Volume 111 - Discussion Thread (March 4th, 2025)

Oda never has enough of ace, doesn't he?
Not really, its the fans who asked the question. Ace taking out a warlord was mentioned way back in the Ace flashback 15 years ago.
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Admirals and Warlords and Yonko all know how strong each other are.

We know this based on Jinbe and Akainu’s dialogue with each other at Marineford.

BM sending Cracker to stop Luffy means he’s stronger than Doffy.

it’s really that simple
This is maybe the biggest reach I´ve seen in my life. Why would Big Mom know how strong Doflamingo is based on.... Akainu implying that Jimbei knows he´s strong? Also, per the newspaper, Luffy worked with Law to take out Doflamingo.....
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This makes me kind of believe Hanafuda > Doffy honestly
Not only was he better in terms of the supplies he gave to Kaido (Doffy only gave shitty SMILE fruits while Hanafuda had genuine Devil Fruits, with some of them being Ancient Zoans), but he also lost to someone stronger than who Doffy lost to (Ace > Dressrosa Luffy). Also Kaido seemed to trust and like him more than he did with Doffy.
I'm wondering if Ace went to Wano because of Hanafuda in the first place, too. Makes sense. Also possible Ace wanted to apologize to Ulti/Page One after what happened, and knew they were in Wano.
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Man didn't go far enough.

Need to light the pants on fire.

@Mr. Anderson @PuckTheGreat @Kurozumi Wiwi @PeronaPeronas @Bisoromi Bear

kekaro said:
If you want a serious answer:
Sanji always was the most triggered character because of 2 reasons:
He encroaches most on other fanbases.
He has the rivalary with zoro (see the recent gaban shoulder to shoulder melty) and he competes for the third most presence with Nami

Shit really hit the boiling point after WCI tho, after Sanji got his whole arc dedicated to him (and even after that got as the only one character focus in Wano beside Robin)

Now we have legions of people mindbroken screaming for a zoro arc, than franky arc, and now usopp arc.

While they hate Sanji meanwhile its more obvious than ever he is Odas favorite. They even disconnect their brain making arguments like Oda hates Sanji making him a coomer or something while oda is the biggest coomer that draws the fucking manga or stuff like gunkos outfit. The last time i seen such coping about a mangakas intentions was when i was reading Berserk and Miura was still alive who the "true hero" is

Its like oda read my post just to clown on people extra hard "Wow i wonder who oda actually likes and is like and its so ambigous, man when is the next zoro/usopp/franky arc??"


World's Strongest Swordsman
In reality sanji was a laughing stock in "his arc" and was slated by a majority of his fans.
In reality WCI, especially in japan, is the highest ranked arc post-ts and a vast majority of its because of sanjis writing.
But im sure the opinions of the guys that were too dumb to tell Egghead was Kizaru character arc and spammed pizza diffed to get btfo by a SBS is really important.:risiflip:
"Ehm yeah actually sanji didnt fight in the arc were the villain, Judge, wanted him to be a fighting machine, man how did could oda write this, he really hates sanji, truely it was not sanjis arc haha" :risisweat:


World's Strongest Swordsman
In reality WCI, especially in japan, is the highest ranked arc post-ts and a vast majority of its because of sanjis writing.
But im sure the opinions of the guys that were too dumb to tell Egghead was Kizaru character arc and spammed pizza diffed to get btfo by a SBS is really important.:risiflip:
"Ehm yeah actually sanji didnt fight in the arc were the villain, Judge, wanted him to be a fighting machine, man how did could oda write this, he really hates sanji, truely it was not sanjis arc haha" :risisweat:
In reality sanji had no fights
Was in the wrong vs luffy
Sat crying broken outside a kids bedroom
Baked a cake that didn't work and if not for jinbe they wouldn't have escaped.

Wci was dogshit. If its rated at all its because of katakuri not sanji.
Doing this fantasy hindsight nonsense means nothing.
I lived through it. And sanji fans got dragged badly all arc and had even his staunchest ass kissers crying. How you think @MonsterZoro got his name. It used to be monster sanji pre wci
In reality sanji had no fights
Was in the wrong vs luffy
Sat crying broken outside a kids bedroom
Baked a cake that didn't work and if not for jinbe they wouldn't have escaped.

Wci was dogshit. If its rated at all its because of katakuri not sanji.
Doing this fantasy hindsight nonsense means nothing.
I lived through it. And sanji fans got dragged badly all arc and had even his staunchest ass kissers crying. How you think @MonsterZoro got his name. It used to be monster sanji pre wci
I am sure my dude that the internal turmoils of WG has really to do alot with my argument about odas writing. I litterarly proven recently how the dogshit takes on this forum means nothing cause they are made by people that cant read a mange for 12-13 males, dodged that very well with egghead/kizaru.
You gonna argue next that because Oda didnt follow the 50 pages of the ZKK PDF document that Oda did read it to fudge it to protect luffy, right? :risisure:
Come back when little bros background gets more pages by oda drawn than sanjis lighter :risiflip: