[Passive - Man of a few words] - AL isn't the type to write long essays or paragraphs. That is a waste of time. He's not someone who does chit-chat or monologue, he just gets right to the point. As such the player post cannot exceed 50 words. If he fails, he will mod-blocked the following night.
[Passive - Hmmm....] - Surprisingly, the way AL talk is rather complicated and people just end up in deep thought. As a result, he's immune to Trackers and Watchers at night if he has not been voted the previous day phase.
[Active - Nah I'll protect them] - On odd nights AL may choose a player and boost their defenses. As a result, he will protect them from a regular kill.
[Active - Okay] - On even nights, AL can target a player and redirect their actions to the target of his choice.
---[I'm Ending this] - If Al has redirect the same player action twice he may role-crush that player permanently.
[Active - Frame] - You may select one player during the night phase. If the player alignment is
[innocent] then the investigative effect would return
[Active - Torture] - During the Night Phase select one player and then pick another you forbid them to vote for the following Day Phase. Neither they can accuse the later player in any form. If they did not follow then they'll be killed by the end of the Day Phase. However, this ability will be voided if the upcoming phase becomes MyLo/LyLo.
[Active - Sure] - During the day phase, the person you're voting for has more than 7 votes. AL can end the Day Phase and lynch that player. Votes requirement will change depending on the number of players alive.
Wincon - Eliminate all threats to Mafia