CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul

Also there's no possible scenario in which aliens attack the planet. The very concept of alien invasions and aliens with advanced tech and the peculiar human like appearance with strangely shaped heads etc was invented by the US military to cover up their military activities.
Why do you think there's actual souvenir shops around area 51 after they denied area 51s existence for the longest time? It's to divert the citizens' attention away from what is.actually happening.
Aliens never existed nor did alien invasions ever happen.
The very likely possibility of life existing outside of planet earth doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this silly baseless fantasy of humanoid high tech invaders.
Stop falling for carefully planted government bs lies.
If the US had an easy target to blame this on, they already would have. The fact that it's gone one for so long and they're still deflecting tells you it's something they don't want us to know about. If it was a psyop, it would be all over the news like 9/11. If it was someone that posed a legitimate threat, the government would be outright in full panic, not in a sense of grim unease. Panic is what happens when you don't know what's going on. The higher levels of government are not panicking, they're deflecting. This is a situation they've been planning for (hence our Drone presence being massive), but have no actual solution to, other than hoping the Orbs go away.

"Also there's no possible scenario in which aliens attack the planet."
-False, it's happened multiple times through Earth's history. Research people smarter than us if you want proof, you won't take my word for it. Human advancements in tech and genetics make no scientific sense when compared to other species. Most of what we'd call Aliens, Advanced Races, do not want war, but peace. The ancient fighting in mythologies/ancient histories are depicting the good and bad Advanced Races going at it.

Especially as far as the advanced Aquatic Peoples are concerned, we are gigantic shit-dick-cunt-nuggets for doing what we've done to the Oceans and Rivers for the sake of maximizing short term profit for the worst people on the planet.

Stop acting as if this is a planet "owned" and "run" by humanity. We control bits of the surface, we've explored like 5% of the entire ocean. Many of these races pre-date us in terms of intelligence. It's racist to assume that the ocean, which has existed for how long, has produced no intelligent life matching us. They just avoid us, because we're racist assholes. If you were an IRL Fish-Man, would YOU want to visit the people that put Mexican kids in cages? Hell no.

"The very concept of alien invasions and aliens with advanced tech and the peculiar human like appearance with strangely shaped heads etc was invented by the US military to cover up their military activities."

-Exact opposite of reality, the FBI/CIA did extensive UFO disinfo campaigns after Roswell, and Hollywood has long since made films based off the racist idea that any Non-Human-Intelligence would want to eat/destroy us. What group of people told you aliens aren't real, but that, if they are real, would be very, very evil? Stop falling for US propaganda. The US has funded Hollywood stuff to make whistleblowers look like conspiracy theorists. Independence Day is just fear-mongering propaganda made to lead people to believe a military in a country run by genocidal rich shitheads could somehow defeat advanced alien invaders, and that any alien invasion would be evil.

This guy's a good place to start. Regarding the disinfo, he's very upfront and has a no-nonsense career.

"Why do you think there's actual souvenir shops around area 51 after they denied area 51s existence for the longest time? It's to divert the citizens' attention away from what is.actually happening."

-To make money? Learn to American (actually, don't, don't do that). Do you have any idea how big the Bigfoot industry is in the US? What, is the Government promoting the idea of Big Foot, to keep people from researching their Planets of the Apes facilities in the woods? No, it's cause my country is full of crazy capitalists, stop overthinking greedy people being greedy.

"The very likely possibility of life existing outside of planet earth doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this silly baseless fantasy of humanoid high tech invaders."

-I've stated MULTIPLE TIMES, they LIVE HERE (most of them). Hell, humans are so stupid, we used to think Gorillas were Cryptids, not that long ago:

The Earth has promoted diverse life for nearly 500 million years, and we've existed for... 250 thousand? Come on now. Don't be racist. What's more likely? That we're the smartest species here, or we're dumb enough to believe we're the most evolved species on the planet? That in less than a million years, we surpassed everything else?

We're their disabled, mentally-ill, cultist descendants who got permanently banned from Christmas/Christmas dinner for acting like drunk assholes at the party.

