CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
This is a good write-up. This is my personal TLDR of the situation:

-Many Drones are from the US Military/Space Force, and are operating out of a base in New Jersey.

-Orbs/UFOs began appearing, that do not belong to the US, nor any of foreign government.

-US Drones are also being deployed in Ukraine.

-US Drones in the US airspace are observing the UFOs/Orbs (the deep state/Illuminati types knows what they are, but are keeping silent, while everyone else panic), as well as searching for dirty bombs/nukes the bad actors in the deep state/Illuminati are trying to detonate on US soil in a terrorist attack geared towards starting WW3.

-Orbs/UFOs are friendly (much, much friendlier than the governments ruling us) and are also attempting to prevent this nuclear disaster (the Advance Races piloting these Orbs hate nuclear war/war in general).

-Many of the Orbs/Drones coming out from the ocean are coming from a spaceship creating construct located in the Bermuda Triangle (hence all the strange activity over time). This ship is more or less shaped like a giant silver hamburger, and can be described in these (fairly accurate) posts:

-This ship has been in the Atlantic for a long period of time, and is capable of creating pilotless drones that are built to spec, IE all individual depending on their purpose. The Drones that all look similar, but have slight differences amongst each other/behave differently than US aircraft are created from this ship.

-The Orbs are impossible to photograph with conventional technology, due to heavy Electromagnetic interference. The Orb UFOs more or less warp Electromagnetic forces in order to hack gravity, allowing them to control the gravitational field of the ship in question. This proves advanced spoofing, camouflage, and flight capabilities beyond what the US/China have been able to replicate (they study crashed ships).

-Orbs have advanced defensive capabilities to the extent they can neutralize nuclear payloads in missiles, so, the US isn't firing on them, only tracking them. White hates/good actors are aware that most of this UFO presence is dedicated to preventing this bombing/WW3, and the bad actors are aware they cannot actually stop this force.

-The Illuminati/deep state are threatening global war/nuclear war, as humanity reaches higher levels of life, and begins to reject our occult and corporate shitheaded overlords. The Orbs are owned by an alliance of Advanced Races who wish to help us reach our full potential, and are battling against another "evil" alliance of Advanced Races who wish to enslave/corrupt us away from nature/light. Hence ancient religions worshipping the sun/light/god, and modern religions hating the sun, and focusing on keeping people locked indoors.

-The evil people (the ultra rich/their minions and programmed slaves) hate freedom/love, and feed off of suffering and misery, hence the Epstein and Diddy parties. Evil cannot create anything, only corrupt.

-The Orbs are also attempting to "heal" the electromagnetic field of Earth/the life on Earth. Nukes REALLY fuck up the environment, far beyond what we were told growing up.

-Many species do not experience the war/suffering we do, as this is a result of the Advanced Races who have enslaved us, and taught us to fear/hate other Advance Races who wish to help us/want us to stop acting like stupid ass jabronis.

-If you see anyone/anything suspicion in terms of potential terrorist action, please, report it immediately to the authorities. Local and state law-enforcement are, in a lot of cases, our friends: it's the feds that really hate our guts. A lot of people have NO idea what's actually going on, because the situation is A: Incredibly complicated, and B: Revealing the truth would mean exposing the full technological and military capabilities of the rich child rapists running the USA straight down to the hell of nuclear apocalypse.

-Love is important. It's really easy to fall into fear/hate, do the things you love, tell the people you love them, and hug a tree and thank it for letting us breathe.

-Don't Panic, and, if you have a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, now would be a great time to pop that open.


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Apparently Barron Trump is studying women very hard in college. And this hits the news somehow.
This is a good write-up. This is my personal TLDR of the situation:

-Many Drones are from the US Military/Space Force, and are operating out of a base in New Jersey.

-Orbs/UFOs began appearing, that do not belong to the US, nor any of foreign government.

-US Drones are also being deployed in Ukraine.

-US Drones in the US airspace are observing the UFOs/Orbs (the deep state/Illuminati types knows what they are, but are keeping silent, while everyone else panic), as well as searching for dirty bombs/nukes the bad actors in the deep state/Illuminati are trying to detonate on US soil in a terrorist attack geared towards starting WW3.

