Sure, he'll be a top tier, above Admirals and Goroseis, what's the issue with believing he could defeat Mihawk?. Won't be easy, won't always be a guaranteed victory, but he can win. But I guess we'll just have to wait for Oda to drop another nuclear chapter on the fandom so they can understand.
if he’s literally one of the last characters to go down? No. I expect Zoro to barely beat him regardless of where they fight and I think Sanji will only be slightly weaker. Not enough for me to him above Mihawk.
if he loses before the WG battle? Yeah. At that point both zoro and Sanji will have long surpassed him to go into another level
Depend when Mihawk fall
If he fall before the final arc (like in the battle for the One Piece as some theorized) then I can see EOS Sanji beating him extreme diff
If he Zoro last fight at the very end then I don't see Sanji beating him
Even being stronger than Luffy, considering 7>9, Sanji is still weaker than Mihawk.
Zoro is #1.
Mihawk is #2.
3, 4, 5 and 6 are up for debate.
7 is Sanji, unknown 8.
Luffy at #9.
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