We're not being invaded by Aliens, we're being saved by Advanced Races who view us like violent Zoo animals, who also live here and are sick of us blowing up and polluting everything, and don't want WW3. They don't hate us, they're like disappointed parents watching their kids live-stream themselves drunk driving.

Most humans are too arrogant to accept they are not the dominant race, however. The same way they thought the Earth was flat for hundreds of years, because they couldn't accept the cosmos didn't revolve around them.

Spend a solid day researching conspiracies regarding Admiral Richard Byrd, Antarctica, and Operation Highjump, it will do you more good than watching people get shot in the Middle East for the 1000th time in your life.
Hate and fear are the ultimate limiters. Our governments own us by convincing us the Devil we Know is better than the Others we Don't, by telling us that if we don't know them, that they must be worst Devils.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yeah pretty sure it is not aliens.

I am 100% on it being the government or deep state running high-tech test phases.

You need to think about high-tech in 2 facettes, the marketable high-tech and the alpha high-tech.

The phones we use, they have been already tested like 25-30 years ago and shortly after they became marketable. Same with graphic cards and such for PCs. You can be certain that the rich people in S.V. for example, already have next gen stuff that will be sold in 5 years or so.

The same is happening with millitary tech or space tech. They are right now before our eyes testing the tech of the future. Because if they dont come out ahead in the arms race, then the current global situation would be looking dire for the US.

So yeah, expect new high tech aircraft in the upcomming 5-15 years.
Most likely

Definitely not aliens

Dfinitely not civilian drones based on numbers and size

Definitely not enemy nation as they won't be so upfront and US would have taken them down immediately

So, this leave us with only one option --US own military.

But here's the issue

These drones were seen in not just in NJ but over some other cities as well.

Second, during such test flights by military over cities, military notifies police department but in this case law enforcement is totally clueless because there haven't been notified of anything

Third, military is silent and someone from Whitehouse said they don't know who is flying these.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Most likely

Definitely not aliens

Dfinitely not civilian drones based on numbers and size

Definitely not enemy nation as they won't be so upfront and US would have taken them down immediately

So, this leave us with only one option --US own military.

But here's the issue

These drones were seen in not just in NJ but over some other cities as well.

Second, during such test flights by military over cities, military notifies police department but in this case law enforcement is totally clueless because there haven't been notified of anything

Third, military is silent and someone from Whitehouse said they don't know who is flying these.
What made me convinced it's not fully the US (a lot of the Drones are obvious US Military) is the foreign stuff. UK, Iran, New Zealand, Germany, etc having these same experiences.

God I wished people listened to whistleblowers more than governments.

Most obvious conclusion we can reach is the government is clearly lying about what's going on, and knows more than they're saying.
If the US had an easy target to blame this on, they already would have. The fact that it's gone one for so long and they're still deflecting tells you it's something they don't want us to know about. If it was a psyop, it would be all over the news like 9/11. If it was someone that posed a legitimate threat, the government would be outright in full panic, not in a sense of grim unease. Panic is what happens when you don't know what's going on. The higher levels of government are not panicking, they're deflecting. This is a situation they've been planning for (hence our Drone presence being massive), but have no actual solution to, other than hoping the Orbs go away.

"Also there's no possible scenario in which aliens attack the planet."
-False, it's happened multiple times through Earth's history. Research people smarter than us if you want proof, you won't take my word for it. Human advancements in tech and genetics make no scientific sense when compared to other species. Most of what we'd call Aliens, Advanced Races, do not want war, but peace. The ancient fighting in mythologies/ancient histories are depicting the good and bad Advanced Races going at it.

Especially as far as the advanced Aquatic Peoples are concerned, we are gigantic shit-dick-cunt-nuggets for doing what we've done to the Oceans and Rivers for the sake of maximizing short term profit for the worst people on the planet.