-Orbs/UFOs are friendly (much, much friendlier than the governments ruling us) and are also attempting to prevent this nuclear disaster (the Advance Races piloting these Orbs hate nuclear war/war in general).

-Many of the Orbs/Drones coming out from the ocean are coming from a spaceship creating construct located in the Bermuda Triangle (hence all the strange activity over time). This ship is more or less shaped like a giant silver hamburger, and can be described in these (fairly accurate) posts:

-This ship has been in the Atlantic for a long period of time, and is capable of creating pilotless drones that are built to spec, IE all individual depending on their purpose. The Drones that all look similar, but have slight differences amongst each other/behave differently than US aircraft are created from this ship.

-The Orbs are impossible to photograph with conventional technology, due to heavy Electromagnetic interference. The Orb UFOs more or less warp Electromagnetic forces in order to hack gravity, allowing them to control the gravitational field of the ship in question. This proves advanced spoofing, camouflage, and flight capabilities beyond what the US/China have been able to replicate (they study crashed ships).

-Orbs have advanced defensive capabilities to the extent they can neutralize nuclear payloads in missiles, so, the US isn't firing on them, only tracking them. White hates/good actors are aware that most of this UFO presence is dedicated to preventing this bombing/WW3, and the bad actors are aware they cannot actually stop this force.

-The Illuminati/deep state are threatening global war/nuclear war, as humanity reaches higher levels of life, and begins to reject our occult and corporate shitheaded overlords. The Orbs are owned by an alliance of Advanced Races who wish to help us reach our full potential, and are battling against another "evil" alliance of Advanced Races who wish to enslave/corrupt us away from nature/light. Hence ancient religions worshipping the sun/light/god, and modern religions hating the sun, and focusing on keeping people locked indoors.

-The evil people (the ultra rich/their minions and programmed slaves) hate freedom/love, and feed off of suffering and misery, hence the Epstein and Diddy parties. Evil cannot create anything, only corrupt.

-The Orbs are also attempting to "heal" the electromagnetic field of Earth/the life on Earth. Nukes REALLY fuck up the environment, far beyond what we were told growing up.

-Many species do not experience the war/suffering we do, as this is a result of the Advanced Races who have enslaved us, and taught us to fear/hate other Advance Races who wish to help us/want us to stop acting like stupid ass jabronis.

-If you see anyone/anything suspicion in terms of potential terrorist action, please, report it immediately to the authorities. Local and state law-enforcement are, in a lot of cases, our friends: it's the feds that really hate our guts. A lot of people have NO idea what's actually going on, because the situation is A: Incredibly complicated, and B: Revealing the truth would mean exposing the full technological and military capabilities of the rich child rapists running the USA straight down to the hell of nuclear apocalypse.

-Love is important. It's really easy to fall into fear/hate, do the things you love, tell the people you love them, and hug a tree and thank it for letting us breathe.

-Don't Panic, and, if you have a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, now would be a great time to pop that open.


Are you new to Trump’s tweets ?
It's crazy how you keep spamming the one same literally nonsensical channel all the time. You get debunked everytime but you keep coming back.

Are you a bot or something ?

But anyway. Let's look at the completely BS things that are implied here: "We should not trust experts but do our own researchs"

Why is this completely dumb on top of being dangerous ?

Simply because YOU, do NOT have the formations and the social or educationnal context to navigate all informations. I know.. bummer...
The fact is that most people are not equiped to decipher scientific informations. And no, no matter how many times you do your researchs, if you don't understand the point of a study or the layers of subtilities or context of a research, you will do a bad job 90% of the time.

I, for example I'm lucky because my political side is FULL of scientist (which is not your case), so when someone is saying some BS on our side, the scientists can rectify that pretty easily and give some contexts to make people understand a study or a context better.

But you don't have that. There is no "independant thoughts" it's people who don't understand science who think they can magically understand it without looking at it or looking at the one experts that are going in their directions.

Once again you great us with your completely brilliant insight on nothingness.

