Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1140: 'Scopper Gaban'

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But who then? As it was hinted Shamrock will leave, are we trusting any of the 3 bozos left to be Elbaf main villain?
Or no main antagonist?
No, the HKs have been pretty disappointing so far.
I think it'll be a chaotic climax with no big villain, just the SHs trying to stop the kiddie massacre on one side, and Loki trying to rampage on the other.
The HKs will get away without proper fights, and Luffy will stop Loki with them becoming actual friends.
However, there's still Mosa to be explored, and whatever the Heaven Realm has in store.
The Harold twist I think we could all see coming. The question is if he was just naive,or genuinely on board with the WG. And that brings us to Loki. Loki is clearly misunderstood and a rational actor,not some lunatic as elbaf believes him to be. However, he is still a terrorist who talks about ending the world. While it was stated that older giants disagreed with Harold, all of the giants worked together to detain loki and dislike him, so even the giants who didn't agree with Harold dislike lokis brutality