Stop acting as if this is a planet "owned" and "run" by humanity. We control bits of the surface, we've explored like 5% of the entire ocean. Many of these races pre-date us in terms of intelligence. It's racist to assume that the ocean, which has existed for how long, has produced no intelligent life matching us. They just avoid us, because we're racist assholes. If you were an IRL Fish-Man, would YOU want to visit the people that put Mexican kids in cages? Hell no.

"The very concept of alien invasions and aliens with advanced tech and the peculiar human like appearance with strangely shaped heads etc was invented by the US military to cover up their military activities."

-Exact opposite of reality, the FBI/CIA did extensive UFO disinfo campaigns after Roswell, and Hollywood has long since made films based off the racist idea that any Non-Human-Intelligence would want to eat/destroy us. What group of people told you aliens aren't real, but that, if they are real, would be very, very evil? Stop falling for US propaganda. The US has funded Hollywood stuff to make whistleblowers look like conspiracy theorists. Independence Day is just fear-mongering propaganda made to lead people to believe a military in a country run by genocidal rich shitheads could somehow defeat advanced alien invaders, and that any alien invasion would be evil.

This guy's a good place to start. Regarding the disinfo, he's very upfront and has a no-nonsense career.

"Why do you think there's actual souvenir shops around area 51 after they denied area 51s existence for the longest time? It's to divert the citizens' attention away from what is.actually happening."

-To make money? Learn to American (actually, don't, don't do that). Do you have any idea how big the Bigfoot industry is in the US? What, is the Government promoting the idea of Big Foot, to keep people from researching their Planets of the Apes facilities in the woods? No, it's cause my country is full of crazy capitalists, stop overthinking greedy people being greedy.

"The very likely possibility of life existing outside of planet earth doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this silly baseless fantasy of humanoid high tech invaders."

-I've stated MULTIPLE TIMES, they LIVE HERE (most of them). Hell, humans are so stupid, we used to think Gorillas were Cryptids, not that long ago:

The Earth has promoted diverse life for nearly 500 million years, and we've existed for... 250 thousand? Come on now. Don't be racist. What's more likely? That we're the smartest species here, or we're dumb enough to believe we're the most evolved species on the planet? That in less than a million years, we surpassed everything else?

We're their disabled, mentally-ill, cultist descendants who got permanently banned from Christmas/Christmas dinner for acting like drunk assholes at the party.

We're not being invaded by Aliens, we're being saved by Advanced Races who view us like violent Zoo animals, who also live here and are sick of us blowing up and polluting everything, and don't want WW3. They don't hate us, they're like disappointed parents watching their kids live-stream themselves drunk driving.

Most humans are too arrogant to accept they are not the dominant race, however. The same way they thought the Earth was flat for hundreds of years, because they couldn't accept the cosmos didn't revolve around them.

Spend a solid day researching conspiracies regarding Admiral Richard Byrd, Antarctica, and Operation Highjump, it will do you more good than watching people get shot in the Middle East for the 1000th time in your life.
Hate and fear are the ultimate limiters. Our governments own us by convincing us the Devil we Know is better than the Others we Don't, by telling us that if we don't know them, that they must be worst Devils.
Something tells me that you are trolling, another part (close to what I was) tells me that you are not.



Holy Simp
apparently there are new infos out about this whole thing:

-the drones are equipped with nuclear sensory and they might be looking for nuclear footprints on the ground
-it is speculated that when the UDSSR broke apart that some of the nukes were traded privately in a nuke blackmarket
-it is possible that missing nukes are hidden within cities, probably one in New Jersey and that the government is looking for them

idk if that is some tinfoil clan shit but it could explain alot of the governments behaviour and methods in this case

AL sama

Red Haired
What made me convinced it's not fully the US (a lot of the Drones are obvious US Military) is the foreign stuff. UK, Iran, New Zealand, Germany, etc having these same experiences.

God I wished people listened to whistleblowers more than governments.

Most obvious conclusion we can reach is the government is clearly lying about what's going on, and knows more than they're saying.
do you really think all the governments from so many countries would be sitting quietly doing nothing if they didn't know what those things are??

