I lowkey took an insane W on my giant skepticism but no one is glazing me

Cruel world
I was skeptical as well, already back in WCI and after seeing the performances of giants before the timeskip I was already sure that the giants of Elbaf were far from being as formidable as described by others, just like I was skeptical about the samurais, which only reinforced me in my belief when I was proven right about the samurai in Wano.
People give YC1 level too easily nowadays.
Gunko is no more than YC2 til she shows feats against characters that can actually use haki let alone defend themselves.
Gunko looks like the FM/RH of Shamrock. Plus her ability is crazy OP. Doesn't seem like stretch to put her above YC1 and around low top tier.
Besides YC1 is nothing special in current storyline. Commander level is basically fodder now