, but I just can't do it cause of portrayal. That alone gives Akainu an advantage over anyone else imo, because I can make the case for Kizaru beating anyone else.


Lead them to paradise.
None of this matters, top tiers are always splitting hairs. You're riding the fence, we can all make boring obvious posts like this.
Not really lol.

I'm gonna give the dude who has proven superiority over other Yonkou caliber fighters. Who stands above them if even by a hair. Oda does not like putting top tiers over other top tiers, but he was basically forced to do so with Akainu.
Lol Shanks is clearly superior to Big Mom for example we dont need to see them fight to know that.

Gun to my head yes, I'm picking the dude with 3 Yonkou/Admiral lvl subordinates against anyone alive.
Garp was stronger then Sengoku and yet was his subbordinate lol. This logic is faulty, FA isnt a strength position I will say it again brother.
Like to me Kizaru should be able to defeat Akainu, but I just can't do it cause of portrayal.
Portrayal wise Shanks stopped Akainu who was bloodlusted in his tracks, then literally walked past him with his back open with no fucks given. How is that for portrayal?
Akainu having 5 billion is called crazy delusion take by fandom because no one has five billion alive and his bounty is same as whitebeard and roger. Cross guild put akainu higher than mihawk bounty.

If Akainu has 3 to 4 billion , people will be saying yonko > admiral and claim law and kidd are admiral level nonsense.

Akainu has best aura I'm all final villain as blackbeard and imu . Imu kneel down is like malefor knee down by dead elder dragon spirt . Imu literally got worse greenbull reaction to wifi coc and shanks haki is compare to joy boy haki.

Akainu has argument as top 1 portyal.