Obviously inspired by
@Shiroyru's thread
Luffy: Probably Nik87, I mean the dude is so against Luffy that he even hates on Garp and Dragon as well just because they're related to him. That's serious dedication to the craft.
Zoro: Tie between Rootbeer, Ndule, Erkan, Kaios and Albino
Sanji: Orojackson Refugee
Mihawk: The Legend
Doflamingo: Ndule? I think I recall him saying Doffy is Perospero or Snack level? So he's probably the biggest Doffy downplayer here.
Shanks: Kizaruber Eats or Lee Hung
Kaido: Lee Hung
Big Mom: A ton of people clown on her here, no way to pick one person over the other for this one.
Admirals: Tejas. No contest here.
Garp: Maybe Lee? I know for certain it's one of the extreme Admiral fans here.
Katakuri: TAC
Shiryu: Conquistador, Hellblazer and Soupongo
Hachi: Soupongo