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
do you really think all the governments from so many countries would be sitting quietly doing nothing if they didn't know what those things are??
My position has not changed much:
-The governments involved (at least the real higher ups) know what the UAPs are.
-The governments are not attacking because the UAPs are much more advanced, and they cannot take them out (the US/Russia have extensive histories of getting their asses absolutely annihilated when trying to engage these UAPs, if you want details, I can send some links later).
-The governments are trying to keep the media and state/local governments in the dark, BECAUSE they have no functional response to this. If they wanted us dead we WOULD be dead.

The Federation comprised of Advanced Races is pretty much making a power move to tell the World Government "no, you can't beat us in a fucking fight, the reason we haven't blown you up is because we hate violence, and we're sick of you destroying your own people, and our planet, for the sake of absolute nonsense."

The Advanced Races have been trying to get these countries to stop engaging in conflicts/pushing WW3, and, the Advanced Races have come to realize the stupid trash in our governments are just going to keep lying and gaslighting both sides (the brainwashed public + the Advanced Races).

These civilizations have more or less free energy, what Tesla uncovered, and what the government covered up. This is why we can't fuck with their Aeroships (my favorite term for them, not theirs), because their Electromagnetic capabilities absolutely ruin what we have.

Free energy would destroy every energy industry in existence. All these rich oil barons that treat us as slaves? Their entire empire would collapse. These empires are all reliant on energy to keep people as slaves. If we have unlimited heating, cooling, electricity... why the fuck would we be working the way we do? Resources/energy is a HUGE cause of war in multiple regions. What happens if that need for oil/natural gas... just, vanishes?

The USA, Russia, Middle Eastern Dictatorships, China, European countries... they all rely heavily on their Energy industries to control the populace.

What do you think would happen, if all the people in the Lower and Middle Classes, realized the rich have been suppressing advanced cheap energy production... because it would hurt their profit margin?

How do you think that would go for them?

Free Energy would lead to the destruction of every terrorist state masquerading as a government in the world.

Research Tesla (using non-conventional sources) if you want more info (this is the same tech the pyramids used that I was talking about in the other thread, Tesla wanted to revive it).
The war, poverty, and suffering they produced is a direct choice by rich bastards to suppress advanced technology that would easily solve our energy crisis.

This is why the US, Russia, and China support these disgusting wars, and are part of the same cults, even though they hate each other: if their people realized the technology they were hiding, the worldwide revolution would be instant. We've been starving and suffering from illness by design, so people can make money off of destroying our own planet.

These countries pushed too close to WW3 and the Advanced Races who also live here have fucking had it with our chucklefuck chicanery. Russia sending their ICBM on the 21st was one of the last straws, apparently.

You know that one old dude, who everyone loves, because they're peaceful, and rational, and kind. But, when that dude gets angry, you know somebody fucked up, and they're about to get a talking to worse than a whoopin'?

That's what you're looking at here on a planetary scale. The Advanced Races are PISSED at our governments, way more than us, for fucking up the planet for everybody.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
governments wouldn't hesitate to use nukes if that was really the case
You make good assumptions/ask smart questions, I appreciate it after the shit I've been reading on reddit. If I see one more fucker tell me the giant ass stealth boomerang ships are flocks of birds, my GOOOOOOOD

The Governments are scared shitless because the NHI can stop nukes at certain ranges. Their technology is capable of transmuting the material in the warhead needed for detonation into non-nuclear materials.

Notice the amount of UAP presence over nuclear sites? Guess why?

Why do you think Nukes haven't been used since WW2? Did we get less violent? Or did someone keep us from doing so?
"To date, Hastings has interviewed more than 150 military veterans who were involved in various UFO-related incidents at U.S. missile sites, weapons storage facilities, and nuclear bomb test ranges. The events described by these individuals leave little doubt that the U.S. nuclear weapons program is an ongoing source of interest to someone possessing vastly superior technology."

