People have been repeating for decades that once China grows big enough and gets aggressive. Then problems will rise progressively. Films and video-games about wars againsg them were even released during this time...

Seems like the USA got jealous and took the lead as a like-wise problem.
The funny thing with China and Russia is that neither of them has a powerful enough navy to attack it's biggest enemies(America and Europe) using an amphibious operation. Meanwhile, NATO has both nukes and a navy capable of attacking anyone in the globe.
The majority of people do not understand how Nazism arose. In fact, most people don’t really care how individuals became Nazis in the first place.

You see, this is the biggest problem of all: most people are idealists.

They believe we can fight our inner monsters with sheer willpower. They think that strength of mind is simply a matter of determination - that no matter who surrounds them or how much pressure they face, they will be strong enough to resist bad ideologies and think for themselves.

Mind over matter. Strength over pressure. The power of will over the system.

And I don’t blame them. It’s deeply reassuring to believe that we can overcome a mental condition, a toxic rhetoric, or a financial crisis with the power of our own intellect. We crave control - it’s human nature. For some, it even becomes a battle.


It’s not surprising to find those same people, years later, raising their arms before a swastika, convinced they are asserting control over their lives. After all, it was always about control.

You see… most people think Nazis are monsters. It’s easy. It helps them cope with generational trauma. But it’s also idealistic.

By dehumanizing Nazis , by convincing themselves that these people were mad, lost, stupid, or mere animals, they deny the harsh reality of the world:

There is a Nazi in all of us.

People do not become Nazis because some sudden darkness takes over their minds or because they turn into psychopaths overnight…

People become Nazis because it’s the easy way.

Becoming a Nazi, a fascist, or a reactionary is not the result of someone losing their mind - it’s the direct consequence of our system.

Capitalism is structured to turn you into a Nazi. Into a fascist.


Oh, I know… At this point, I’ve probably lost 95% of the readers. But I hope my silence was long enough for you to actually pay attention - to listen, for once.

Someone I deeply respected died this month. A true freedom fighter. Long COVID took him - or rather, he took himself out because of unbearable, torturous pain. And for some reason, it almost broke me. I didn’t even know the guy…

His death happened in the blink of an eye. Two months. That’s all it took. He could have been saved - if only the system cared enough to prioritize prevention for this f*cking disease. But no. War, immigration, Muslims - those are the distractions capitalists keep pushing. And meanwhile, people like him die.

It opened my eyes to the reality of death, and how our system responds to it. Our system killed him. And I could be next.

But I’m not even angry. I’m not even sad or desperate. I just… need a solution. I need to know that I’ve tried everything to reach people like you. And I know, you’re just some random strangers on the far side of the internet. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if two or four people start paying attention to these so-called “woke” takes - without letting their lizard brain trigger an emotional rejection response?

What do you risk? After all, you have a strong will, right? So maybe - just maybe - open your mind a little to what I’m about to say.

You know… this might even be one of the last interactions you have with me.

So just allow me this - for once.


Change will most often happen outside of your control !

I’m not joking. This is the most important thing I have ever said on this thread - or even on this forum, for that matter.

And that’s how Nazism happens. Change. Small ones.

Bit by bit, without you even noticing, you start accumulating reactionary traits. You might resist at first, but over time, they begin to feel natural. One day, it will seem logical to hate certain groups of people. It will seem logical to vote for extremists. And one day… it will seem logical to raise your arm in front of a statue.

You don’t believe me. I know. And maybe when I say “raise your arm,” you’re picturing a salute - but it doesn’t have to be that. It could be anything else.

So let me ask you:

Do you hate a particular group of people? Perhaps someone told you they’re dangerous? That they’re vicious?

And it doesn’t even have to be hate. Maybe you don’t hate anyone, but you feel an extreme need to make sure you’re never in the same room as certain kinds of people. Do you ever think that way?

After all, it’s logical to hate someone based on their political side, right? I mean, I don’t hate any of you, even though most of you are my political enemies. But some of you? You hate people like me.

