Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1140 Spoilers Discussion

How strong was Prime Gaban ?

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
There is no parallel besides luffy calling gaban a pervert basically.

Gaban and sanji literally share nothing else in common.

Were they both called the wings of the pirate king? No. One was called the wing the other was called the left hand.

Are there fighting styles similar? No. One uses kicks the other uses Axes.

Now again gaban has a flame mark. If he is the man marked by flames his role will be a navigator/ helmsman. That is literally jinbe and namis role
You are the only one who is making sense

Keep it up my man


Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
You’re just headcanoning with this.

Bounty is the official tier system of one piece. Law is in the same bracket as the admirals and so is Kid.

You can certainly argue the admirals are stronger, but the difference isn’t as great as people pretend.

Kuzan serves under Teach and GB was WiFi diffed by Shanks.
The gap isn't anywhere near as small as you pretend it is. It's an insult to even mention either Law or Kid in the same sentence as even the old legends, forget the marine freaking admirals lmfao. Kuzan represents the peak of that shit along with Akainu. No way you're seriously trying to sell us the idea that bums like Law and Kid are comparable to that.

Let me put things in to perspective here. Even if Law and Kid were to fight any given admiral in a two-on-one on a fair playfield where things not just magically swing in their favor, they lose 10/10 times.
Both are "the left wing/hand" of their captain, Luffy told us "that's how Sanji will look like when he gets old" and both are idiots that claim stuff like being the "Minister of Love".

So essentially what I said "luffy thinks their both perverts lol". That was the parralel that luffy made between the two. Nothing else equates sanji with gaban except that both are perverts. Which is exactly my point. So you comparing zoro and Rayleigh who have mutuple factual parallels and luffy and rodger that mutiple parralels to a gaban that has parralels with sanji, and possibly nami and jimbe if he is the man marked by flames?

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
How we going to know Gaban has CoC, there are no fodders around where they at anyway..
You're probably the only here who can't tell the difference without the fodder. Ndule might be up there with you, but I have more faith in him than that.

Sanji will be the true king of hell with adv coc nad black flames
KoH title is cringy, so I don't mind Sanji keeping it.

Gol D. Roger

ȶɦɛ քɨʀǟȶɛ ӄɨռɢ
Gaban don’t care about loki he knows he can stop him that’s why he handed the key so easily. He just wanted to see why shanks trust luffy so much thsts all . He saw zoro willing to save his captain and luffy g5 is enough
No, Old CoC can't stop Loki. This is why only Shank stop him. He want to know if Luffy can stop him, then realized even if Luffy fail to stopping Loki, Zoro will.:zosleepy:
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