
Holy Simp
What about it ? It's a closed project.
apparently a new balloon using similair tech has been sent out to New Jersey, it appeared out of nowhere in the flight radar and it's tagged there with "Project Loon". So a german youtuber thinks this is more likely to be a big media stunt with drones.

Now people start to think whether this is some sort of riddle to be solved or some sort of new upcomming tech reveal + sensibilization as some sort of PsyOps
Project Loon

things are getting crazier
Wusopp is here do not fear,
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apparently a new balloon using similair tech has been sent out to New Jersey, it appeared out of nowhere in the flight radar and it's tagged there with "Project Loon". So a german youtuber thinks this is more likely to be a big media stunt with drones.

Now people start to think whether this is some sort of riddle to be solved or some sort of new upcomming tech reveal + sensibilization as some sort of PsyOps
What do you mean that it is tagged as project Loon and with sensibilization as some sort of psyop?
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Holy Simp
Wusopp is here do not fear,
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What do you mean that it is tagged as project Loon and with sensibilization as some sort of psyop?
Check out flightradar24. It's a site that offers live tracking of all registered flights in the world.
On the way to New Jersey a balloon popped up that was registered as "Project Loon".

People say this can't be coincidence.

I think the government has access to the next generation flight technologies and they are setting up the commercial use of it. While they are at it and have the chance they might run tests on the civillization and the enviroment in order to see if anything changes or some census, if it comes to behavioural studies on the civillians, can be reached.

Like you know there are factors involved, like if you want to build a modern drone infrastructure, how would the sound of it impact the enviroment and the civillians? How does the fauna and flora, etc react to this?

I think this is more than interesting to think about.
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is this real?? lol

I heard the woman had questionable reporting before, such as acting like she was in a zone bombed when she was no where close. This is an entire different level. You would think with them being such a major network they would've caught all the signs their viewers did as soon as it aired. Another bullet to the dying mainstream news.
You make good assumptions/ask smart questions, I appreciate it after the shit I've been reading on reddit. If I see one more fucker tell me the giant ass stealth boomerang ships are flocks of birds, my GOOOOOOOD

The Governments are scared shitless because the NHI can stop nukes at certain ranges. Their technology is capable of transmuting the material in the warhead needed for detonation into non-nuclear materials.

Notice the amount of UAP presence over nuclear sites? Guess why?

Why do you think Nukes haven't been used since WW2? Did we get less violent? Or did someone keep us from doing so?
"To date, Hastings has interviewed more than 150 military veterans who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at U.S. missile sites, weapons storage facilities, and nuclear bomb test ranges. The events described by these individuals leave little doubt that the U.S. nuclear weapons program is an ongoing source of interest to someone possessing vastly superior technology."

"Here is a 2010 Washington DC press conference containing some of the information in the documentary. 7 military witnesses to UFOs at nuclear weapons facilities went on the record about their experiences, including UFOs disabling entire sets of weapons, which has occurred on many occasions and is considered extremely unlikely for more than 1 or 2 to go down at the same time:

There's way more evidence of this out there, you just have to listen to people with actual connections to this shit, who work in these fields or are adjacent to them, not random podcasters and crap (though they can help at times). People with actual sources in the government.

The NHI are looking for potential dirty bombs, like I said before, but, more than that, they're going around shutting down humanity's nuclear systems because we refuse to play nice.

On that note, guess who actually stopped WW2?
I heard about a story where some nuclear codes got messed with by an UFO and that a jet fighter's fuel got ignited somehow while trying to chase down one of these. Pilot died ofc.
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Don't compare the Ancient's drugs to our drugs, ever. Rude. They knew how to communicate with different realms/spirits using psychedelic plants. Native drug use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescription drugs. There are Native tribes who state that the plants they use to get high taught them how to mix the plants with other substances to get higher, which I think is just amazing/hilarious.

Modern religion says that about Ancient religions, I disagree completely. Ancient Religion clearly designated many of their Gods as real individuals, acting as if every Ancient religion followed the same allegorical principles is one hell of a coincidence I'd like to see you explain logically. One of them? Fine. All of them? Fuck outta here.

