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He was literally going to attack Zoro and jinbei if not for Jinbei's 5000 brick chop and still couldn't go unconcious

Lucci is just him in terms of endurance

That's why G5 Goofy needed 3 named attacks to take him down
Attack? Lucci could barely move.

If he had the power to attack and keep fighting he would have had the power to rescue his friend. Since he couldn't even rescue his friend he couldn't keep fight. Rescuing his friend is easier and use less power.
Attack? Lucci could barely move.

If he had the power to attack and keep fighting he would have had the power to rescue his friend. Since he couldn't even rescue his friend he couldn't keep fight. Rescuing his friend is easier and use less power.

Lucci still wasn't knocked out of his zoan form and was walking to attack Zoro and Jinbei and needed the shockwaves of a 5000 brick chop to knock him out of zoan form then finally render him immobile.
The SH have been on a crime wave this arc, GTA style. Usopp attacked the oldest man on the island, Nami is enslaving giants, Luffy attacked Loki while he was chained up, and got involved in a conspiracy to break him out of jail and robbing an old man with his friend Zoro who considered attacking random giant kids, and Luffy and Usopp were upset that the giant kids are no longer child soldiers. Is it possible that the Holy Knights are the good guys here?
The World Government did nothing wrong and the straw hats are the real villains. fr :pepestrike::Luffy_Smoke:

Oh FFS I can't read that as anything else. :shocked:
Haki was a mistake. catded
cope more you dumb zoro cocksucker

You absolute mouth foaming loser, this is what Lucci turned Luffy into

After going all out and using pinnacle of power

And going all out

And having equal clash of Haki and failing to overpower Lucci

Only for Zoro to turn him into sheesh Kabab in a single attack

Thriller Bark Zoro was in better condition lmao

I’m a pretty big Sanji fan he’s my favorite after Luffy and Law

Being a fan means you have to acknowledge the reality sometimes

Sanji is quite literally the hypetool character

A key part of his existence is tied to the Worf Effect. Oda considers Sanji strong (because he is) so anytime Oda wants a character to be considered a threat he uses Sanji to showcase that

He does it to Luffy sometimes too (Kaido, Big Mom, etc)

Zoro very very rarely gets hypetooled

The sooner you realize it the easier it’ll be
But that’s lame
Why does it have to be Sanji? Oda always baffles me with the mishandling of someone he builds up to be so much more and it sucks
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