I didnt expect this thread to cause this much crying and free salt but if anyone wonders why that is - because nobody can debunk the points I made in the opening post and yall are fuming that a single underling can wreck the HQ of an Emperor and there is nothing they can do. That's how powerful the strongest race in One Piece world is. And King is the mightiest among them.
Lol, are people so stupid to argue that King takes on a whole ass Yonko crew minus the Yonko, when Kaido HIMSELF was freaking out over an all out war against Big Mom and a bit of her military force? Heck, I was clearly wasting my time debating with these idiots in the past few weeks.
King gets pinned down, thrown into the book or mirror world and the crew calls it a quit. Or if he is refusing to change into speed mode. They're throwing his ass to the sea.
King gets pinned down?
How? Who will do that? Freaking Yuen?
Let's say they magically teleport him from the sky down on the ground. Jackpot triggers and nukes everyone present...
I am not even mad, it is amazing. And I haven't excluded Big Mom. What is she going to do against a flier like King? Other than get mad.
I swear, these ZBoys like nik87, Fleet Leader Fenaker, mly90, HA001, and whoever else are nothing but one hivemind.
It's honestly kind of creepy.
Page 6 and you still are fuming instead of trying to debunk the points I made.
At times it’s almost seem like there competing to see who can say the most outlandish thing
@nik87 was literally arguing the other day Magma intangible. Just to save a failing argument
Try addressing my points instead of joking around.
Jokes will not debunk them, you got to put in some effort.
I wonder who’s going to be the next pica/king loser y’all gonna wank
Some are already trying to prepping Shiryu wank so only zoro will be capable of beating him lol. They’ve been doing the same with mihawk for years and years thinking about it lol
- You can only beat pica if your name is zoro or your mihawk
- Pica being your average mid tier
- You can only beat king if your name is zoro or your mihawk
- King being your average high tier
- You can only beat mihawk if your name is or your mihawk
- Mihawk being your average top tier
If Linlin ends up returning to elbaf it’d be funny if the next one is smoothie lol. Based on how much they shit on his opponents before he ends up fighting them it fits the pattern
Sounds like someone is mad that in the arc focused on the toughest people in the world, King stole the show not from one but from both of the Emperors who were supposedly the toughest out there...
Without BM the BMP don't stand a chance.
Include BM. No reason to exclude her.
She cannot stop King, she has no means for it.
He is vastly outclassing her in all the relevant stats.
This entire thread was created out of desperation that King cannot beat Cracker.
It was created to show that King can wipe out the entire bloodline and there is nothing they can do to stop him.
These kinds of overwanked character threads are really annoying.
There is no wank, all the points I listed are valid points and nobody has addressed them.
And what happen after you clown?
He got send back without even see a glimps of the Navy and Whitebeard, why?
Shanks and his crew throw him out.
Where was King then?
I am glad you acknowledge that it takes the full Yonko crew to stop King and Kaido alone.
Are you sure this is a bad look for King and Kaido?
Finally mods are calling out those Zororetards and these ridiculous terrible threads. God maybe something will change and we can discuss more proper threads and not live in someone else's "what if world".
I am clearly reading a different manga than those zoro retards. And I am reading the manga the correct way.
Mods have joined the crying squad instead of trying to address the points I made.
No amount of crying can help, whether it is from mods or non-mods.
Points have to be addressed or concession accepted.
Just you wait until they start claiming the janitor can solo the entire Rocks crew
Just you wait until you realize that he actually can...