Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1140 Spoilers Discussion

How strong was Prime Gaban ?

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Again bullshit example.

Luffy made the comparison since sanji is a pervert.

Role, fightstyle, the fact that he gets pussy all goes against him being sanji like.
Are we serious right now? He’s clearly Sanjis parallel. Rogers not a one for one Parallel to Luffy either in terms of fighting style. But their characteristics match. Strength and Character are what make Sanji and Scopper parallels.
"Like we would ever do that"

Zoro doesn't want the smoke :Gaban_Smug:
Zoro would cut through prime gaban axes . the question is why does Oda think so little of Sanji when it comes to power scaling ? He’s never there for the few times Oda actually gives it attention. What should that tell you? He isn’t here to even face his own parallel
You not only gonna deny the obvious sanji parallel, but you gonna cope with a DUO SPLIT one saying that he's both Nami and Jimbo instead?

@Roo I think this one takes the prize of Copium Overload Premium.
There is no parallel besides luffy calling gaban a pervert basically.

Gaban and sanji literally share nothing else in common.

Were they both called the wings of the pirate king? No. One was called the wing the other was called the left hand.

Are there fighting styles similar? No. One uses kicks the other uses Axes.

Now again gaban has a flame mark. If he is the man marked by flames his role will be a navigator/ helmsman. That is literally jinbe and namis role
Ok let's use your logic.

Luffy and rodger both from the d clan. Both have all forms of advanced haki. Both have the voice of all things. Both are captains of their respective crews. Both have a first mate that has coc. Both have 1st mates that are swordsman. Both are directly tied to Ace and garp.

Zoro and Rayleigh. Both first mates of the crew. Both have a scar on the eye. Both are swordsman of their crews. Both are the 2nd strongest. Both have Conquerors haki. Both have all forms of haki.

Sanji and gaban. Both called wings (even though gaban wasn't called a wing). That's it lol
Sanji and Gaban.
Both preach about the importance of love. Both left hands of the crew. Both cover their eyes. Both are the 3rd strongest.

Literally once Sanjis CoC is confirmed there you go lmao
Damn, already introducing stupid quirks for the Holy Knights, eh? These guys all of a sudden feel more like arc villains rather than overarching villains. Except Shamrock, I guess, and that's why Oda is writing him out.
Are we serious right now? He’s clearly Sanjis parallel. Rogers not a one for one Parallel to Luffy either in terms of fighting style. But their characteristics match. Strength and Character are what make Sanji and Scopper parallels.

He is going to have roles akin to both jimbe and Nami.
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