If the US had an easy target to blame this on, they already would have. The fact that it's gone one for so long and they're still deflecting tells you it's something they don't want us to know about. If it was a psyop, it would be all over the news like 9/11. If it was someone that posed a legitimate threat, the government would be outright in full panic, not in a sense of grim unease. Panic is what happens when you don't know what's going on. The higher levels of government are not panicking, they're deflecting. This is a situation they've been planning for (hence our Drone presence being massive), but have no actual solution to, other than hoping the Orbs go away.
"Also there's no possible scenario in which aliens attack the planet."
-False, it's happened multiple times through Earth's history. Research people smarter than us if you want proof, you won't take my word for it. Human advancements in tech and genetics make no scientific sense when compared to other species. Most of what we'd call Aliens, Advanced Races, do not want war, but peace. The ancient fighting in mythologies/ancient histories are depicting the good and bad Advanced Races going at it.
Especially as far as the advanced Aquatic Peoples are concerned, we are gigantic shit-dick-cunt-nuggets for doing what we've done to the Oceans and Rivers for the sake of maximizing short term profit for the worst people on the planet.
Stop acting as if this is a planet "owned" and "run" by humanity. We control bits of the surface, we've explored like 5% of the entire ocean. Many of these races pre-date us in terms of intelligence. It's racist to assume that the ocean, which has existed for how long, has produced no intelligent life matching us. They just avoid us, because we're racist assholes. If you were an IRL Fish-Man, would YOU want to visit the people that put Mexican kids in cages? Hell no.
"The very concept of alien invasions and aliens with advanced tech and the peculiar human like appearance with strangely shaped heads etc was invented by the US military to cover up their military activities."
-Exact opposite of reality, the FBI/CIA did extensive UFO disinfo campaigns after Roswell, and Hollywood has long since made films based off the racist idea that any Non-Human-Intelligence would want to eat/destroy us. What group of people told you aliens aren't real, but that, if they are real, would be very, very evil? Stop falling for US propaganda. The US has funded Hollywood stuff to make whistleblowers look like conspiracy theorists. Independence Day is just fear-mongering propaganda made to lead people to believe a military in a country run by genocidal rich shitheads could somehow defeat advanced alien invaders, and that any alien invasion would be evil.
This guy's a good place to start. Regarding the disinfo, he's very upfront and has a no-nonsense career.
"Why do you think there's actual souvenir shops around area 51 after they denied area 51s existence for the longest time? It's to divert the citizens' attention away from what is.actually happening."
-To make money? Learn to American (actually, don't, don't do that). Do you have any idea how big the Bigfoot industry is in the US? What, is the Government promoting the idea of Big Foot, to keep people from researching their Planets of the Apes facilities in the woods? No, it's cause my country is full of crazy capitalists, stop overthinking greedy people being greedy.
"The very likely possibility of life existing outside of planet earth doesn't have ANYTHING to do with this silly baseless fantasy of humanoid high tech invaders."
-I've stated MULTIPLE TIMES, they LIVE HERE (most of them). Hell, humans are so stupid, we used to think Gorillas were Cryptids, not that long ago:
The Earth has promoted diverse life for nearly 500 million years, and we've existed for... 250 thousand? Come on now. Don't be racist. What's more likely? That we're the smartest species here, or we're dumb enough to believe we're the most evolved species on the planet? That in less than a million years, we surpassed everything else?
We're their disabled, mentally-ill, cultist descendants who got permanently banned from Christmas/Christmas dinner for acting like drunk assholes at the party.
We're not being invaded by Aliens, we're being saved by Advanced Races who view us like violent Zoo animals, who also live here and are sick of us blowing up and polluting everything, and don't want WW3. They don't hate us, they're like disappointed parents watching their kids live-stream themselves drunk driving.
Most humans are too arrogant to accept they are not the dominant race, however. The same way they thought the Earth was flat for hundreds of years, because they couldn't accept the cosmos didn't revolve around them.
Spend a solid day researching conspiracies regarding Admiral Richard Byrd, Antarctica, and Operation Highjump, it will do you more good than watching people get shot in the Middle East for the 1000th time in your life.
Hate and fear are the ultimate limiters. Our governments own us by convincing us the Devil we Know is better than the Others we Don't, by telling us that if we don't know them, that they must be worst Devils.