Controversial Will Kidd return?

Will Kidd return

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It seems like many people believe Kidd will return but what if he don't?

I am just throwing the idea around but more seriously is it really impossible? Odour did kill ace so why not leave Kidd on a open ending. He probably knows his manga is stakeless right now so he might feel compelled to do that.

But genuinely, why would Kidd return? For what good?:endthis:
Unfortunately I think he will but I sure hope he won't. We're at a point in the story where fodders should only be used for gags and Kidd is too serious for that.
There are better fodders than him in the story so let him rest in peace.
obviously he will, many reasons for it: oda saying he had big plans for kid from the beginning, he has coc but so far hasn't made much use of it, luffy treats him as a rival, ...
the more interesting question is: how will he return, and with whom
my prediction is that he will find his way to pirate island and form an alliance with blackbeard, bound by the common enemy shanks
then he will accomapny the bbp to elbaf
obviously he will, many reasons for it: oda saying he had big plans for kid from the beginning, he has coc but so far hasn't made much use of it, luffy treats him as a rival, ...
the more interesting question is: how will he return, and with whom
my prediction is that he will find his way to pirate island and form an alliance with blackbeard, bound by the common enemy shanks
then he will accomapny the bbp to elbaf
The big plan around Kidd already happened as far as I am concerned
I don’t think he’ll be majorly relevant again, but he will definitely return. Oda spent way too much time on him to just write him off completely.
There are 3 possible outcome

Option 1, He is Alive and will be relevant.

That is what I 99.99% believe in. That is by far the most likely outcome in my eyes. Oda did not introduce him as luffy's rival for nothing unlike what many people are thinking. I 100% believe that 1079 will just end up making him stronger and more relevant in the future. Kid's whereabouts was updated every single arc in the new world. His first fight was him beating a yonko, we are in elbaf rn, jimbei asked the whales to look underwater and he didn't find anything, etc , etc. I have countless other reasons but we are already in elbaf anyways, only a matter of time till we see him.

Option 2, He is Dead.
I do not believe this for a second but it is still an outcome. Maybe Shanks really just killed him, maybe his role was really just to deliver poneglyphs to shanks and then die, maybe his last role as a character was really to be a shanks hype tool and be killed right at the beginning of the final saga. 0.01%

Option 3 He is Alive and will not be relevant
This right here is by far the dumbest one and I can't believe that many people buy into it. Him being dead and removed from the story makes sense unlike this. Oda will not go out of his way to make Kid lose like that, to then bring him back to the story for nothing, that does not make any sense at all(unless you believe oda just hates him, which is what people unironically believe). Plus Kid is a conqueror like him or not but in term of willpower, he is up there with Luffy there is just no way that he is going to give up at best he could have a moment like luffy calling himself weak and then strengthening his resolve (by the means of a character arc or someone to get his shit together like jimbei with luffy). Some people have a weird fixation on hating and downplaying him and thus not rating him fairly.
Oda making him survive his loss to Shanks just for him to not be relevant anymore when he had Shanks tell us not to underestimate how fast the young guys grow is simply stupid. That is not gonna happen 0%
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I feel like Kidd will turn up alive. But, it might just be like Gin and Don Krieg, and he'll just turn up in the background of a panel, somewhere.

Although, it would be a pretty satisfying moment if Kidd turns up to save the day at the last minute, somehow. Maybe using his magnet-powers to fix or destroy one of the Ancient Weapons just in the nick of time. Or helping Franky fix the Sunny. Or helping Enel with some Moon-tech. Something so that he can play a role in the Final Saga.

You know, the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of Kidd and Enel teaming up. I don't know, I just think it's a neat unlikely combination? Plus, this is One Piece, there are definitely ways for Kidd to go from the bottom of the sea all the way to the Moon.
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I feel like bringing kid into the story could also introduce shiki into canon, maybe shiki could mentor kid or they could team up? Since shiki is a dangerous and reckless pirate, like kid, who is also roger’s rival and not really besties with Roger’s crew. Like how kid is a rival of Luffy and not the best friends with luffy’s crew