Oh, I'd love this. Actually fits perfectly.
Franky and Chopper vs Queen and Doc Q goes hard.
I still think York ends up with Blackbeard, though. The fit's too clean.
Also we need a payoff for Catarina touching Saturn. There's no way the Celestial Dragons are going to announce Saturn's murder. As far as Mary Geoise is concerned, outside of the true elite of the CDs, Saturn is probably getting bedrest, or taking a vacation. Maybe even "retired".
Anyway, Catarina and Van Augur can do an easy kidnapping to get Lilith. Catarina turns into Saturn, and finds York. Van Augur uses Vivre Card/Den Den Mushi to teleport when Devon's secured York.
This gives Teach a woman who can make Mother Flames, and Seraphim if given the right resources.
I think Queen might end up in NEO MADS after Kaido dies.