Doing your own researches when you are not trained to think critically about your biases (and trust me I KNOW FOR A FACT that you are not trained to fight your biases) is like diving in a pool full of sugar hoping to find some salt. You will get fat, sick and you will never find what you are looking for, but you will have a lot of bad white stuff in your hands. That's usually what happens when ones masturbate without thinking.

Tyson is completely right here.

And the argument "is is stupid to think that you can learn that stuff ?".. is BS too.

You people have NO, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NO REASONS and NO DESIRE to learn that stuff (I mean science Btw) and when you do, you will miss 50% of it because you don't understand that science is also related to humans.

If that was the case, we would have very very very very VERY VERY different conversation in this thread. And this would have become a safe place for all a long time ago.

You are not interested in learning, you are interested in thinking. Thinking that you are right, that you don't need to listen those who tell you that you are wrong.

You only need to be conforted in your little narrow world full of angry woke people that want to end your life forever.

"Trust is a sign of religions not science" OMFG those guyz can't be this critically lost. Of course you need to trust science. Do you guyz have F astrophysics degree or what ? Are you able to understand the deep physic behind the expension of the universe or I don't know, Quantum physic ? OFC you need to trust scientists. Why ? Because you are not a scientists Einstein !

(And if you are, you are truly a bad one > And I'm not talking about you specifically here Ravager)

I'm taking the example of advanced physic to make you understand that the argument is BS on the basis. You can't know everything, so you will have to trust. What those guy don't tell you on the other hand, is that they want you to trust THEM and ONLY THEM.

For what you might ask ? Well.. to sell you sh*t of course. A lot of sh*t in drinks, pills and muffins. This type of Freud do not care about the truth, they only want you to know less to buy more. (maybe not this guy, but the guy feeding BS to this guy, definitely)

I can't believe this genius compared Gallileo with RFK... or guyz like him. He can't even understand that in this context, he is not gallileo but the inquisition, just not in power.

And I won't even comment what he says about females sport and what he thinks is anti-science since he clearly do not understand what is science and what is not.



There is - indeed - a good question here. Which would be the question of science in the hand of the power. But to arrives to that discussions, we would need to already be both understanding what science is in the first place and why we must be very careful when we look at it.

Sadly, only one of us is doing that right now, and trust me, it's not the one in your mirror.

So.. those discussions are left to leftists like me or Blax. We are forced to leave you on the side because you refuses to listen to science or to scientists. One day you can't stand them because you think they are bought by everyone and the local goat and the other you think they are just leftists who are doing fake social sciences. (And you don't even see the paradox between those two statements). I would love to say that I'm doing a strawman here, but I'm not. I've seen those two arguments used by the same people so many time on this thread it's ridiculous.

I guess you will see what type of experts you will end up with when you will have listened to guyz like RFKjr for four years. Good luck with your cyclones and others catastrophies. It's about to get bumpy.


Well, I had my fun. Lmao what a joke.
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It's crazy how you keep spamming the one same literally nonsensical channel all the time. You get debunked everytime but you keep coming back.

Are you a bot or something ?

But anyway. Let's look at the completely BS things that are implied here: "We should not trust experts but do our own researchs"

Why is this completely dumb on top of being dangerous ?

Simply because YOU, do NOT have the formations and the social or educationnal context to navigate all informations. I know.. bummer...
The fact is that most people are not equiped to decipher scientific informations. And no, no matter how many times you do your researchs, if you don't understand the point of a study or the layers of subtilities or context of a research, you will do a bad job 90% of the time.

I, for example I'm lucky because my political side is FULL of scientist (which is not your case), so when someone is saying some BS on our side, the scientists can rectify that pretty easily and give some contexts to make people understand a study or a context better.

But you don't have that. There is no "independant thoughts" it's people who don't understand science who think they can magically understand it without looking at it or looking at the one experts that are going in their directions.

Once again you great us with your completely brilliant insight on nothingness.

Doing your own researches when you are not trained to think critically about your biases (and trust me I KNOW FOR A FACT that you are not trained to fight your biases) is like diving in a pool full of sugar hoping to find some salt. You will get fat, sick and you will never find what you are looking for, but you will have a lot of bad white stuff in your hands. That's usually what happens when ones masturbate without thinking.

