Speculations Vegapunk’s rotting corpse is still on the Sunny

They will address it at some point... maybe.

It could be Lilith has preserved it somehow. It could be rotting. They could have given it the Sunny treatment offscreen.

Honestly, it feels like Oda forgot.
I mean like just keep it fresh so it doesn’t start smelling and decomposing.
When an immortal jellyfish (Turritopsis dohrnii) grows old or damaged, the species can evade death by reverting to a baby polyp stage. It does so by reabsorbing its tentacles and coming to rest as a blob of undifferentiated cells somewhere on the seafloor.

From here, the young polyp can then bud and produce new adult forms, each smaller than the nail on your pinky when fully grown.

Least unhinged monochromeyoru post