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Is it me or lately Oda has been trying too hard to make Zoro act "cool and mature" in a way it doesnt feels as natural as before? It's like he's trying to prove a point that he's the vice captain at all times, I'm like ok, i get it. But's he's like 21, it's hard to take serious sometimes if he tries to act like he's Rayleigh's age. I want him to feel more real, but I like he's screaming here a bit.
He looks mature cuz he’s next to Luffy. All he’s done is asses if Loki can be trusted, and told Luffy not to get an Elbaf doctor to help Loki because it’d expose their plan

Nothing OTT here
Is it me or lately Oda has been trying too hard to make Zoro act "cool and mature" in a way it doesnt feels as natural as before? It's like he's trying to prove a point that he's the vice captain at all times, I'm like ok, i get it. But's he's like 21, it's hard to take serious sometimes if he tries to act like he's Rayleigh's age. I want him to feel more real, but I like he's screaming here a bit.
Luffy's the one that is acting out of character, always whining.
It wouldn't surprise me if they end up fighting over some dumb shit like they did in whisky peak.
They said man's is a trickster that be doing pranks.
Yeah he was dispelling his DF powers while he was in seastone chains, really thought ahead there, a boy genius that needed to fight 3 mini lunarians to remember the opponent he fought 2 weeks ago strikes again
I thought in egghead he acted too mature when next to brook and jinbe who are so much older than him
He got in universe scolded by jinbei nami and sanji in egghead tho so oda is selfaware of the shit he is pulling
Aint no way those bozos trying to argue Zoro is smart
"Yeah actually Loki uncuffed himself from the seastone chains, put ketchup on himself/used his df, and put the sea stone chains on again and waiting here since hours doing nothing to trick us with...uh..."

Same guy who only understood after 1 chapter, later than a special school ed kid, that Colon was gabans son :risiflip:

@kekaro bozo shouldve waited 1 week more now hypetoolji is there :kobeha::kobeha:
Pack it up
My favorte doggo is back :finally:
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