I'm starting to think they were a last minute thing. The Tobi Roppo WERE the Numbers. X. Drake beat Scotch, who references "Scotch Whist," another name for "Catch The Ten" (ignoring the "18"). Then Drake becomes a Tobi Roppo.
- Lead Performer King
- Lead Performer Queen
- Lead Performer Jack
- "Juu" X. Drake
- "Kyu" Who's-Who
- Haccha Sasaki
- "Nana" Black Maria
- "Roku" Ulti
- "Go" Strongest Normal Headliner
- "Yon" 2nd Strongest Normal Headliner
- "San" 3rd Strongest Normal Headliner
- "Ni" 4th Strongest Normal Headliner
- "Ichi" Page One
Usopp had a lie about him beating 10 giants if I recall correctly, so he will hopefully defeat the 10 Numbers by himself. The Numbers don’t really seem to be any stronger than a headliner, with Hatcha having a very underwhelming introduction and Nana literally being a background fodder along with Gifters in this chapter (with him only getting a teeny tiny intro panel).