Research India looking into the radiation found in cities said to be destroyed with ancient weapons in their religious texts. The radiation readings match modern Nuclear standards.

Other apes have been evolving beside us for a long time, it makes no sense that we are the only group to evolve so quickly. The simplest explanation? Eugenics.

No, I mean Humanoid/other intelligent Aquatic Life beyond our intelligence exists. Giant Squids weren't confirmed as real until the 2000s. Are they real? Yeah. We've studied 5% of the ocean. Are mermaids real? Hell if I know, but, there's something intelligent down there. It's incredibly easy to hide shit in the ocean, it took us 7 decades to find the fucking Titanic, 3 decades after WW2 to find it.

Sasquatch is real, just a larger humanoid ape who focused their stats on nature skills, physical skills, and natural knowledge. Have you ever heard of the hairy humanoids the Japanese found on an island, and slaughtered? Sasquatch generally hides in caves/National Parks. Look up testimony of successful individuals, lots of lawyers/doctors will report, quietly, experiences, but keep them to themselves most often due to fear of crazies attacking them over it.

Fair point, by intelligent, I mean capable of producing mechanical technology. That's more or less the first step to civilization (proper farming requires tools), and it's very hard to achieve on your own without another race's help.

You didn't do enough research, then. I've already talked about Hollow Earth in other posts, I'm not going to deep dive into it again.

You can trust the Ancients, or your Modern Kings. Each of these cultures described an underworld, despite having separate religions.

What's the likelihood the "underworld" they described was some mystical lala land, or they meant, I don't know, UNDER THE FUCKING EARTH???

You are way too trusting of modern science despite understanding how manipulated by religion, politics, and economics modern science is.

Research the molten core being scientifically impossible if you have time, the concept is so fucking stupid when you listen to any real (ie; not government nor corporate sponsored) scientist talk about it.
Hey, i heard big foot has psychic abilities too. Look for the and Canaam 411 missing project on youtube. They both cover big foot sightings and weird disappearances in forested areas.

AL sama

Red Haired
I heard the woman had questionable reporting before, such as acting like she was in a zone bombed when she was no where close. This is an entire different level. You would think with them being such a major network they would've caught all the signs their viewers did as soon as it aired. Another bullet to the dying mainstream news.
I mean manipulating words is one thing but this is just too much

it shouldn't even be considered news in my opinion


Holy Simp
I will have to give a tl;dr to it. Else I would rope myself in writing a hour long blog entry lol.

But the idea of a futuristic and technocratic government form is also deeply intertwined with the Swarm Theory. The Swarm Theory describes all forms of theory and studies on Swarm Intelligence.

We have alot of puzzle pieces to conclude what the higher ups want:

Mobile Phones, 5G, Satellites (former Balloons, which takes us back to the idea of Project Loon). These with big companies like Telekom, Microsoft, Sony and many others at the forefront.

E.g.: Starlink was meant to be a commercial project for better live quality. The first huge success for Starlink was it's wide useage in the Ukraine conflict.

Aerial Technological Revolution:
Elon Musk Rockets, Drones. This is something alot of superrich people are participating in. Flying to space, colonizing Mars, exploring the Moon or much more prominently: Using Drones as weapons.

E.g.: Drones are meant to be of commercial and millitary use. Automated drones for logistics (look at Amazon). Prolonged Drone warfare in Ukraine.

Feminism and the return of Matriarchy:
This is a bit of tinfoil areal yet, but the most sustainable swarm systems are those of Ants and Bees in nature. Both Swarms are lead by a queen and they have that huge coordinated working force surrounding her.

E.g.: Recent Italian Prime Minister. Harris & Weidel.

There is much more to revert but concluding it as follows:

The Superrich are the Government, they are rich because they hold value and value are ressources, nothing else. The US is still the world's nr 1 power because of the hoard they have and the richness of ressources. Example are gold and platin but also heavy metals.

The Superrich literally have your money and distribute it. Their and their companies' goals are most likely efficiency. Efficiency always leads to more sustainability. Why I think alot of these people think that the lower classes should become a swarm, because in swarm theory it is all about efficiency.