"Here is a 2010 Washington DC press conference containing some of the information in the documentary. 7 military witnesses to UFOs at nuclear weapons facilities went on the record about their experiences, including UFOs disabling entire sets of weapons, which has occurred on many occasions and is considered extremely unlikely for more than 1 or 2 to go down at the same time:

There's way more evidence of this out there, you just have to listen to people with actual connections to this shit, who work in these fields or are adjacent to them, not random podcasters and crap (though they can help at times). People with actual sources in the government.

The NHI are looking for potential dirty bombs, like I said before, but, more than that, they're going around shutting down humanity's nuclear systems because we refuse to play nice.

On that note, guess who actually stopped WW2?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
My position has not changed much:
-The governments involved (at least the real higher ups) know what the UAPs are.
-The governments are not attacking because the UAPs are much more advanced, and they cannot take them out (the US/Russia have extensive histories of getting their asses absolutely annihilated when trying to engage these UAPs, if you want details, I can send some links later).
-The governments are trying to keep the media and state/local governments in the dark, BECAUSE they have no functional response to this. If they wanted us dead we WOULD be dead.

The Federation comprised of Advanced Races is pretty much making a power move to tell the World Government "no, you can't beat us in a fucking fight, the reason we haven't blown you up is because we hate violence, and we're sick of you destroying your own people, and our planet, for the sake of absolute nonsense."

The Advanced Races have been trying to get these countries to stop engaging in conflicts/pushing WW3, and, the Advanced Races have come to realize the stupid trash in our governments are just going to keep lying and gaslighting both sides (the brainwashed public + the Advanced Races).

These civilizations have more or less free energy, what Tesla uncovered, and what the government covered up. This is why we can't fuck with their Aeroships (my favorite term for them, not theirs), because their Electromagnetic capabilities absolutely ruin what we have.

Free energy would destroy every energy industry in existence. All these rich oil barons that treat us as slaves? Their entire empire would collapse. These empires are all reliant on energy to keep people as slaves. If we have unlimited heating, cooling, electricity... why the fuck would we be working the way we do? Resources/energy is a HUGE cause of war in multiple regions. What happens if that need for oil/natural gas... just, vanishes?

The USA, Russia, Middle Eastern Dictatorships, China, European countries... they all rely heavily on their Energy industries to control the populace.

What do you think would happen, if all the people in the Lower and Middle Classes, realized the rich have been suppressing advanced cheap energy production... because it would hurt their profit margin?

How do you think that would go for them?

Free Energy would lead to the destruction of every terrorist state masquerading as a government in the world.

Research Tesla (using non-conventional sources) if you want more info (this is the same tech the pyramids used that I was talking about in the other thread, Tesla wanted to revive it).
The war, poverty, and suffering they produced is a direct choice by rich bastards to suppress advanced technology that would easily solve our energy crisis.

This is why the US, Russia, and China support these disgusting wars, and are part of the same cults, even though they hate each other: if their people realized the technology they were hiding, the worldwide revolution would be instant. We've been starving and suffering from illness by design, so people can make money off of destroying our own planet.

These countries pushed too close to WW3 and the Advanced Races who also live here have fucking had it with our chucklefuck chicanery. Russia sending their ICBM on the 21st was one of the last straws, apparently.

You know that one old dude, who everyone loves, because they're peaceful, and rational, and kind. But, when that dude gets angry, you know somebody fucked up, and they're about to get a talking to worse than a whoopin'?

That's what you're looking at here on a planetary scale. The Advanced Races are PISSED at our governments, way more than us, for fucking up the planet for everybody.
Bro most things about Tesla is over exaggerated on social media.

Don't know how we end up with netizens who over glorify things of good scientists while downplaying arguably the greatest scientist like in this case Tesla - Einstein arguments on social media

And, I think you watch too much off aliens.

Yes they likely exist but not on our planet.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Bro most things about Tesla is over exaggerated on social media.

Don't know how we end up with netizens who over glorify things of good scientists while downplaying arguably the greatest scientist like in this case Tesla - Einstein arguments on social media

And, I think you watch too much off aliens.

Yes they likely exist but not on our planet.
Other way around. Tesla's reputation was ruined by the Energy Companies that needed his idea to die so they could keep making bank.

