This Mural literally draws exactly what i mentioned almost 2 Years ago, those aren't just Villains or Allies, They are Living Kingdoms,
You can see in my Post here:
I said that Ancient Kingdom isn't only World Kingdom, it's One of Three,
I said that those Kingdoms are Giant Brook-Like Skull Monster, Giant Dragon/Serpent & Giant Tree,
It can't be a Coincidence, no way i could have predicted these Three Worlds unless my Analysis is on right path,
Each of these Kingdoms gave birth to Three smaller ones (Just like Moon & Birka, Shandia, Skypiea Story but times Three),
And then it's just Skypiea Arc all over again, (I even mentioned that it's similar to Brook & Laboon Story, meaning a Meeting that must Happen & a Sound to be heard)
That Sun is like Golden Bell while those Stars are like Rest of Gold & those People are farming them for Someone, just like Enel with Maxim,
So Final Villain isn't drawn here, don't expect Children or Books to mention/draw him,
Instead He is the one who is manipulating all these Events, but at least this Drawing/Book shows all his Victims, there is not a single Villain in this Pic