Tell me - do you really have a reason to hate us?

Look closely at what I’m saying. Has there been anything in my political rhetoric that’s actually worth hating?

Again, pay close attention.

For once, forget everything you’ve been told about “the woke.” Try to see my words outside of context and just… listen.

Make a list. Please. List the things you hate about my vision, and each time, ask yourself: "Do I truly understand why?" "On a deep level?"


Why - really, why - would someone believe that poverty is deserved and that success is proof of mental strength? Think deeply about that. What is the factual basis for such a belief?

Is it because data actually supports it? Or… is it simply the most comforting thing to believe?

Because if success isn’t proof of mental strength, and if poverty is an injustice… what would that say about the world? It’s easier to convince ourselves that success equals strength, even when there’s no real proof of it. Right?

But maybe you think that’s too easy. Maybe, on this one, you even agree with me.

So maybe your issue is a little less radical. Maybe you just think people like me are crazy. Maybe you think we deserve what happens to us. Maybe you believe Nazis became Nazis because they were bullied by Antifa.

After all, that’s a reassuring thought, isn’t it?

It’s not you who’s the problem. No, the real issue is the “woke mob” - so angry, so terrifying - that they scared poor innocent people into wanting to put drug addicts in concentration camps… right ?

So tell me - what is the foundation for this belief?

Have you ever actually asked a Nazi if they became a white supremacist because, one time, a woman said, “men are trash”?

I mean… that definitely happens sometimes… right?


You know… I’ve been asking myself if there’s a way to make people here really listen - really think about what I’m saying. Deep down, I know there must be a way. I deradicalized myself from horrible ideologies, so I know it’s possible.

But like I told someone recently, it can only happen if you're willing to listen. Truly listen.

And yet, my brain knows that no matter what I say here, there’s almost no chance anyone will. In fact, most of you probably scrolled past the first line as soon as you saw the length of this post.

I know that Ravager will insult me.
I know that Van will sigh silently.
I know that Bear will once again tell me this is too long.
I know that Nameless will ignore this post. (Hi, by the way. I’m fine, thanks.)

I know most people won’t make it to this part.

And I know that, once again, I’ll feel disappointed in this fanbase the second I hit “post.”

It’s been this way for three years - consistently. It’ll happen again.


But I don’t know. Maybe - just maybe - there’s a chance that some of you will actually listen. Because what’s happening right now is so insane, it even goes beyond everything I’ve been warning you about for years.

Maybe - just maybe - there’s a small, sharp part of you that’s starting to wonder…


In any case.

I'm very sorry. For all of you who are protecting something that is hurting you or is about to hurt you real bad.

I hope you will start to see things and will fight with us one day.
Last edited:
Leave it to democrats to show how evil they have in their hearts.
Gross how trump uses a sick child for his virture signalling while also wanting to ethnically cleanse millions of children from their homeland.
My dude please learn some critical thinking skills.

You see… most people think Nazis are monsters. It’s easy. It helps them cope with generational trauma. But it’s also idealistic.

By dehumanizing Nazis , by convincing themselves that these people were mad, lost, stupid, or mere animals, they deny the harsh reality of the world:

There is a Nazi in all of us.

People do not become Nazis because some sudden darkness takes over their minds or because they turn into psychopaths overnight…

People become Nazis because it’s the easy way.
You're right and I propose another solution: we should dehumanize all humans because humans are monsters. There's a blood drinking, head bashing, mass rapist sleeping within every group of humans, and perhaps in every individual. All it takes are the 'right' circumstances to bring it out.
The majority of people do not understand how Nazism arose. In fact, most people don’t really care how individuals became Nazis in the first place.

You see, this is the biggest problem of all: most people are idealists.

They believe we can fight our inner monsters with sheer willpower. They think that strength of mind is simply a matter of determination - that no matter who surrounds them or how much pressure they face, they will be strong enough to resist bad ideologies and think for themselves.

Mind over matter. Strength over pressure. The power of will over the system.