Want a fun rabbit hole? Guess who cleaned out Tesla's office? Would you believe me if I said it was Trump's Uncle?

In early 1943, two days after the death of Nikola Tesla, the Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered the Office of Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings.[9] Trump was called in to analyze the Tesla artifacts, which were being held in government custody.[9] After a three-day investigation, Trump's report concluded that none of the artifacts would constitute a hazard in unfriendly hands.[10]

The Evangelion re-runs are catching up to me /s. (need to rewatch, haven't seen it in years).

In reality, I just distrust modern governments and modern history.

My theories/beliefs are based solely off researching Ancient history and those like Tesla who were smeared by modern governments.

I wanna watch more Aliens, you got any of the ET homemade porn, Reborn???
Bro most things about Tesla is over exaggerated on social media.

Don't know how we end up with netizens who over glorify things of good scientists while downplaying arguably the greatest scientist like in this case Tesla - Einstein arguments on social media

And, I think you watch too much off aliens.

Yes they likely exist but not on our planet.
Because he nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Since we mention high tech I heard about this from a VR streamer that looks a lot into patents and research and companies, next year or in the next two years Meta will show AR glasses and say they are the highest tech shown or sold to consumers yet but as of 5 months ago they are only able to make 20 of them, they are made in US factories, and to make them possible they use a material that makes selling them illegal, but in 3 or 4 years they will be able to make them properly,

The ancient fighting in mythologies/ancient histories are depicting the good and bad Advanced Races going at it.
Allegorical stories about world events+spiritual journeys with and without the influence of drugs. Ancient gods often reflect the specific culture's social structures and hierarchical .
No factual events.

it's happened multiple times through Earth's history. Research people smarter than us if you want proof, you won't take my word for it.
Who for example?
Those two?äniken

Human advancements in tech and genetics make no scientific sense when compared to other species.
Why do you think so?

Stop acting as if this is a planet "owned" and "run" by humanity.
I didn't.

Many of these races pre-date us in terms of intelligence.
You mean millions of years old species of fish etc? And those small guys that look like geometric shapes? Yes they are older than humans and the fact they survived until the present day prices that their bodies are adapted to their own specific way if life.

Do you have any idea how big the Bigfoot industry is in the US? What, is the Government promoting the idea of Big Foot, to keep people from researching their Planets of the Apes facilities in the woods? No, it's cause my country is full of crazy capitalists, stop overthinking greedy people being greedy.
Are you implying Bigfoot is real too?

The Earth has promoted diverse life for nearly 500 million years, and we've existed for... 250 thousand? Come on now. Don't be racist. What's more likely? That we're the smartest species here, or we're dumb enough to believe we're the most evolved species on the planet? That in less than a million years, we surpassed everything else?
What is an advanced species depends on interpretation. Every species is as intelligent as it gas to be to survive and thrive in its specific niche. There's many things we can't do that other animals can, for example seeing UV light, hearing ultrasound, flying, breathing under water etc

it will do you more good than watching people get shot in the Middle East for the 1000th time in your life.
I 'researched' those over 10 years ago and quickly realized that they're not only a gross distortion of facts but are also presented with very manipulative speech.
How is this topic connected to watching the news?

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul

Allegorical stories about world events+spiritual journeys with and without the influence of drugs. Ancient gods often reflect the specific culture's social structures and hierarchical .
No factual events.

Who for example?
Those two?äniken

Why do you think so?

I didn't.

You mean millions of years old species of fish etc? And those small guys that look like geometric shapes? Yes they are older than humans and the fact they survived until the present day prices that their bodies are adapted to their own specific way if life.

Are you implying Bigfoot is real too?

What is an advanced species depends on interpretation. Every species is as intelligent as it gas to be to survive and thrive in its specific niche. There's many things we can't do that other animals can, for example seeing UV light, hearing ultrasound, flying, breathing under water etc

I 'researched' those over 10 years ago and quickly realized that they're not only a gross distortion of facts but are also presented with very manipulative speech.
How is this topic connected to watching the news?
Don't compare the Ancient's drugs to our drugs, ever. Rude. They knew how to communicate with different realms/spirits using psychedelic plants. Native drug use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescription drugs. There are Native tribes who state that the plants they use to get high taught them how to mix the plants with other substances to get higher, which I think is just amazing/hilarious.

