[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Vote Count


TheAncientCenturion > Kiwipom > Poison > Gambit
Yo Tan Wa > Queen
Queen > Light D Lamperouge > Cobra
Poison > NeutralWatcher > Yo Tan Wa
Gambit > TheAncientCenturion > ...
Melontonin > Fujishiro > ...
Kiwipom > Gambit
Zara > Queen
Reborn > NeutralWatcher > Ali
Cobra > Queen
NeutralWatcher > Melontonin
Light D Lamperouge > Flower
Ali > Reborn


Queen - 3
Gambit - 2
Reborn - 1
Yo Tan Wa - 1
Melontonin - 1
Ali - 1
Flower - 1
Cobra - 1





Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I don’t have a primary suspect because my primary suspect (TAC) felt mush less sus (at least to put my vote on) after Kiwi’s post.
i said it over and over but you don’t seem to take it. I said I wouldn’t vote cuz I (my brain) remain unconvinced, however, if I was obligated to choose someone, I (my gut) would choose Poison.
you clearly saw me saying i wouldn’t vote anyone yet you still make me look like I chose Poison outta big planing and thinking when in fact I chose her based on my gut feeling just like my gut feeling tells me not to enter a dark cave even though there’s no evidence of danger inside.
I even told you why my gut chose her even though there is no possible way to explain how a person gut works yet you still not convinced.

Frankly, I didn’t choose from the beginning cuz I didn’t have a suspect justified enough (for me) to vote against and tag the hosts, I even didn’t make anything official with the Poison thing but you keep portraying things as if i was pushing for a vote against someone when no such thing actually happened!

you are being stubborn, from all the fueds going on right now, you decided to take a nothing Situation and turn it Into some assumption-based case Even though I answered every question you asked and even told you to wait for me a bit further for me to get a better read on the remaining players ... all of this wasn’t enough for you ...

I only lynch vote people In two cases:
1- they are highly suspicious to me not (low suspicion)
2- if they are being quite and I want to make them talk a bit.

i obviously was cooperative enough to answer your posts, so I wasn’t quite (even when the game started, the only reason I didn’t talk is because I didn’t receive the notification)

to think you would classify me as highly suspicious because you see me inconsistent with all the inconsistencies and all the tension going on else where makes me believe you want to fraud me.

it’s because of both reasons.

Vote lynch Reborn @Rej @Noctis
I don’t like what you did and I will not be quite about it.
reborn HS for frauding And lynch voting me based on nothing.


I will never forgive Oda
Playing clueless, are you:catsure:
i held off lunch for this post.... my cold tuna melt is on you.

You provided reads somewhere arround Page 13, had few in Red and counted me Neuteal town lean.
yea, this statement is true.

I sussed you in my first post,

then holded back my reads on you, thn you wanting L to claim,
this is a lie. I thought L actually claimed but instead we got this goober

I don’t think I endorsed ever claiming this game. You might be confused because I said something along the lines of me trusting Gambino until there was a counter claim—which is reasonable IMO.
then to Nat saying you play D1 sus card when you are scum.
I’m not sure what this is, if ya mean the most recent interaction I interpreted it as light hearted?
Bruh, am I not allowed to enjoy my Saturday afternoon or wut?
Not after you try pocketing Kiwi n Reborn. :catsure:
I will simply say one thing.

Scum hunting based on my way (asking lot of questions and then grilling players to see reaction and answering them while re rafin thread to pick inconsistency along with that aggressiveness meta of mine and leading town) requires lot of investment into game from me.

It's just not time consuming but mentally taxing because I have to build cases and dig inconsistencies while reading posts again and again.

I can't keep on doing that for the sake of game and winning it at the cost of my real life work anymore.

I will do whatever I can but not at the cost of my work no matter what.
I know i did say my view from your prospective above, bt this also doesn't mean i will be supporting you taking a backseat. I just didn't like Tac reason for sussing you, do your part in scum hunting if you are townie.

Doesnt reborn only have 1 vote? Why does he need someone coming to rescue already?

And how do you know he’s town on day 1? 👀
Because he screams Town to me. Same goes for Kiwi.
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Not after you try pocketing Kiwi n Reborn. :catsure:

I know i did say my view from your prospective above, bt this also doesn't mean i will be supporting you taking a backseat. I just didn't like Tac reason for sussing you, do your part in scum hunting if you are townie.
What's there to pocket? I'm just giving reads.
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@Reborn what are your current reads?
Because he screams Town to me. Same goes for Kiwi.
can you please elaborate way reborn and kiwi scream town? Lots have people said reborn is playing different and even reborn himself is saying he’s playing different so how is that screaming town?
can you please elaborate way reborn and kiwi scream town? Lots have people said reborn is playing different and even reborn himself is saying he’s playing different so how is that screaming town?
There is a lot of back and forth arguing going on between them. For me, this is always a sign of TvT. And if he was scum I doubt he'd be playing differently outta nowhere. Scum Reborn would try playing his usual Meta to not get too much attention.
i held off lunch for this post.... my cold tuna melt is on you.

yea, this statement is true.


this is a lie. I thought L actually claimed but instead we got this goober

I don’t think I endorsed ever claiming this game. You might be confused because I said something along the lines of me trusting Gambino until there was a counter claim—which is reasonable IMO.

I’m not sure what this is, if ya mean the most recent interaction I interpreted it as light hearted?
Well he did claim L. So either he’s ballsy as shit or he’s a confirmed townie.
...He claimed L. In an open claim game.

mid he isn’t L then I’m questioning why the real L doesn’t counter claim.

How come you wrote multiple posts about poison and me being scum but then decides to give reborn an OMGUS vote after he asked you a few questions?

Did he upset you or did reborn actually catch scum for the first time in his life? 🥳
There is a lot of back and forth arguing going on between them. For me, this is always a sign of TvT. And if he was scum I doubt he'd be playing differently outta nowhere. Scum Reborn would try playing his usual Meta to not get too much attention.
He is not playing that differently, it along the line of he could exactly replicate his town self or not, Kiwi sus her for his questions.

Anyway, what you got on Tac, you also town read him. Didn't ya.
can you please elaborate way reborn and kiwi scream town? Lots have people said reborn is playing different and even reborn himself is saying he’s playing different so how is that screaming town?
How about your full read, gogogogo :moonwalk: (I don't care for walls of text, do a summary)
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