And I don’t blame them. It’s deeply reassuring to believe that we can overcome a mental condition, a toxic rhetoric, or a financial crisis with the power of our own intellect. We crave control - it’s human nature. For some, it even becomes a battle.


It’s not surprising to find those same people, years later, raising their arms before a swastika, convinced they are asserting control over their lives. After all, it was always about control.

You see… most people think Nazis are monsters. It’s easy. It helps them cope with generational trauma. But it’s also idealistic.

By dehumanizing Nazis , by convincing themselves that these people were mad, lost, stupid, or mere animals, they deny the harsh reality of the world:

There is a Nazi in all of us.

People do not become Nazis because some sudden darkness takes over their minds or because they turn into psychopaths overnight…

People become Nazis because it’s the easy way.

Becoming a Nazi, a fascist, or a reactionary is not the result of someone losing their mind - it’s the direct consequence of our system.

Capitalism is structured to turn you into a Nazi. Into a fascist.


Oh, I know… At this point, I’ve probably lost 95% of the readers. But I hope my silence was long enough for you to actually pay attention - to listen, for once.

Someone I deeply respected died this month. A true freedom fighter. Long COVID took him - or rather, he took himself out because of unbearable, torturous pain. And for some reason, it almost broke me. I didn’t even know the guy…

His death happened in the blink of an eye. Two months. That’s all it took. He could have been saved - if only the system cared enough to prioritize prevention for this f*cking disease. But no. War, immigration, Muslims - those are the distractions capitalists keep pushing. And meanwhile, people like him die.

It opened my eyes to the reality of death, and how our system responds to it. Our system killed him. And I could be next.

But I’m not even angry. I’m not even sad or desperate. I just… need a solution. I need to know that I’ve tried everything to reach people like you. And I know, you’re just some random strangers on the far side of the internet. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if two or four people start paying attention to these so-called “woke” takes - without letting their lizard brain trigger an emotional rejection response?

What do you risk? After all, you have a strong will, right? So maybe - just maybe - open your mind a little to what I’m about to say.

You know… this might even be one of the last interactions you have with me.

So just allow me this - for once.


Change will most often happen outside of your control !

I’m not joking. This is the most important thing I have ever said on this thread - or even on this forum, for that matter.

And that’s how Nazism happens. Change. Small ones.

Bit by bit, without you even noticing, you start accumulating reactionary traits. You might resist at first, but over time, they begin to feel natural. One day, it will seem logical to hate certain groups of people. It will seem logical to vote for extremists. And one day… it will seem logical to raise your arm in front of a statue.

You don’t believe me. I know. And maybe when I say “raise your arm,” you’re picturing a salute - but it doesn’t have to be that. It could be anything else.

So let me ask you:

Do you hate a particular group of people? Perhaps someone told you they’re dangerous? That they’re vicious?

And it doesn’t even have to be hate. Maybe you don’t hate anyone, but you feel an extreme need to make sure you’re never in the same room as certain kinds of people. Do you ever think that way?

After all, it’s logical to hate someone based on their political side, right? I mean, I don’t hate any of you, even though most of you are my political enemies. But some of you? You hate people like me.

Tell me - do you really have a reason to hate us?

Look closely at what I’m saying. Has there been anything in my political rhetoric that’s actually worth hating?

Again, pay close attention.

For once, forget everything you’ve been told about “the woke.” Try to see my words outside of context and just… listen.

Make a list. Please. List the things you hate about my vision, and each time, ask yourself: "Do I truly understand why?" "On a deep level?"


Why - really, why - would someone believe that poverty is deserved and that success is proof of mental strength? Think deeply about that. What is the factual basis for such a belief?

Is it because data actually supports it? Or… is it simply the most comforting thing to believe?

Because if success isn’t proof of mental strength, and if poverty is an injustice… what would that say about the world? It’s easier to convince ourselves that success equals strength, even when there’s no real proof of it. Right?

But maybe you think that’s too easy. Maybe, on this one, you even agree with me.