What is right now happening in New Jersey? I think this is one of those psyops that are running tests on swarm behaviour of civillians. The current objective: Raise people's awareness by making them look into the sky. And as result become probably jaded, but having acquired the ability to instinctively locate things above us.

And this plays into the idea of another technological revolution of increasing activity in the sky. Ergo this all will be relevant for future commercial use and with also for use of war. Because think of it: WHATEVER IS COMMERCIAL IS ALSO MILLITARY. Commercial Infrastructure becomes millitary infrastructure in the future. And that's why the drone war in Ukraine is so interesting. That's why the ultra high precise air strikes from Israel are so interesting. And we know who's behind it.

Because think about it: If there are people literally owning the ressources of the US, then who owns the millitary? It's the superrich! So who backs up Israel and Ukraine? The superrich.

Like I am fr here, this is just a slice of the cake and it explains why someone like Zelensky got installed as government in Ukraine, because it was literally just a test run of having a people's man running the government, and all of the above I said is ofc against the values of the communistic east with Russia and China in the forefront.


I think I cracked the agenda. I hope they recruit me into Rothschild or so.
I will have to give a tl;dr to it. Else I would rope myself in writing a hour long blog entry lol.

But the idea of a futuristic and technocratic government form is also deeply intertwined with the Swarm Theory. The Swarm Theory describes all forms of theory and studies on Swarm Intelligence.

We have alot of puzzle pieces to conclude what the higher ups want:

Mobile Phones, 5G, Satellites (former Balloons, which takes us back to the idea of Project Loon). These with big companies like Telekom, Microsoft, Sony and many others at the forefront.

E.g.: Starlink was meant to be a commercial project for better live quality. The first huge success for Starlink was it's wide useage in the Ukraine conflict.

Aerial Technological Revolution:
Elon Musk Rockets, Drones. This is something alot of superrich people are participating in. Flying to space, colonizing Mars, exploring the Moon or much more prominently: Using Drones as weapons.

E.g.: Drones are meant to be of commercial and millitary use. Automated drones for logistics (look at Amazon). Prolonged Drone warfare in Ukraine.

Feminism and the return of Matriarchy:
This is a bit of tinfoil areal yet, but the most sustainable swarm systems are those of Ants and Bees in nature. Both Swarms are lead by a queen and they have that huge coordinated working force surrounding her.

E.g.: Recent Italian Prime Minister. Harris & Weidel.

There is much more to revert but concluding it as follows:

The Superrich are the Government, they are rich because they hold value and value are ressources, nothing else. The US is still the world's nr 1 power because of the hoard they have and the richness of ressources. Example are gold and platin but also heavy metals.

The Superrich literally have your money and distribute it. Their and their companies' goals are most likely efficiency. Efficiency always leads to more sustainability. Why I think alot of these people think that the lower classes should become a swarm, because in swarm theory it is all about efficiency.

What is right now happening in New Jersey? I think this is one of those psyops that are running tests on swarm behaviour of civillians. The current objective: Raise people's awareness by making them look into the sky. And as result become probably jaded, but having acquired the ability to instinctively locate things above us.

And this plays into the idea of another technological revolution of increasing activity in the sky. Ergo this all will be relevant for future commercial use and with also for use of war. Because think of it: WHATEVER IS COMMERCIAL IS ALSO MILLITARY. Commercial Infrastructure becomes millitary infrastructure in the future. And that's why the drone war in Ukraine is so interesting. That's why the ultra high precise air strikes from Israel are so interesting. And we know who's behind it.

Because think about it: If there are people literally owning the ressources of the US, then who owns the millitary? It's the superrich! So who backs up Israel and Ukraine? The superrich.

Like I am fr here, this is just a slice of the cake and it explains why someone like Zelensky got installed as government in Ukraine, because it was literally just a test run of having a people's man running the government, and all of the above I said is ofc against the values of the communistic east with Russia and China in the forefront.


I think I cracked the agenda. I hope they recruit me into Rothschild or so.
May I ask have you tried some socialist political theory?