Trump is legitimately funny, I wish he had been raised in a good environment.

Rich kids get put through some of the worst shit you can imagine growing up.

Trump's problems are a symptom of how evil the USA is, not the disease.

I really hope Trump can come to love poor people, because if he actually understood them, rather than memed about them, he could do actual good for the USA.

I don't think Trump hates poor people, I just think the wealth/inequality/classism gap in the USA is so bad, people like Trump honestly don't understand the life of a single mother relying on food stamps at all. Not out of evil. Just ignorance.

I honestly thing Trump identifies way more with rednecks than a lot of Washington Politicians. People can say Trump and his base are so ignorant, was the country any better with Clinton/Bush? Fuck no.

Trump's appeal is purely based on the fact that he's a rich dude who REALLY doesn't like a lot of other rich people like Hillary. Was Trump's presidency really that much worse than Clinton, Bush, and Obama's? No. The country was still controlled by the same ultra-rich trash behind the scenes. Blackrock, London, Rome, Israel.

The fact that a guy like Trump that ate KFC got treated worse than other Epstein-plane-riders is what pissed people off.

Was Trump worse than them? Hell no. Either he's better, or the same. And they put all their eggs into saying he was worse.

White men got tired of being told they're worse than Hillary Clinton's child-******* ass, and said, "go fuck yourselves." Hillary sent Bill's rape victims death threats. Nazi terrorist shitstain on the USA.

Joe Rogan was a Bernie Bro.

The Democratic party would rather turn white men into Trump voters, than listen to white men, and admit Hillary sucks and Bernie got a rig-job and Covid was a government op, like Rogan said.

As long as the left won't admit to the most obvious lies, they'll keep feeding voters in the US to the right.

I hate Trump as he is, but the Democrats love him, since they're owned by the same people. Dems are the same as the Reps, they just lie to appear as controlled opposition.

I hope Trump changes, and chooses the base that actually loves him, over rich trash who has always hated him.
Controlled by Israel?,
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While I was banned the Democratic West or its affiliates did coups in South Korea, Romania and Syria (where jihadists are in power now, but they are good jihadists).
What do you mean with Romania?
For long ass posts like this it would be great if we could just put some parts of it in spoilers.
I will keep that in mind next time.
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Good thing I have shameless on ignore, the kind of answers make it very obvious whom logiko is talking to tho:kobeha:
You put me in ignore cause i got you banned lmfao
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Actually I would say that my country is worst than his concerning this subject.

Brazil is the result of colonization but France is still a colonialist country.
I agree.
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They are desperate to send people in a meat grinder with China or to bomb even more people in the desert.
Nah, this isn't the US. Some of the drones are, sure, and that's accounting for a majority of the air traffic, but they're being mobilized because the nation is being surveilled, and so far they can't stop it.

The fact that the drones they're describing have no heat signature and are capable of instantly going dark and still flying safely is wild.

I've read they can spoof comms/radar, too.

No way it's Russia or Iran, either. They don't have the resources for this shit.

There's a small possibility it's China, China has made good progress on reworking Ancient technology, and the Chinese have a much greater focus on societal survival than many Western Nations when it comes to conflict. This is prevalent in Asian cultures, look at South Korea rejecting the coup attempt, and Vietnam's history.

I'm wager most of the outer forces the US air forces are going after are coming from the Bermuda Triangle, though, the pinnacle of electromagnetic fuckery on the oceans.

The US government is having to deal with a ton of pushback from politicians and law enforcement, they wouldn't risk that for some psyop when the country is already this fed up with illegitimate authority.
Nah, this isn't the US. Some of the drones are, sure, and that's accounting for a majority of the air traffic, but they're being mobilized because the nation is being surveilled, and so far they can't stop it.

The fact that the drones they're describing have no heat signature and are capable of instantly going dark and still flying safely is wild.

I've read they can spoof comms/radar, too.

No way it's Russia or Iran, either. They don't have the resources for this shit.

There's a small possibility it's China, China has made good progress on reworking Ancient technology, and the Chinese have a much greater focus on societal survival than many Western Nations when it comes to conflict. This is prevalent in Asian cultures, look at South Korea rejecting the coup attempt, and Vietnam's history.

I'm wager most of the outer forces the US air forces are going after are coming from the Bermuda Triangle, though, the pinnacle of electromagnetic fuckery on the oceans.

The US government is having to deal with a ton of pushback from politicians and law enforcement, they wouldn't risk that for some psyop when the country is already this fed up with illegitimate authority.
The recent US events remind me of what Russell Means used to say when he was still alive, that Murica is just one big Indian reservation, the government using reservations as blueprints for how they want to run the whole nation or something along those lines.