Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1134 Spoilers Discussion

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So the teleportation ability isn’t unique to the Gorosei or something?

saturn in egghead says “ let me prepare the summoning” when he is being the Gorosei in. The Gorosei didn’t summon themselves. And Saturn is now dead

maybe Garling inherited Saturn’s powers and is the one now that can teleport people.
Has to be Imu's powers, seeing how she fried Saturn and all..

Yonji = Thanks
Reiju = Schwanks
Sanji = shanks

There's now two siblings left unseen
Nah I don't think so
Oda said he wanted just to make 1 brother but because if was gonna a long arc with Sanji he made more
I do believe into a possibility of a female shanks however could be in the cards

World strongest swords woman? :shocked:
Evil Saint Shanks confirmed? Saint Shanks is a WG plant confirmed?

Wait until EOS when the WG releases the 20 Saint Shanks clones that they currently have on standby
Wait until Imu has the other 18 Kings in cryosleep "until the time comes" (in this case when shit hits the fan for the WG).
No Shanks clones needed.
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