Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1140 Spoilers Discussion

How strong was Prime Gaban ?

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Sanji and Gaban.
Both preach about the importance of love. Both left hands of the crew. Both cover their eyes. Both are the 3rd strongest.

Literally once Sanjis CoC is confirmed there you go lmao
When was It stated that sanji is the left hand of his crew????

The only similarity is that both of the 3rd strongest and that's debatable if Yamato joins and with jimbe also being a strawhat
We all know Law's 3 billion bounty is BS, so lets ignore him for the time being. Even if his bounty is well deserved, bro's nowhere near a top-tier, so we can't take him as a proof of anything. He certainly has top-tier potential even without having CoC though.
You’re just headcanoning with this.

Bounty is the official tier system of one piece. Law is in the same bracket as the admirals and so is Kid.

You can certainly argue the admirals are stronger, but the difference isn’t as great as people pretend.

Kuzan serves under Teach and GB was WiFi diffed by Shanks.
Ok let's use your logic.

Luffy and rodger both from the d clan. Both have all forms of advanced haki. Both have the voice of all things. Both are captains of their respective crews. Both have a first mate that has coc. Both have 1st mates that are swordsman. Both are directly tied to Ace and garp.

Zoro and Rayleigh. Both first mates of the crew. Both have a scar on the eye. Both are swordsman of their crews. Both are the 2nd strongest. Both have Conquerors haki. Both have all forms of haki.

Sanji and gaban. Both called wings (even though gaban wasn't called a wing). That's it lol
Both are "the left wing/hand" of their captain, Luffy told us "that's how Sanji will look like when he gets old" and both are idiots that claim stuff like being the "Minister of Love".


Bald Spoiler Provider
Gaban don’t care about loki he knows he can stop him that’s why he handed the key so easily. He just wanted to see why shanks trust luffy so much thsts all . He saw zoro willing to save his captain and luffy g5 is enough
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