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Yeah Sommer being like Garp is based on my own study of his Goofy face upon appearance.

That aside everything I say is right we don't know what kind of power Sommer has yet beside that he carry a sword.

Now its possible That the current holy knife in elbaf are indeed not the arc Villain but I'm not sold on anything yet untill I see them truly fight.

It's possible Gunko sommon more holy knife if yhinh become dire or even Garling himself since shamrock is needed elsewhere but I dont think Oda is ready to reveal shanks dad yet.

Oda might even just say fuck it and shamrock doesn't leave.

To make it simple unlike you guys I'm not going to write any character off based on agenda nothing is sealed yet. I need more info on these holy knife.
Nah, I agree with you that Sommer(Summer)? Is like Garp lol. But Luffy and Zoro aren´t recruiting Loki to fight the HK. They even know about the attacks on the guards but they basically didnt care
How have you been bro?
Been chillin and playing some video games. :pepecroc:
Thoughts on Luffy wanting to use a different doctor other then chopper? Is he getting replaced?
Its only another sad reminder that Oda probably doesn't see Chopper as anything more than a mascot character whose medical skills only exist to offer an easy asspul solution to some last minute poison gases. I wouldn't be surprised if Law takes over as doctor soon enough...
Also here we are, on the island that's Usopp's dream, and he's barely relevant in it. The dude's getting drunk and his dream only gets a passing mention as he abuses a wounded old man.
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