[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Also @Kiwipom , you sourced my game play from last year and certainly alot of happened after that time. I might have a made a mistake tunneling you because you're new then and it was according to the plan to have me lynched so that reborn will be town cored by town.

Don't use previous games against me because I approach every single game differently so that people won't have a clear meta on me.
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Gambit I'll place him neutral for now. He was previously townie for me, ngl reading Kiwi's post made me doubt that. Not enough to read him as scum, but enough for me to doubt my read.
You're certainly not following the same wagon sure sure? Lololol
You want to vote poison or gambit.
I don’t want to vote anyone, that’s why I’m not voting yet, I’m not convinced enough to vote.

i said if I absolutely have to vote, like if I would be kicked outta the game if I don’t, I would vote Poison over gambit.

You sus cobra more than poison. Cobra coming up as weird by saying he flipped coin and then that bs Sanji reason definitely raised your sus on cobra.

Then why you want to vote Poison who is less suspicious than cobra over cobra?
When I first arrived at Worstgen, I was welcomed by many people, one of them was Cobra... one of the things I noticed about Cobra is that he is not a top tier communicator, like sometimes he has difficulties understanding what people are saying probably because English is not his native. Tris also said he played like this in a previous game, so based on my own experience with him and what tris said, I think There is a decent chance he Only wanted to get involved But messed things up in the process. I didn’t just come up with this, if you reread my read on cobra posts, you will see I “indirectly“ hinted at this when I said he didn’t know how to play because the other reason was just out of option.

You also sus melon, zara and tac. For zara you said, he is more suspicious than anyone of the player whom you read as Low suspicious which includes cobra. So in short you sus zara more than cobra and obvious more than poison.

Then why picked Poison? Why not zara or cobra?
Zara is still on my sus list but at least Zara was more active when he saw people pointi fingers at him left and right, unlike Poison, who still rub me the wrong way by staying silent. Stirring things up and quietly leaving seemed more sus than stirring things up and actively participating.


Ghost Princess
Also @Kiwipom , you sourced my game play from last year and certainly alot of happened after that time. I might have a made a mistake tunneling you because you're new then and it was according to the plan to have me lynched so that reborn will be town cored by town.

Don't use previous games against me because I approach every single game differently so that people won't have a clear meta on me.
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You're certainly not following the same wagon sure sure? Lololol
I guess I did sort of use meta against you but that wasn’t my intentions entirely. I meant for it to be more like a preface of the case but yeah, I was more concerned about the progression of your vote and if it felt natural


I will never forgive Oda
you trying to evoke pity? Get over yourself, everyone is pointing at everyone as scum D1. :pepeanger:
Putting it there for posterity, so when I’m revealed as town y’all can apologize one after the other.
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Flower's been awfully quiet. Reminds me of her meta in the cat game. Let's see what she has to say.
Flowa was the opposite of quiet. She tried to lead the town.
Also, please provide me reads on othes players. I am highly curious to see your reads on others (including me)
If I do this, I’ll be making Reads based on other players opinions not my own, honesty, the reads I provided for some of the players earlier I made based on my “gut” feeling on how some of their posts went. A lot of the players here have like 70% of their posts making assumptions based on previous games and meta... 10% fluffing and only 20% of their posts like direct statements Involving the game ... at this point in D1 most would give their reads based on gut feeling, i need more time To figure out how my gut feel about other players, you included.
I read her posts well, and I don't understand why you dismissed her so easily. Who will you want to lynch, NW?
A scum wouldn't have any reason to sus me for town reading her, her first response to it was thinking i was trying to pocket her or, that i might kill her off N1. A town think in that thought process, not scum.
I also got townie vibes from her posts this morning(8-9 hours back posts i think), tho i didn't like how she shaded me until finally voting for me instead of making a case on me.

Just go through her posts again, that's all i meant.

Not NW, he is not feeling his usual self. Bt i have some in my mind, you will know when i do.


Lazy is the way
I've read a little and started painting a bigger picture

Yo - reminds me of the Yo from last game, the townie yo :catsure:

NW - I don't think his play style is different from the naruto game tho I did kill him night 1 last time huhuhu

Kiwi - her claim as miller seemed like a natural progression. She claimed pretty much as soon as she arrived so for the moment I find her town. And she was the first to counter Gambit's logic.

Fuji - He's leaning town but the man admitted TO PLAYING THE SAME IF HE WAS SCUM C'MON. I'll lean him town cause of gut feeling.
unvote @Noctis @Rej


Reborn - he's looking town but the argument with nat seems stretch. it's fair for her to ask where you were, many players were asked where they are. Timing is irrelevant too, it was in the middle of the game like everyone else. You don't have a special privilege :goatasure:
Tris - giving good reads, for a new player that looks good but I'll keep her in neutral cause she didn't do it proactively.

Nat - I wanna say she was same as last game but I have a hard time reading her.

TAC - he handled Gambit's pressure well, but he was defending himself wayyy too much imo. I've been told you're a very harsh townie player, I wanna see the fireeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Zara - you're only neutral cause I don't wanna get you lynched day 1. JKJK no I have to say you remind me a lot of last game, but I'll need to see more for my rookie eyes. If it came down to a vote tie between Queen and Cobra, who would you vote for?

Ali - need to see more. @Ali who you wanna put your vote on at the moment?