So maybe your issue is a little less radical. Maybe you just think people like me are crazy. Maybe you think we deserve what happens to us. Maybe you believe Nazis became Nazis because they were bullied by Antifa.

After all, that’s a reassuring thought, isn’t it?

It’s not you who’s the problem. No, the real issue is the “woke mob” - so angry, so terrifying - that they scared poor innocent people into wanting to put drug addicts in concentration camps…

So tell me - what is the foundation for this belief?

Have you ever actually asked a Nazi if they became a white supremacist because, one time, a woman said, “men are trash”?

I mean… that definitely happens sometimes… right?


You know… I’ve been asking myself if there’s a way to make people here really listen - really think about what I’m saying. Deep down, I know there must be a way. I deradicalized myself from horrible ideologies, so I know it’s possible.

But like I told someone recently, it can only happen if you're willing to listen. Truly listen.

And yet, my brain knows that no matter what I say here, there’s almost no chance anyone will. In fact, most of you probably scrolled past the first line as soon as you saw the length of this post.

I know that Ravager will insult me.
I know that Van will sigh silently.
I know that Bear will once again tell me this is too long.
I know that Nameless will ignore this post. (Hi, by the way. I’m fine, thanks.)

I know most people won’t make it to this part.

And I know that, once again, I’ll feel disappointed in this fanbase the second I hit “post.”

It’s been this way for three years - consistently. It’ll happen again.


But I don’t know. Maybe - just maybe - there’s a chance that some of you will actually listen. Because what’s happening right now is so insane, it even goes beyond everything I’ve been warning you about for years.

Maybe - just maybe - there’s a small, sharp part of you that’s starting to wonder…


In any case.

I'm very sorry. For all of you who are protecting something that is hurting you or is about to hurt you real bad.

I hope you will start to see things and will fight with us one day.
Nice to hear you are fine. What have you been up to these days?

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
The majority of people do not understand how Nazism arose. In fact, most people don’t really care how individuals became Nazis in the first place.

You see, this is the biggest problem of all: most people are idealists.

They believe we can fight our inner monsters with sheer willpower. They think that strength of mind is simply a matter of determination - that no matter who surrounds them or how much pressure they face, they will be strong enough to resist bad ideologies and think for themselves.

Mind over matter. Strength over pressure. The power of will over the system.

And I don’t blame them. It’s deeply reassuring to believe that we can overcome a mental condition, a toxic rhetoric, or a financial crisis with the power of our own intellect. We crave control - it’s human nature. For some, it even becomes a battle.


It’s not surprising to find those same people, years later, raising their arms before a swastika, convinced they are asserting control over their lives. After all, it was always about control.

You see… most people think Nazis are monsters. It’s easy. It helps them cope with generational trauma. But it’s also idealistic.

By dehumanizing Nazis , by convincing themselves that these people were mad, lost, stupid, or mere animals, they deny the harsh reality of the world:

There is a Nazi in all of us.

People do not become Nazis because some sudden darkness takes over their minds or because they turn into psychopaths overnight…

People become Nazis because it’s the easy way.

Becoming a Nazi, a fascist, or a reactionary is not the result of someone losing their mind - it’s the direct consequence of our system.

Capitalism is structured to turn you into a Nazi. Into a fascist.


Oh, I know… At this point, I’ve probably lost 95% of the readers. But I hope my silence was long enough for you to actually pay attention - to listen, for once.

Someone I deeply respected died this month. A true freedom fighter. Long COVID took him - or rather, he took himself out because of unbearable, torturous pain. And for some reason, it almost broke me. I didn’t even know the guy…

His death happened in the blink of an eye. Two months. That’s all it took. He could have been saved - if only the system cared enough to prioritize prevention for this f*cking disease. But no. War, immigration, Muslims - those are the distractions capitalists keep pushing. And meanwhile, people like him die.

It opened my eyes to the reality of death, and how our system responds to it. Our system killed him. And I could be next.

