Speculations What will Scopper Gaban’s “King” title be?

You know, it actually might be more interesting than you might expect? Especially if you look at the original Japanese.

In Japanese, Rayleigh's "Dark King" title is actually Mei-o (冥王). Which is "Deep/Dark King" or "King of the Underworld". Which is also close to the Japanese name of Pluto, Meiousei.

And Roger's title "King of the Pirates", is actually Kaizoku-o (海賊王). Which, if you run it through Google Translate, actually translates as "One Piece" in Chinese. Which is a interesting piece of trivia I didn't know. And if you take each "letter" separately, it translates to "Ocean Thief King". So...it kind of gives you a connection to Poseidon or Neptune, which is Kaiousei in Japanese.

We have "The King of the Sea" and the "King of the Underworld". Both giving us ties to two of the Ancient Weapons.

So, I'm guessing the next in line on Roger's crew would have the title of "King of the Sky" or "King of Heaven", linking him to Uranos. Uranus is Tennousei in Japanese. So Scopper's title should be Tenn-o (天王), in Japanese.

Could just be a coincidence. Or it could be a pattern. We'll have to see, if Scopper actually shows up or not.
Interesting break down. King of sea and King of underworld fits roger and ray.
After Gold and Silver you’d expect Bronze, but he got only (S)copper which doesn’t work quite as well

If I go by this record his King epithet will be not that highsounding compared to Pirate/Dark King.
Axe King??
This is assuming that he will have a King title which is far from given btw
After Gold and Silver you’d expect Bronze, but he got only (S)copper which doesn’t work quite as well

If I go by this record his King epithet will be not that highsounding compared to Pirate/Dark King.
Axe King??
This is assuming that he will have a King title which is far from given btw
Bronze wouldn’t work at all cause it’s not a precious metal.

Gold silver and copper standard is a common tv trope for precious metals for currencies