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  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Both of them surviving this was bullshit lol

Haki functions as an Electromagnetic Barrier, which is why it allows people to take on some ridiculous force like this and redirect it.

Ya know.

I think it's finally time for me to make a thread detailing the Electromagnetism of Haki.

I LOATHE to say this next statement, and I mean this, I hate it: Rootbeer was correct, in that there is Diverging, and Converging Haki. I don't agree with his interpretations of it, but, there is "Outward" Haki, and "Inner" Haki, just as the Tao/Yin Yang operate on "In" and "Out".

Offensive use of physical Haki operates off of Yang, "Out". Defensive use of Haki operates off of Yin, "In."

Armament = Body.
Observation = Mind.
Conqueror's = Spirit.

At the very least Haki as a power system in entrenched in Buddhist philosophy, hence Zoro and Kaido's Buddhist themes.

The thread will heavily dive into Luffy, Zoro, and Kaido as representations of Buddhist/Eastern spiritual philosophy.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
BM using more haki on P1 vs here when punching law was ridiculous.
Nah, it fits her character. Linlin as a whole is a kind person, and doesn't have a real reason to hate Kidd/Law. Kidd beat up one of her kids, sure, but Linlin lets that go a lot.

Linlin only tries to kill people when she is seriously enrage, or hungry.

Kidd and Law didn't do anything to her to piss her off that much.

Page One and Ulti attacked a child (Linlin is weak to children emotionally, we know this from Prometheus), who had fed Linlin (Linlin is a failed Luffy, and automatically gains loyalty for anyone who feeds her when she's hungry - this was shown in Udon when, rather than raging over her hunger, Linlin was raging over the Oshiruko being eaten, because she wanted to share it with O-Tsuru and Okobore Town after they fed her), who Linlin considers to be a friend.

Hurting a child + hurting her friend + hurting someone who helped feed her is like the ultimate recipe to make Linlin hate your guts.

Page One got wrecked because he's an asshole who's willing to murder children. Law and Kidd got knocked out, then left for dead before their 2nd wind/Awakenings.

If Law and Kidd had tried to kill Tama or some shit, Linlin would have noped them out of Onigashima, too.

Linlin is like Luffy in that she fights for others more than herself. If you attack her, it's whatever. If you attack her friends/property she values highly (Straw Hat = Food here), she will erase you.
Nah, it fits her character. Linlin as a whole is a kind person, and doesn't have a real reason to hate Kidd/Law. Kidd beat up one of her kids, sure, but Linlin lets that go a lot.

Linlin only tries to kill people when she is seriously enrage, or hungry.

Kidd and Law didn't do anything to her to piss her off that much.

Page One and Ulti attacked a child (Linlin is weak to children emotionally, we know this from Prometheus), who had fed Linlin (Linlin is a failed Luffy, and automatically gains loyalty for anyone who feeds her when she's hungry - this was shown in Udon when, rather than raging over her hunger, Linlin was raging over the Oshiruko being eaten, because she wanted to share it with O-Tsuru and Okobore Town after they fed her), who Linlin considers to be a friend.

Hurting a child + hurting her friend + hurting someone who helped feed her is like the ultimate recipe to make Linlin hate your guts.

Page One got wrecked because he's an asshole who's willing to murder children. Law and Kidd got knocked out, then left for dead before their 2nd wind/Awakenings.

If Law and Kidd had tried to kill Tama or some shit, Linlin would have noped them out of Onigashima, too.

Linlin is like Luffy in that she fights for others more than herself. If you attack her, it's whatever. If you attack her friends/property she values highly (Straw Hat = Food here), she will erase you.
That sounds like the kind of bs excuse Oda would write to justify something ridiculous that happened in the manga.

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
That sounds like the kind of bs excuse Oda would write to justify something ridiculous that happened in the manga.
Name me a character Linlin has killed or severely incapacitated while not enraged over her emotions or hunger.

Law got shot with lead bullets, tied to a chair for who knows how long without any functional medical attention, got shot more, lost an arm, and still survived against Doffy.

Kidd and Killer survived a 2v1 against Kaido.

No idea why people think a few rounds with an unserious Linlin trying to get back to Luffy is the same.

Linlin WANTS a peaceful world where everyone gets along. She only kills people if she really hates their guts.

As she said herself "Even Pirates have a code of honor!"

That's what makes Linlin interesting, the fact that her concept of piracy is just as warped as Luffy's is.