But I’m not even angry. I’m not even sad or desperate. I just… need a solution. I need to know that I’ve tried everything to reach people like you. And I know, you’re just some random strangers on the far side of the internet. In the grand scheme of things, what does it matter if two or four people start paying attention to these so-called “woke” takes - without letting their lizard brain trigger an emotional rejection response?

What do you risk? After all, you have a strong will, right? So maybe - just maybe - open your mind a little to what I’m about to say.

You know… this might even be one of the last interactions you have with me.

So just allow me this - for once.


Change will most often happen outside of your control !

I’m not joking. This is the most important thing I have ever said on this thread - or even on this forum, for that matter.

And that’s how Nazism happens. Change. Small ones.

Bit by bit, without you even noticing, you start accumulating reactionary traits. You might resist at first, but over time, they begin to feel natural. One day, it will seem logical to hate certain groups of people. It will seem logical to vote for extremists. And one day… it will seem logical to raise your arm in front of a statue.

You don’t believe me. I know. And maybe when I say “raise your arm,” you’re picturing a salute - but it doesn’t have to be that. It could be anything else.

So let me ask you:

Do you hate a particular group of people? Perhaps someone told you they’re dangerous? That they’re vicious?

And it doesn’t even have to be hate. Maybe you don’t hate anyone, but you feel an extreme need to make sure you’re never in the same room as certain kinds of people. Do you ever think that way?

After all, it’s logical to hate someone based on their political side, right? I mean, I don’t hate any of you, even though most of you are my political enemies. But some of you? You hate people like me.

Tell me - do you really have a reason to hate us?

Look closely at what I’m saying. Has there been anything in my political rhetoric that’s actually worth hating?

Again, pay close attention.

For once, forget everything you’ve been told about “the woke.” Try to see my words outside of context and just… listen.

Make a list. Please. List the things you hate about my vision, and each time, ask yourself: "Do I truly understand why?" "On a deep level?"


Why - really, why - would someone believe that poverty is deserved and that success is proof of mental strength? Think deeply about that. What is the factual basis for such a belief?

Is it because data actually supports it? Or… is it simply the most comforting thing to believe?

Because if success isn’t proof of mental strength, and if poverty is an injustice… what would that say about the world? It’s easier to convince ourselves that success equals strength, even when there’s no real proof of it. Right?

But maybe you think that’s too easy. Maybe, on this one, you even agree with me.

So maybe your issue is a little less radical. Maybe you just think people like me are crazy. Maybe you think we deserve what happens to us. Maybe you believe Nazis became Nazis because they were bullied by Antifa.

After all, that’s a reassuring thought, isn’t it?

It’s not you who’s the problem. No, the real issue is the “woke mob” - so angry, so terrifying - that they scared poor innocent people into wanting to put drug addicts in concentration camps… right ?

So tell me - what is the foundation for this belief?

Have you ever actually asked a Nazi if they became a white supremacist because, one time, a woman said, “men are trash”?

I mean… that definitely happens sometimes… right?


You know… I’ve been asking myself if there’s a way to make people here really listen - really think about what I’m saying. Deep down, I know there must be a way. I deradicalized myself from horrible ideologies, so I know it’s possible.

But like I told someone recently, it can only happen if you're willing to listen. Truly listen.

And yet, my brain knows that no matter what I say here, there’s almost no chance anyone will. In fact, most of you probably scrolled past the first line as soon as you saw the length of this post.

I know that Ravager will insult me.
I know that Van will sigh silently.
I know that Bear will once again tell me this is too long.
I know that Nameless will ignore this post. (Hi, by the way. I’m fine, thanks.)

I know most people won’t make it to this part.

And I know that, once again, I’ll feel disappointed in this fanbase the second I hit “post.”

It’s been this way for three years - consistently. It’ll happen again.


But I don’t know. Maybe - just maybe - there’s a chance that some of you will actually listen. Because what’s happening right now is so insane, it even goes beyond everything I’ve been warning you about for years.

Maybe - just maybe - there’s a small, sharp part of you that’s starting to wonder…


In any case.

I'm very sorry. For all of you who are protecting something that is hurting you or is about to hurt you real bad.

