It’s pretty perplexing how folks choose ignorance over common sense time & time again. Is like y’all are addicted to taking Ls. Forget your raging boner for Sanji for a bit & use that god given head you have lol
- You’ve seen the hype Gaban is getting from Oda (i.e Comparable to Roger & Rayleigh) and we’ve gotten confirmation that Roger has ACoC . Ray is a CoC user so he can most likely use ACoC as well.
- You’ve seen that he’s most likely not a devil fruit user from his fight with Luffy so like most non-df users his Haki is most likely dominant
- You know that Rock’s had multiple conquerors under him in the likes of Newgate, Kaido & Linlin. Roger’s crew is even above them so on probabilities what at are the chances that Roger also had maybe more than one as well? Zero? 😂
- You’ve seen his portrayal against both Luffy & Zoro. One serious attack had Luffy white as snow in Nika-less mode & Zoro had to jump in with intent to tag team Gaban coz of his preceived threat level.
-You’ve see the black Haki trail on the weapon alongside the bari bari sfx which is usually used to indicate CoC. This trail was shown right before the clash with Luffy so it’s not sparks that came about as a result of a collision.
- You’ve see an image of Gaban’s attack right alongside Ragnarok thanks to
@MonsterZoro panels and there’s literally no difference.
but yh, gotta be spelt out that he used CoC for him to have it 😂.