Break Week One Piece Chapter 987: Faithful Servant


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I think most people here severely underestimated the Scabbards.

However, most people are also idiots, overreacts to the tiniest bit of feats and recency bias.

For instance, the scabbards hurting Kaido when Luffy couldn't.
That doesn't mean Luffy is weaker, but rather swords have better cutting power than punches. Plus, it seems like most of the samurai specialize in armor haki. It's hinted they all use adv haki with their swords.
Most people were saying for a long time that swordsmanship is more lethal and efficient against Kaidou than blunt force, though?


Lead them to paradise.
I have been telling you @Jo_Ndule learn how to evolve with further development.
We have all changed our opinions over time.
You have severely overestimated Yonkou and severely underestimated Admirals so this is the situation

You are still in the stage of denial while having depression, trying to bargain at the same time. Good thing you are not angry but I think its time to reach the Acceptance stage.

Just Accept the truth that Mihawk eats Kaido and Big Mom for dinner.
How does this have anything to do with mihawk? Care to explain to me the logical bridge between kaido taking a combined concentrated all out ryou attack( which apparently the same thing oden used to hurt him) surprise attack from multiple high tiers and then some other strong people to make him bleed a bit, have anything to do with mihawk? We all knew he could hurt him and other top tiers probably can too, he was never touted as unhurtable so unkillable. The one who has the invincibility status is big mom with her skin.

I dont get you and your logic shishio.


Or maybe not everyone thought Kaido was some god-level bullshit tier fighter that just obliterates armies.

You can be the strongest, but still get hurt or get defeated by multiple enemies at once.
Don't know about that. Narrator already portrays Kaido as the strongest being so I think this chapter can be used to hype Kiku as well. Next chapter might be the hype of sulong Inuarashi and Nekomamushi.
How does this have anything to do with mihawk? Care to explain to me the logical bridge between kaido taking a combined concentrated all out ryou attack( which apparently the same thing oden used to hurt him) surprise attack from multiple high tiers and then some other strong people to make him bleed a bit, have anything to do with mihawk? We all knew he could hurt him and other top tiers probably can too, he was never touted as unhurtable so unkillable. The one who has the invincibility status is big mom with her skin.

I dont get you and your logic shishio.
Here is the logic
If low tier swordsmen like Kiku can pierce Kaido with his swordsmanship and Kaido hasn't gotten stronger in 20 years and at this point it makes negative sense that he did, then King of swordsman, the weilder of stronger blade and permanent CoA user would one shot cut Kaido with moderate amount of effort.

Kiku and Kinnemon have done with Boundman with relentless assault failed to do.

This chapter is hype for swordsmanship and when swordsmanship gets hyped up, man who represents current peak of swordsmanship in manga automatically gets hyped up.


Lead them to paradise.
Here is the logic
If low tier swordsmen like Kiku can pierce Kaido with his swordsmanship and Kaido hasn't gotten stronger in 20 years and at this point it makes negative sense that he did, then King of swordsman, the weilder of stronger blade and permanent CoA user would one shot cut Kaido with moderate amount of effort.

Kiku and Kinnemon have done with Boundman with relentless assault failed to do.

This chapter is hype for swordsmanship and when swordsmanship gets hyped up, man who represents current peak of swordsmanship in manga automatically gets hyped up.
are you referring to kiku stabing his hand?
Sure mihawk can severely hurt him, aint no one denying that.

You again just ignore context here, the man was attacked by surprise by multiple people and apparently they are using the haki luffy learned, so thats fine. The fact is he wasnt wounded much just some bleeding from his mouth and a tiny puncture in his hand,

Honestly, i doubt mihawk will come at kaido by surprise like these people did. If its a face to face 1vs1 for sure if mihawk lands hit they will hurt alot but so will kaidos hits.
are you referring to kiku stabing his hand?
Sure mihawk can severely hurt him, aint no one denying that.

You again just ignore context here, the man was attacked by surprise by multiple people and apparently they are using the haki luffy learned, so thats fine. The fact is he wasnt wounded much just some bleeding from his mouth and a tiny puncture in his hand,

Honestly, i doubt mihawk will come at kaido by surprise like these people did. If its a face to face 1vs1 for sure if mihawk lands hit they will hurt alot but so will kaidos hits.
That's a misconception, its not Haki that Luffy learned because that does internal damage, Kiku used Ryou like any competent swordsman can but his Ryou and skill were potent enough to break his skin durability.


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Weird chapter....i hope there is an explanation on how they were able to pierce Kaido's body since he himself said that blades can't hurt him and unless he got challenged by just fodders in his life (which is very unlikely) there should be an explanation (maybe the shock of rememberind Oden made him vulnerable somehow? idk)
But as someone pointed out BM and Kaido are acting too chill considering what just happened i mean the apparently invulnerable Kaido got damaged yet they don't seem to give a damn f*** about it....and that line "Il show you the power of the world strongest creature" :finally: i have big expectations for the upcoming chapters cuz it's either they bring down Kaido before the fool moon ends or they're doomed
tbh i think this is just for us to be more shocked when the alliance will be badly crushed.....i'm looking forwad!
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