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I don’t hate @Fujishiro , he’s one of the only Yonko fans I actually like lmfao. He just needs to stop lying about being an Admiral fan and just embrace that he is a true Kaido Stan. I call out my bois all the time. Watch: @SakazOuki @MarineHQ eat shit Qin dogs

It is possible to be an intelligent Kaido fan, we are just still at the point in this manga where Kaido fans need to cope about their favorite character obviously not being the strongest lol. Woki one shots.
Zhao dogs soon on a leash
So one of HK has some kind of mind/fear manipulation ability. That's a great set up for some character development plotline for our main characters, mainly Sanji with his Evil Sanji plotline and Usopp being a super coward and wanting to become a brave warrior.

I can see Usopp taking down Gunko by exploiting her fear of Nika simular to how he defeated Perona and Sugar in the past.

Still wanted to see Loki in action though, so the chapter is a blue balling me in that front.
Who's who + Yamato = Loki
Yamato Thunder Bagua = Loki's Ragnir
Yamato attacks WsW = Dog attacks Cat
Is Oda trying so hard to tell us Loki's DF is a dog type zoan or more bait? because Dog beats Cat is shown here
or neither Dog or Cat because Cat + Dog isn't a real animal
Nika piece going on , all of strawhat fans become celestial dragon fan anymore :)
Even in reverie arc , princess are going together , their subordinates, relatives coming together, all of them just talk about just luffy, nobody say strawhat crew helped us :))) hello yeah nika
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