I hope you will start to see things and will fight with us one day.
You sure love to say obvious things as if it's some grand revelation, but at the same time, it's contrasted by your constant denial of how society works and certain factors to how people like Trump gains such loyal followers.

You still got the air of "the solution is for you to listen to ME" which will, once again, make people dismiss you given your track record and rep.
You sure love to say obvious things as if it's some grand revelation, but at the same time, it's contrasted by your constant denial of how society works and certain factors to how people like Trump gains such loyal followers.

You still got the air of "the solution is for you to listen to ME" which will, once again, make people dismiss you given your track record and rep.
I knew it was pointless. I knew it was coming, and I'm still disappointed.

People can only listen when they want to listen. There might have been a chance if I hadn't triggered your reactance biases by calling out this forum… but I don't even know if that would have been enough. Your interest is not in listening to me but following the system.

I don't think I'll be here the day you or others might finally start to understand what I've been saying all this time if that happens at all. But if that day comes, just take a look at the Leftist Library. I left it there especially for this case.

It will start to make sense if you take it step by step.



Something tells me that some of you may be questioning things a bit at the moment.

Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is suddenly siding with Russia. Maybe not.
Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is turning on all his allies and sowing the seeds of war. Maybe not.
Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is preparing the ground for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Maybe not.

If those are real question you ask yourself, I have the answers for you. But you will have to listen and the truth might not pleasing for you.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is suddenly siding with Russia. Maybe not.
Suddenly? Trump has always sided with Russia.

Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is turning on all his allies and sowing the seeds of war. Maybe not.
Trump is trying to destabilize other countries via tariffs and lower funding so that they remain reliant on America. It's his answer for China's rapidly growing economy and America's ever growing deficit. War would his reason to obtain more executive power. This is obvious.

Maybe you don’t understand why Trump is preparing the ground for the complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Maybe not.
Obviously because Trump and America supports Israel. 60+ years in the making.

Once again, you assume things about people to act all preachy. People not listening to someone always making assumptions and calling them stupid shouldn't be a surprise. Take notes from game studios that failed.
Suddenly? Trump has always sided with Russia.

Trump is trying to destabilize other countries via tariffs and lower funding so that they remain reliant on America. It's his answer for China's rapidly growing economy and America's ever growing deficit. War would his reason to obtain more executive power. This is obvious.

Obviously because Trump and America supports Israel. 60+ years in the making.

Once again, you assume things about people to act all preachy. People not listening to someone always making assumptions and calling them stupid shouldn't be a surprise. Take notes from game studios that failed.
It's sad to think that you equate "not knowing" with "being stupid". "Stupid" has never been the way I see you or other people here.

Ignorant is. But ignorance is not some kind of insult. I'm ignorant on 99 % of subject matters on earth and I don't think that it makes me a bad person.

But you do.

You seems to think that because someone is telling you that you are (factually) ignorant on some subject, therefore they are thinking of you as someone not worthy of appreciation.

But's that has never been how I see people here.


You have your answers. They are not bad, they are just incomplete.

Anyway, I don't want to debate with you. This would be pointless. I just wanted to see if some people were ready to open their mind a little. It's not the case. It's ok.

I'll go back to silence.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
It's sad to think that you equate "not knowing" with "being stupid". "Stupid" has never been the way I see you or other people here.

Ignorant is. But ignorance is not some kind of insult. I'm ignorant on 99 % of subject matters on earth and I don't think that it makes me a bad person.

But you do.

You seems to think that because someone is telling you that you are (factually) ignorant on some subject, therefore they are thinking of you as someone not worthy of appreciation.

But's that has never been how I see people here.


You have your answers. They are not bad, they are just incomplete.

Anyway, I don't want to debate with you. This would be pointless. I just wanted to see if some people were ready to open their mind a little. It's not the case. It's ok.

I'll go back to silence.
As long as you lack self awareness and belittle others, no one is gonna listen to you in this weeb forum on the corner of the internet. Thank you for your efforts in spreading facism(not a joke).