Tyson is completely right here.

And the argument "is is stupid to think that you can learn that stuff ?".. is BS too.

You people have NO, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NO REASONS and NO DESIRE to learn that stuff (I mean science Btw) and when you do, you will miss 50% of it because you don't understand that science is also related to humans.

If that was the case, we would have very very very very VERY VERY different conversation in this thread. And this would have become a safe place for all a long time ago.

You are not interested in learning, you are interested in thinking. Thinking that you are right, that you don't need to listen those who tell you that you are wrong.

You only need to be conforted in your little narrow world full of angry woke people that want to end your life forever.

"Trust is a sign of religions not science" OMFG those guyz can't be this critically lost. Of course you need to trust science. Do you guyz have F astrophysics degree or what ? Are you able to understand the deep physic behind the expension of the universe or I don't know, Quantum physic ? OFC you need to trust scientists. Why ? Because you are not a scientists Einstein !

(And if you are, you are truly a bad one > And I'm not talking about you specifically here Ravager)

I'm taking the example of advanced physic to make you understand that the argument is BS on the basis. You can't know everything, so you will have to trust. What those guy don't tell you on the other hand, is that they want you to trust THEM and ONLY THEM.

For what you might ask ? Well.. to sell you sh*t of course. A lot of sh*t in drinks, pills and muffins. This type of Freud do not care about the truth, they only want you to know less to buy more. (maybe not this guy, but the guy feeding BS to this guy, definitely)

I can't believe this genius compared Gallileo with RFK... or guyz like him. He can't even understand that in this context, he is not gallileo but the inquisition, just not in power.

And I won't even comment what he says about females sport and what he thinks is anti-science since he clearly do not understand what is science and what is not.



There is - indeed - a good question here. Which would be the question of science in the hand of the power. But to arrives to that discussions, we would need to already be both understanding what science is in the first place and why we must be very careful when we look at it.

Sadly, only one of us is doing that right now, and trust me, it's not the one in your mirror.

So.. those discussions are left to leftists like me or Blax. We are forced to leave you on the side because you refuses to listen to science or to scientists. One day you can't stand them because you think they are bought by everyone and the local goat and the other you think they are just leftists who are doing fake social sciences. (And you don't even see the paradox between those two statements). I would love to say that I'm doing a strawman here, but I'm not. I've seen those two arguments used by the same people so many time on this thread it's ridiculous.

I guess you will see what type of experts you will end up with when you will have listened to guyz like RFKjr for four years. Good luck with your cyclones and others catastrophies. It's about to get bumpy.


Well, I had my fun. Lmao what a joke.
You've completely missed a point because you are completely blinded by your idiotic views. The very fact that the expert hold a hardlined stance on a political view and then twists the facts to conform to their twisted ideals means you aren't getting an expert but a propagandist with some knowledge intent to using their knowledge to steer others without giving them all the facts, only a specific sort of facts.
It's hilarious that you consider me a bot but all you seem to be is similar to a terrible bias driven ChatGPT bot yourself.
Your right you are a joke.
Post automatically merged:

To be fair it's not always a good idea to improvise yourself as a plumber or that sort of professional. The difference is that plumbers don't have a political impact on society, are not funded by people or institutions with strong political beliefs and if you think a plumber is scamming you, you can always go to another.
You also missed the point etc. I'm ashamed of you.
𝘎𝘰𝘰𝘥𝘣𝘺𝘦 𝘖𝘭𝘢𝘧 𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘻, 𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘥. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘧𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳.
You've completely missed a point because you are completely blinded by your idiotic views.
I literally debunked this video point by point


The very fact that the expert hold a hardlined stance on a political view and then twists the facts to conform to their twisted ideals means you aren't getting an expert but a propagandist with some knowledge intent to using their knowledge to steer others without giving them all the facts, only a specific sort of facts
That's not how science works genius.

