Real talk though!
I know I have NOT BEEN on the same page with Oda for quite a while... but I have to admit, these last recent chapters have been a bless for me:
1- My favorite Strawhat Sanji disappeared (Not for gag like Black Maria/Kalifa repeat) and he made a comeback clashing with King of all people
2- My biggest Crush in One Piece, O-Kiku, not only she had great dialog against Kanjuro, and she hyped her blade (probably cursed)... she also managed to stab Kaido.... and I only recently realized by the help of someone here in this forum that O-kiku is refrencing the badass "Okita Souji" from Shinsingumi, the Japanese Police Force.... and that the Scabbard are actually representing the Shinsingumi... Specially since I have always questioned why the hell, Oda is bringing the Mimawarigumi into the story, and he DOES NOT refrence the shinsingumi... I thought it was weird, but with that guy aid, we realized that Red Scabbard are the Sinsingumi representation....
3- Kinemon (probably representing Kondo Isao from Shinsingumi) actually looking legit last chapter with his dialog with Kaido... looking competent... as someone leading the scabbards... cause it was about time the funny gag/jokes stop with him.. not to mention things are going so easy with him and everyone else do the most work on behalf of him...
4- Proven facts that Kaido is NOT immortal, Law's theory of removing immortality is thrown to toilet FINALLY, cause that would make Kaido staying as Yonko/strength so fucking trash... where you remove immortality, and he's fucked
5- Ryuu being the way of hurting Kaido... so that Luffy can ascend in combat level by being able to clash with Yonko and hurt them this time!
I couldn't ask for better recent chapters
Oh, I shouldn't forget that I also cried on Momonusuke moment like the editor said

So touching LMAO