Gambit - I have to say Kiwi's rationale is something I would have never thought... That's actually an interesting technique and I understand why scum would use it. And his incredible meta change too.

Poison - NW brought up the point about voting for Nat/Zara instead of him. That makes a lot of sense too. Plus I feel she has not contributed in the majority of her posts today.
Out of all the reads people gave I think this one is overall quite weak. Maybe you are busy (no problem if it is the case) but from what you used to do you can do quite better
Gambit I'll place him neutral for now. He was previously townie for me, ngl reading Kiwi's post made me doubt that. Not enough to read him as scum, but enough for me to doubt my read.

Cobra I believe is a dumb townie, but he's not being helpful, which kinda matches his style. But the things he's saying and doing are awful.

I've got a town read on Yo. He's putting himself out there and asking questions and interacting with players.

Rayan's looking better than he did yesterday. He doesn't remind me of his scum meta.

I wanna see more from Melon. So far she's not done anything for me to consider her townie, and she's usually more proactive when townie.

Flower's been awfully quiet. Reminds me of her meta in the cat game. Let's see what she has to say.

Vote lynch @Flower @Rej @Noctis

I'll give more detailed reads later when I finish work.
These reads are not new ones. Bt i like your vote on Flower and you are finally trying.
You're not dying right now, so we don't have anything to apologies for. :phoenixmarco:
Did you buy him being town?
TAC play this card D1 sus card when he's scum.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Zara is still on my sus list but at least Zara was more active when he saw people pointi fingers at him left and right, unlike Poison, who still rub me the wrong way by staying silent. Stirring things up and quietly leaving seemed more sus than stirring things up and actively participating.
Oh really!

This is your read on zara. Please look at yellow highlight part.

Zara - LS: his posts were the real meaning of variety... sometimes he bluffs, sometimes he directs things one way, sometimes he directs the other way justifying his U turn by “now that I think about it” meaning he didn’t think about it previously but found it ok to say something as outrageous as L claiming ... for me, he looks like a scum who was hoping for an opening that he can follow through but there was no luck and when the finger was ”routinely“ pointing to him, he started acting as random as possible to diverge suspicion ... when eyes were directed away from him into the bigger fish TAC, he returned to his habit of trying to find an opening .... then Gambi told him he was suspicious and Zara returned to his acting random strategy .... he looks scum to me ... more than the other LS.


You actually sus zara because you said when fingers were pointed at him, he tried to divert it. So basically you sussed him more than poison despite zara being active.

Also, players can be inactivity for many reasons. So, I don't know why you used that as reason to place poison over zara whom you actually sus for deflecting while being active

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
You're certainly not following the same wagon sure sure? Lololol
If I were following the wagon I'd paint you as scum. I don't know how you play so I am relying on information from others that do, as well as my observation of you, hence I have you at neutral for now.

Flowa was the opposite of quiet. She tried to lead the town.
I remember d1 Flowa being quiet like she's here. Maybe I am misremembering but I want her more involved here hence the vote.
A scum wouldn't have any reason to sus me for town reading her, her first response to it was thinking i was trying to pocket her or, that i might kill her off N1. A town think in that thought process, not scum.
What??? I faked that kind of thing as scum before easily, if that's all your basing her town read on, then it's weak.

Did you buy him being town?
TAC play this card D1 sus card when he's scum.
Of course I don't buy it. :yasu:

No one is town D1 in my book.
Also @Kiwipom , you sourced my game play from last year and certainly alot of happened after that time. I might have a made a mistake tunneling you because you're new then and it was according to the plan to have me lynched so that reborn will be town cored by town.
So Kiwi was right about this being your scum meta from past game. Townie point for Kiwi.
You actually sus zara because you said when fingers were pointed at him, he tried to divert it. So basically you sussed him more than poison despite zara being active.

Also, players can be inactivity for many reasons. So, I don't know why you used that as reason to place poison over zara whom you actually sus for deflecting while being active
If the voting was to be done at that same moment, I would have gone with TAC. Many things changed since that post. I clearly said I’m not convinced of voting anyone at the moment ... at least not compared To how willing I was to vote TAC. You wanted me to tell you who I would vote and I said i wouldn’t, nat said it’s ok if I said what my gut feels and my gut told me to vote Poison.
also, I wouldn’t count myself actively participating until page 30, I said it on numerous occasions, being 13 pages short puts you in an unfavorable situation especially when the first 20-25 pages Are largely based on previous games assumptions but you still have to go through them even if you don’t know what people are talking about is true or not since it’s your first game.

that’s why I told you to give me more time To have a better read on things now that I’m actively participating than to rely on my reads when I was 13 pages behind.
I guess I did sort of use meta against you but that wasn’t my intentions entirely. I meant for it to be more like a preface of the case but yeah, I was more concerned about the progression of your vote and if it felt natural
So what is your retake on that progression?
If I were following the wagon I'd paint you as scum. I don't know how you play so I am relying on information from others that do, as well as my observation of you, hence I have you at neutral for now.
But you wouldn't do that directly because it will blatantly out you as scum, correct? I see a thin wifom in this state.
So Kiwi was right about this being your scum meta from past game. Townie point for Kiwi.
You're not getting the point of my response.
As I said, I approach the games differently.
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