It's hilarious that you consider me a bot but all you seem to be is similar to a terrible bias driven ChatGPT bot yourself.
Your right you are a joke.
You are the one refusing reality, not me mate. I'm not a scientist, but I do understand the importance of looking at science with rationnality. You do not.

You just made an entire paragraph to say basically nothing but "I don't want to believe science because I can't understand it or trust someone that challenges my ideology"


I know that NO MATTER what I will say, you will keep diving deeper and deeper into anti-science. Simply because doing the opposite would requiere you to :

- Relax
- Stop yourself from speaking
- Accept that you can't be wrong
- Listen to actual scientists who actually understand what they are talking about
- Reflect with rationnality on your behavior
- Accept that you are diving into a well of missinformation
- Reflect again
- Adjust your behavior
- And tell me that you understand and maybe you will start to look at things differentely

But no.. There is something in you called PRIDE that will - just like Usopp - prevent you from self-reflecting on what you are saying, even if I know that there is a very small and deep part of you is thinking that I might be right (because I had the exact same way of thinking once).

So.. you will continu to either spread missinformation and anti-scientifism or you will continue to insult me.

If you think I will laugh at you showing self reflexion, you don't understand me. I would actually be glad to have an honest and scientific discussion with you. But for now... it can't happen.

At least, NOT until you start to swallow down your pride.



Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I literally debunked this video point by point


That's not how science works genius.

You are the one refusing reality, not me mate. I'm not a scientist, but I do understand the importance of looking at science with rationnality. You do not.

You just made an entire paragraph to say basically nothing but "I don't want to believe science because I can't understand it or trust someone that challenges my ideology"


I know that NO MATTER what I will say, you will keep diving deeper and deeper into anti-science. Simply because doing the opposite would requiere you to :

- Relax
- Stop yourself from speaking
- Accept that you can't be wrong
- Listen to actual scientists who actually understand what they are talking about
- Reflect with rationnality on your behavior
- Accept that you are diving into a well of missinformation
- Reflect again
- Adjust your behavior
- And tell me that you understand and maybe you will start to look at things differentely

But no.. There is something in you called PRIDE that will - just like Usopp - prevent you from self-reflecting on what you are saying, even if I know that there is a very small and deep part of you is thinking that I might be right (because I had the exact same way of thinking once).

So.. you will continu to either spread missinformation and anti-scientifism or you will continue to insult me.

If you think I will laugh at you showing self reflexion, you don't understand me. I would actually be glad to have an honest and scientific discussion with you. But for now... it can't happen.

At least, NOT until you start to swallow down your pride.

Bruh don't you feel tired of writing such long posts one after another? 😐
Bruh don't you feel tired of writing such long posts one after another? 😐
Nah, it actually feels good. It's only becomes tiring after a few replies. But I'm not doing that anymore. Not as much at least.

People are mostly talking to ChatGPT nowadays. Logiko corp industries were dematerialised long ago.
Lmao. It's funny because I've been trying to make chatGPT follow a prompt for 24h and it keeps missing it or forgetting what I said to him. It's really not the amazing AI people are talking about


I don't remember where but I heard of carrot4nakama somewhere maybe on reddit being spoken about like a one piece community legend, are they Logiko?
Yes it's me. But I didn't know I had a reputation on reddit since I never go there. Although some people know my work because of my twitter page back in the dayz.

This guy even created a channel based on what I was sayin :

(you can see that his avatar is the image that I created a few years ago, he also mention my carrotfornakama account at the end of his videos)

Nah, it actually feels good. It's only becomes tiring after a few replies. But I'm not doing that anymore. Not as much at least.

Lmao. It's funny because I've been trying to make chatGPT follow a prompt for 24h and it keeps missing it or forgetting what I said to him. It's really not the amazing AI people are talking about


Yes it's me. But I didn't know I had a reputation on reddit since I never go there. Although some people know my work because of my twitter page back in the dayz.

This guy even created a channel based on what I was sayin :

(you can see that his avatar is the image that I created a few years ago, he also mention my carrotfornakama account at the end of his videos)

That is really incredible =] !

With replies being tiring, I think it depends on if we have eaten, drank, slept well, and are not tired in general,

But I think Yamato will join and Carrot may too,