Modern religion says that about Ancient religions, I disagree completely. Ancient Religion clearly designated many of their Gods as real individuals, acting as if every Ancient religion followed the same allegorical principles is one hell of a coincidence I'd like to see you explain logically. One of them? Fine. All of them? Fuck outta here.

Research India looking into the radiation found in cities said to be destroyed with ancient weapons in their religious texts. The radiation readings match modern Nuclear standards.

Other apes have been evolving beside us for a long time, it makes no sense that we are the only group to evolve so quickly. The simplest explanation? Eugenics.

No, I mean Humanoid/other intelligent Aquatic Life beyond our intelligence exists. Giant Squids weren't confirmed as real until the 2000s. Are they real? Yeah. We've studied 5% of the ocean. Are mermaids real? Hell if I know, but, there's something intelligent down there. It's incredibly easy to hide shit in the ocean, it took us 7 decades to find the fucking Titanic, 3 decades after WW2 to find it.

Sasquatch is real, just a larger humanoid ape who focused their stats on nature skills, physical skills, and natural knowledge. Have you ever heard of the hairy humanoids the Japanese found on an island, and slaughtered? Sasquatch generally hides in caves/National Parks. Look up testimony of successful individuals, lots of lawyers/doctors will report, quietly, experiences, but keep them to themselves most often due to fear of crazies attacking them over it.

Fair point, by intelligent, I mean capable of producing mechanical technology. That's more or less the first step to civilization (proper farming requires tools), and it's very hard to achieve on your own without another race's help.

You didn't do enough research, then. I've already talked about Hollow Earth in other posts, I'm not going to deep dive into it again.

You can trust the Ancients, or your Modern Kings. Each of these cultures described an underworld, despite having separate religions.

What's the likelihood the "underworld" they described was some mystical lala land, or they meant, I don't know, UNDER THE FUCKING EARTH???

You are way too trusting of modern science despite understanding how manipulated by religion, politics, and economics modern science is.

Research the molten core being scientifically impossible if you have time, the concept is so fucking stupid when you listen to any real (ie; not government nor corporate sponsored) scientist talk about it.
Don't compare the Ancient's drugs to our drugs, ever. Rude. They knew how to communicate with different realms/spirits using psychedelic plants. Native drug use >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescription drugs. There are Native tribes who state that the plants they use to get high taught them how to mix the plants with other substances to get higher, which I think is just amazing/hilarious.

Modern religion says that about Ancient religions, I disagree completely. Ancient Religion clearly designated many of their Gods as real individuals, acting as if every Ancient religion followed the same allegorical principles is one hell of a coincidence I'd like to see you explain logically. One of them? Fine. All of them? Fuck outta here.

Research India looking into the radiation found in cities said to be destroyed with ancient weapons in their religious texts. The radiation readings match modern Nuclear standards.

Other apes have been evolving beside us for a long time, it makes no sense that we are the only group to evolve so quickly. The simplest explanation? Eugenics.

No, I mean Humanoid/other intelligent Aquatic Life beyond our intelligence exists. Giant Squids weren't confirmed as real until the 2000s. Are they real? Yeah. We've studied 5% of the ocean. Are mermaids real? Hell if I know, but, there's something intelligent down there. It's incredibly easy to hide shit in the ocean, it took us 7 decades to find the fucking Titanic, 3 decades after WW2 to find it.

Sasquatch is real, just a larger humanoid ape who focused their stats on nature skills, physical skills, and natural knowledge. Have you ever heard of the hairy humanoids the Japanese found on an island, and slaughtered? Sasquatch generally hides in caves/National Parks. Look up testimony of successful individuals, lots of lawyers/doctors will report, quietly, experiences, but keep them to themselves most often due to fear of crazies attacking them over it.

