Questions & Mysteries Who are Whitebeard's two wings against Gaban and Rayleigh?

It’s time the world understands the greatness of the WBP

Young Marco vista and Jozu are seriously on another pedestal of level as commanders

they literally have the most top tier confrontation under their belt

Ray, Gaban, Kizaru, Aokiji, Mihawk

Time to put on some respect on these mfuckers , they’re stronger than your favorite Yonko commanders
WB had an ensemble of powerful commanders who were stronger than any Roger pirate bar the metal trio. But Roger had two legends as his right and left hand men. Roger~WB>Ray~Gab>Marco~Jozu~Vista>rest of the WB pirates>~rest of the Roger pirates. That's probably how it balanced out. The Roger pirates were very top heavy while the WB pirates had an overall better balance, but the distance between WB and his strongest commanders was much bigger than the one between Roger and his top two because they were grouped up with him in a trio. Plus quantity wise WB probably had Roger beat.
WB had an ensemble of powerful commanders who were stronger than any Roger pirate bar the metal trio. But Roger had two legends as his right and left hand men. Roger~WB>Ray~Gab>Marco~Jozu~Vista>rest of the WB pirates>~rest of the Roger pirates. That's probably how it balanced out. The Roger pirates were very top heavy while the WB pirates had an overall better balance, but the distance between WB and his strongest commanders was much bigger than the one between Roger and his top two because they were grouped up with him in a trio. Plus quantity wise WB probably had Roger beat.
Marco and Jozu were rookies and weak
They weren't abkve any roger pirate
They fought Buggy and Shanks 30 years ago

I always view Oden as his own King and never really consider as a permanent part of either the WB or Roger’s crew.

But technically his “wings” are Marco and Jozu

Ace is more of a successor than a subordinate in my opinion