General & Others What can Sanji do/learn to reach the levels that the fandom expects him to reach post 1139?

I know y'all think I hate Sanji because I think he’s ass but he’s clearly the most interesting Strawhat to discuss because of the ambiguity in his strength. So in this thread I’m not bashing him but curious to what you think Sanji needs to reach the levels that the current fandom is expecting him to reach?

In my opinion:
1. Future Sight - This would be great for Sanjis fighting style and really complement his speed. The reason I say that is because speed seems to be the best counter to FS but if the user is as fast as Sanji it’ll be almost impossible to outspeed him.

2. ACoA Internal Destruction - This would add a lot to Sanji’s fighting style. He is a CQC master that focuses on potency as opposed to AOE so this would add to the potency of his attacks and allow him to bypass the defenses of characters like Kaido and Big Mom.

There are a few more things that would really push him over the edge but I don’t think are necessary like:

ACoC - just to add power (but Oda can already buff his attack power however much he wants.

Ranged Attacks - But his speed should allow him to blitz most characters to dodge or attack which can cover range.

I think the two points earlier should be enough to get him to low top tier or maybe even mid. Mind you, in my opinion low top tiers are people like Law and mid top tier would be someone like Kizaru.
He already has his own Version of Gear 1, 2 & 3
Now He needs a Temporary 100% Form where He exhausts all his Haki or Power similar to Gear 4 or King of Hell,
He also needs a Form that is beyond his Limits, similar to Gear 5 or Asura,
And He also needs Adv. CoC or Equivalent Power

I have no doubt that He can become as Strong as Chapter 1000 Luffy (Gears up to 4),
But it's Doubtful if He really does have CoC or Equivalent Power & also something similar to God/Demon Form like Gear 5 & Asura,
Let's wait & see
this is like the third thread of yours I posted in

this is like your 50th Sanji thread

If you really want to compare I could just search your un and Sanji in it lol.

You act like a scorn lover
Maybe you should read the thread. I literally said I find Sanji to be the most interesting character to discuss.
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That’s what it’s going to be. Odas going to make the power of love a broken power system just like he did with Haki.
I doubt it but give me an example of what you think it could be. As long as it’s not corny I won’t complain.
Maybe you should read the thread. I literally said I find Sanji to be the most interesting character to discuss.
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I doubt it but give me an example of what you think it could be. As long as it’s not corny I won’t complain.
Well we know the power of love is a legit thing since Oda specified in SBS 62 that garps fist of love isn’t haki.

Not sure what it is just yet but from everything we’re told it’s basically the power to do the impossible.
1. Altering DNA
2. Dispersing light
3. Awakening from a vegetative state
4. Fucking a giant

I’m sure Oda will flesh it out a bit more but as of now shits random and it does whatever he wants.
Well we know the power of love is a legit thing since Oda specified in SBS 62 that garps fist of love isn’t haki.

Not sure what it is just yet but from everything we’re told it’s basically the power to do the impossible.
1. Altering DNA
2. Dispersing light
3. Awakening from a vegetative state
4. Fucking a giant

I’m sure Oda will flesh it out a bit more but as of now shits random and it does whatever he wants.
Oda doing whatever we absolutely agree on
Too many boring ideas in thread. No, Sanji's next power up isn't going to be something Luffys had for nearly 300 chapters like Future sight. Nor is it gonna be acoc or internal destruction just so he could be an inferior version of Luffy.

Haki also sucks visually, like it is just adding sparks to hits. Basically what ifrit jambe is. It's already bad enough his upgrade looks basically the same as his technique from 800 chapters ago in a black/white manga. Hence why no one could tell he was using ifrit hell memories or his regular hell memories without dialogue in that Egghead combo attack.

There has to be better options that could actually make him unique.

-He has an exoskeleton. Surely there's more use to it that just being hard and using like basic tekkai?
If he can bend his body back into shape vs Queen, then that means he can bend it into something else too. It's basically a paramecia fruit, Oda should be able to come up with something creative.

-Power of love should be unique to him in crew and hopefully gets explained soon

-Oda did imply his flames are special multiple times but currently it's not that impressive seeing as how it did nothing to Balloon Luffy.
But also, simply hotter flames doesn't matter cause it's not like Oda's gonna have Sanji melting people in fights. His next enemies will tank his kicks making the flames look weak or they get 1shot and die? There's no middle ground with flames. I'm also just tired of seeing diable/ifrit/the next jambe. Do something new with those flames already.