Fair point, by intelligent, I mean capable of producing mechanical technology. That's more or less the first step to civilization (proper farming requires tools), and it's very hard to achieve on your own without another race's help.

You didn't do enough research, then. I've already talked about Hollow Earth in other posts, I'm not going to deep dive into it again.

You can trust the Ancients, or your Modern Kings. Each of these cultures described an underworld, despite having separate religions.

What's the likelihood the "underworld" they described was some mystical lala land, or they meant, I don't know, UNDER THE FUCKING EARTH???

You are way too trusting of modern science despite understanding how manipulated by religion, politics, and economics modern science is.

Research the molten core being scientifically impossible if you have time, the concept is so fucking stupid when you listen to any real (ie; not government nor corporate sponsored) scientist talk about it.
Do you intend to flood this thread under conspiracy theories ?

Just say it mate and I'll be on my way. Because at this level, it's useless to try to debunk you.
Don't compare the Ancient's drugs to our drugs, ever. Rude.
I didn't
Ancient Religion clearly designated many of their Gods as real individuals
That's what happens when people perform religious rituals under the influence of psychedelic drugs. Those are still around btw, the plants aren't extinct or anything
Other apes have been evolving beside us for a long time, it makes no sense that we are the only group to evolve so quickly. The simplest explanation? Eugenics
We don't even evolve quickly, we only invent lots of stuff, that's what humans are good at after all. Besides that we haven't changed fundamentally, we still kill each other for bs reasons, are as greedy and selfish as ever and have cult like sociopolitical constructs.
Giant Squids weren't confirmed as real until the 2000s
Oh yes those guys exist. Who said there's no intelligent life in the ocean? Like I said, there are different kinds of intelligence and ability among different species.
Fair point, by intelligent, I mean capable of producing mechanical technology. That's more or less the first step to civilization (proper farming requires tools), and it's very hard to achieve on your own without another race's help.
That's a very limited idea of civilisation and a very human centered one. Btw ants are basically farmers, aphids are their livestock.
You can trust the Ancients, or your Modern Kings. Each of these cultures described an underworld, despite having separate religions.

What's the likelihood the "underworld" they described was some mystical lala land, or they meant, I don't know, UNDER THE FUCKING EARTH???
You seem to struggle grasping the fact that most people in the past didn't adhere to a rationalistic idea of the world. Whatever they saw during their spiritual journeys was as real to them as the material world. They also took dreams way more seriously. And again, there are still people around who share this approach to life. Idk why you're calling it a ''lala land'', as the depths of the human psyche didn't matter. They are real but in a different way.
You mean actual caves? Like the cenotes in Mesoamerica, important places in Maya religion? Caves are kinda an underworld, no?
Sasquatch is real, just a larger humanoid ape who focused their stats on nature skills, physical skills, and natural knowledge. Have you ever heard of the hairy humanoids the Japanese found on an island, and slaughtered? Sasquatch generally hides in caves/National Parks. Look up testimony of successful individuals, lots of lawyers/doctors will report, quietly, experiences, but keep them to themselves most often due to fear of crazies attacking them over it.
People seeing 'humanoids' most of the time means they saw humans with different features. Like Europeans who genuinely believed black Africans to be the missing link between humans and apes. People who don't get exposure to other phenotypes are quick to be surprised by their appearance.
It's very likely that stories about encounters with those were passed on over generations and because humans tend to attach religion and ritual to virtually everything, they'd turn them into magical creatures in their stories.
Then there's encounters with animals like bears standing on two feet that could be mistaken for a human from a distance.
There really are logical explanations for many of those mysteries that are in no way less interesting.
About the supposed indigenous heritage of the Sasquatch I'd recommend you this video
There are actual sources clearly stating that the "creatures" in question are humans who for some reason live in the forest away from large settlements, the popular Sasquatch stories also mix up different phenomena.
Those kinda debunking documentaries have been around for ages btw.

Are there government conspiracies? Of course. But EVERYTHING mysterious and unknown is not a government conspiracy.