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Loki's DF is about to be nasty work and I'm here for it :BigW:
Most interesting parts of the chapter for me were the Adam lore and Loki's Hammer.
Hajrudin warning to stay away from it was interesting. Might be able conjure lightning which would be dope ^^
Also gotta be said but Oda's gotta do a better job writing Luffy man, this whole releasing Loki ting for no apparent reason or peanuts at the very least without caring about consequences will never sit right with me even if he ends up being able to stop him. Just feels like stupidity and arrogance. Even if Oda wants to establish that Loki's been unjustly imprisoned there's gotta be proper ground work done first to create a compelling reason for releasing him.
Loki vs. Zoro

Remember that before defeating King, Zoro was weaker but still managed to hold his own against Kaidou for a short time. After defeating King, Zoro's strength increased significantly, that would allow him to hold off Kaidou for several minutes, similar to Yamato. This suggests that Zoro is likely near Yamato's level, making him roughly equal to or slightly below Loki.

Zoro could potentially handle this fight alone without Luffy's help. However, I assume Loki's abilities are related to thunder, which would give Luffy a natural advantage. Given Luffy's ability to travel within lightning regardless of Loki’s speed, he would ultimately be the faster combatant.

I think the fight will be interrupted by the holy knights.
Loki vs. Zoro

Remember that before defeating King, Zoro was weaker but still managed to hold his own against Kaidou for a short time. After defeating King, Zoro's strength increased significantly, that would allow him to hold off Kaidou for several minutes, similar to Yamato. This suggests that Zoro is likely near Yamato's level, making him roughly equal to or slightly below Loki.

Zoro could potentially handle this fight alone without Luffy's help. However, I assume Loki's abilities are related to thunder, which would give Luffy a natural advantage. Given Luffy's ability to travel within lightning regardless of Loki’s speed, he would ultimately be the faster combatant.

I think the fight will be interrupted by the holy knights.
Or Mosa
Loki vs. Zoro

Remember that before defeating King, Zoro was weaker but still managed to hold his own against Kaidou for a short time. After defeating King, Zoro's strength increased significantly, that would allow him to hold off Kaidou for several minutes, similar to Yamato. This suggests that Zoro is likely near Yamato's level, making him roughly equal to or slightly below Loki.

Zoro could potentially handle this fight alone without Luffy's help. However, I assume Loki's abilities are related to thunder, which would give Luffy a natural advantage. Given Luffy's ability to travel within lightning regardless of Loki’s speed, he would ultimately be the faster combatant.

I think the fight will be interrupted by the holy knights.
Currently Zoro is bare minimum Yonko level.

Lucci is closer to Yamato than Zoro, he exhausted Luffy a whole round of g5 that defeated Kaido and was 1 shotted by Zoro.

Loki low diffs Yamato if his hype is real too.
This is fan fiction....
Yeah Sommer being like Garp is based on my own study of his Goofy face upon appearance.

That aside everything I say is right we don't know what kind of power Sommer has yet beside that he carry a sword.

Now its possible That the current holy knife in elbaf are indeed not the arc Villain but I'm not sold on anything yet untill I see them truly fight.

It's possible Gunko sommon more holy knife if yhinh become dire or even Garling himself since shamrock is needed elsewhere but I dont think Oda is ready to reveal shanks dad yet.

Oda might even just say fuck it and shamrock doesn't leave.

To make it simple unlike you guys I'm not going to write any character off based on agenda nothing is sealed yet. I need more info on these holy knife.
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