Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1134 Spoilers Discussion

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It's highly possible Thanks went to talk about Luffy or Loki or Shanks to Gorosei

Someone who's linked to the "sun"
While Shanks went to talk to WB about Someone linked to the "moon/darkness"

The good twin (Shanks) warns the good old man (WB) about the bad pirate, Teach
The evil twin (Thanks) warns the evil old men (gorosei) about the good/neutral pirate, Luffy
Bro is cooking
Vegapunk's brain is in Punk Records, right? He was specifically ordered to NOT destroy it.

Is it really a failure on him if the gorosei are a bunch of retards?
The mission was to kill Vegapunk. All of them, because anyone of them can connect to the main brain. Lilith escaped, and has access to all of the knowledge Vegapunk has accumulated over his lifetime. The mission failed.
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