Le Fishe Thread What the cracker merchant even done as Fleet Admiral?


That whole "the marines are stronger under Akainu" line was peak show vs tell cause l legit can't tell the difference between the two in the actual manga.

Only thing Akainu and his marines do is whine about not being able to fight yonko, lack of resources but can throw waves of men and ships at Mihawk, and a bunch of other bullshit.
I laugh my ass off how the bumkainu denialist copers act like their favorite is better

• The red bitch as fleet admiral;

‎~ Starts by pushing away Kuzan into the arms of BB, one of the two most dangerous pirates in the world.
‎~ Marines are involved in rocky port but unable to stop BB's rise.
‎~ Marines need saved by pirates at punk hazard.
‎~ Fujitora outright makes a mockery of him in Dressrosa, Gorosei tell him that they don’t care about his opinion and that stfu.
‎~ Next to no involvement in the defeat of Kaido- Big Mom (what did Drake actually accomplish? What happened to moving to the New world to take on the Yonko?)
‎~ Fujitora and Ryokugyu fail at the Reverie against the Revo army.
‎~ Eight nation revolt resulting from this, Sabo now considered a hero.
‎~ Ryokugyu also disobeys orders, goes to Wano only to get embarrassed by Shanks
‎~ Shishibukai disbanded against The red bitch’s wishes.
‎~ Failed to capture poophawk, Buggy or Hancock after the Shishibukai are disbanded.
‎~ Poophawk and Buggy become Cross Guild and cripple public confidence in the Marines.
‎~ BB attacks Amazon Lily and takes Coby hostage.
‎~ The red bitch does nothing but complain about BB fighting with Law, ending with BB etting Ryo poneglyph.
‎~ The red bitch personally failed to stop brainless 1 HP robot Kuma getting to Egghead.
‎~ Gets shouted at for not bringing lobster
‎-had an entire fleet of Marines wiped out at Egghead, failed to even kill all the Vegapunks.
‎~ Garp and sword ignore his orders, go to save Coby, successful in that mission but now with the public crisis of the hero of the Marines captured by a former Admiral turned pirate.

And the list goes on, besides the fact that no one respects him, not even his underlings ...

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I laugh my ass off how the bumkainu denialist copers act like their favorite is better

• The red bitch as fleet admiral;

‎~ Starts by pushing away Kuzan into the arms of BB, one of the two most dangerous pirates in the world.
‎~ Marines are involved in rocky port but unable to stop BB's rise.
‎~ Marines need saved by pirates at punk hazard.
‎~ Fujitora outright makes a mockery of him in Dressrosa, Gorosei tell him that they don’t care about his opinion and that stfu.
‎~ Next to no involvement in the defeat of Kaido- Big Mom (what did Drake actually accomplish? What happened to moving to the New world to take on the Yonko?)
‎~ Fujitora and Ryokugyu fail at the Reverie against the Revo army.
‎~ Eight nation revolt resulting from this, Sabo now considered a hero.
‎~ Ryokugyu also disobeys orders, goes to Wano only to get embarrassed by Shanks
‎~ Shishibukai disbanded against The red bitch’s wishes.
‎~ Failed to capture poophawk, Buggy or Hancock after the Shishibukai are disbanded.
‎~ Poophawk and Buggy become Cross Guild and cripple public confidence in the Marines.
‎~ BB attacks Amazon Lily and takes Coby hostage.
‎~ The red bitch does nothing but complain about BB fighting with Law, ending with BB etting Ryo poneglyph.
‎~ The red bitch personally failed to stop brainless 1 HP robot Kuma getting to Egghead.
‎~ Gets shouted at for not bringing lobster
‎-had an entire fleet of Marines wiped out at Egghead, failed to even kill all the Vegapunks.
‎~ Garp and sword ignore his orders, go to save Coby, successful in that mission but now with the public crisis of the hero of the Marines captured by a former Admiral turned pirate.

And the list goes on, besides the fact that no one respects him, not even his underlings ...
Going from Sengoku to Garling is like changing your name from “giant dicked Chad” to “limp dicked pussy” lmfao

Why would you do this to yourself?


1 admiral + 5 Gorosei + new Pacifistas + how many warships again, maybe around 30,000 fodders? + 9 VAs fail to capture 1 Yonko and his main core, not even with ALL their military power.

And people thinking the Marines can beat Kaido in his own territory. LMAO
& seraphim all on their side plus cp0 with Lucci vs what a total of what 20?
Well, the fact marines have been able to maintain peace in the world while not having any wars, succeeding in every buster call or major program they had and winning the only war in his time as FA speaks for a good FA. Yes, pirates are running rampage but we only know stories about the grand line which is filled with the strongest pirates. 99% of the pirates are in the 4 blues and they all usually get smoked by the marines when caught which is why most islands are peaceful and pirate invasions are rare. For such a massive world with 10 million islands, marines have done a great job. Even in the grand line, they've managed to maintain peace in a good amount of islands in Paradise. It's really only the New World they've failed at and because that's the strongest of the strongest. in the context of the amount of pirates overall, New World Pirates are all part of the top 0.01%. Calling Sengoku or the marines out for not maintaining control is like calling someone dumb for not outsmarting an MIT/Stanford graduate when they've outsmarted most people from every other university in the world. He may have done nothing individually that's impressive for a top tier but he's done a good job as FA considering he's been in the most volatile era with pirates running rampant
& seraphim all on their side plus cp0 with Lucci vs what a total of what 20?
Holy shit, how could I have forgotten that? Seraphim + CP0 on their side.

Let's also remember that no one died, deaths were one of the reasons that according to admiral fans made the arc bad (WCI, WANO, DRESSROSA), but damn: 1 admiral + 5 Gorosei + new Pacifistas + how many warships again, maybe around 30,000 fodders? + 9 VAs + Seraphim + Lucci, Kaku (Cp0) fail to capture 1 Yonko and his main core, not even with ALL their military power. No one died. :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

The Navy is stronger than ever under Sakazuki's leadership only 2 years, isn't it suspicious

How the Navy rebound from a war + losing an Admiral + losing it's HQ so soon?

Was the cracker merchant simply incomptent?

Marines were stronger due to Vegapunk's new weapons:

Lakainu can't even control Fujitora properly.

Sengoku was controlling all 3 of his Admirals.
On paper they're indeed stronger: lost 1 admiral (Kuzan) but got 2 more (Issho and Aramaki), supposedly got a good number of marines promoted to higher positions (e.g.: Smoker and T-Bone), thus also implying that they got stronger, but so far they have shown nothing indeed. The world is in deep turmoil right now.